forum The Labs (Open!)
Started by @Mojack group

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(I may want to join this…but idk because I haven't read all the pages of rp…)

@Mojack group

((I can try and bring Tool to interact with Vey but I can't reply right now because I'm at school, so it'll probably be around 2 hours or so from now. Also @Vampiress-will-have-to-leave-soon I'll try and have a brief explanation for you of what's going on; basically everyone's just getting their interactions in right now but I'm not really the best at explaining things either))

@Mojack group

Tool had exited its cell. While a certain percentage of people tended to assume Tool couldn't get bored, it could; in fact. When it wasn't doing work, it had to be doing something. Tool decided for today that it would interact with its fellow anomalies. It decided to head down to where Vey was, entering the room.


"Hey Void, there someone here." Uriah lightly kicked her side to get her attention. She had been sitting there for a while, her head in her knees. Looking up she smiled and jumped up. "Hello!" She was back to her usual self. "My name is Vey."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Harley leaned against the wall. One of the other scientists spotted her.
"Well, come help us!" He called. Harley put the cactus down and walked over, straightening her lab coat. She bent down next to Camilla, already taking vitals.

@Moxie group

Camilla jumped as another scientist came over to her and started taking her heartbeat, along with other things. "What do you want from me?" she begged, still struggling in her restraints.

@Mojack group

Tool bobbed up and down as if it were happy. While it was capable of hearing things, it couldn’t talk verbally. However, and luckily, Tool was capable of telepathically speaking to anomalies. ”Hello, my name is Tool.” It greeted in return.

@Moxie group

Harley shook her head sadly.
"We can't."
(Harley is trying so hard to be nice XD)

(I know lol but Camilla is having none of it)
Camilla’s anger intensified. “Sure. Sure you can’t. OF COURSE YOU CAN’T. LET ME GO YOU PSYCHOPATHS,” she screamed


A slap was heard when Vey's hand collided with Uriah's arm. "Wow! He can talk without moving his mouth. That's amazing." Vey, was satisfied with her new friend. "We should go play. Do you know any fun games?"

@Moxie group

"What, afraid my blood pressure might go up or something? Don't tell me to calm down," Camilla hissed. "I can not believe another human being would do this. Trapping me up like this, poking me, prodding me against my will. You're monsters. MONSTERS," she yelled, "ALL OF YOU. I am not an animal to be locked up so you can do what you want with me you heartless bastards! LET. ME. GO!"

(Maybe she could accidentally get water spilled on her and it shuts her up, and thats how they figure out water is her weakness)

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(That sounds really good, time for a nameless scientist to do something XD)
One of the other scientists in the room was taking a moment to take a drink from their water bottle.
"Listen-" Harley glanced down at a label on the sheet she was writing on, "Camilla, you have to calm down. We're not going to treat you like an animal! Please, all you have to do is be good. There are many here who are free to roam." Harley put her hand on Camilla's shoulder. At this moment, another scientist bumped into the one drinking the water. With a few curses, the scientist dropped the bottle, drenching Camilla.

@Moxie group

The lights above them, which had just started to flicker, stopped. Camilla, who had been in the middle of yelling, fell silent. Her jaw went slack, her pupils blew up, her breathing slowed, and she sat back. She whispered one word so silently that only she could hear it, "No." and then she was silent. Her only movement was her eyes blinking slowly.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"What did you do?!" Harley yelled to the scientist. She frantically checked Camilla's vital signs.
"Her heart has slowed… so has her breathing… dear God, nearly everything has dropped."