forum The begining
Started by @TrashyBeth_has_broken_her_Finger

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"Just once more my cat, just so all of Gotham can hear you." he winked and pressed a kiss to her lips with a smile


"So they know you're off limits." he said sweetly "some have been getting a bit too close…" he looked away from her for a moment, thinking back to the galla


He smiled softly and gently cupped her cheek "And I love you my cat, so very much. More than I could ever say." he pressed a kiss to her lips, this time a bit rougher but still managing to be gentle


He held her close as they kissed, reveling in her touch and taste. “My adorable cat,” he whispered, nudging her affectionately


Brink smiled triumphantly and pressed a kiss to her lips. He sat up and ran a hand through his hair. wanna come with?" he asked, standing and offering a hand to her "I'm going down stairs to train a bit."


He thought for a moment before nudging her back ontop of the sheets. He scooped her up carefully, wrapping her up in blankets and heading down to the basement


he laughed softly and set her down on one of the various cushioned mats that were around the room


Vanessa pulled her phone out of her back pocket checking the time

A few months had passed and Vanessa was healed she was the only one out of the house and she walked in with now blonde hair that was in a low bun on the left bottom side of her head with a football Leatherman jacket on and a green and white cheerleading skirt with a matching top


Jax was in the living room, just hanging out when she glanced up at Ness. "oh my mayhem what did you do now?" she sat up and perched on the back of the couch.


"I'm failing my math class and the principal of our God damn School said I had to join a school activity and you chose it for me so now I'm a cheerleader and they won't let me have black hair and I'm slowly losing my shit" she said her eyes flashing a cat green


She raised her hands in innocence "hey, I told you to raise those grades up, so did mom. It's not my fault that you had to pick up a sport to improve your graduation rate. plus cheer leading is fun! especially when you let one of them fall on 'accident.' as for the blonde hair, theres not much i can do bout that…" she sighed softly and tried to hold in a laugh "i wonder if that transfers into your cat form."


Jacks shook her head "you're not stupid Ness, you just need a bit of help here and their with a few subjects. Tell you what, if you really do need help with school work, i know a gal who can help."


"I'm just going to do this dumb thing I'm going to wear this dumb blonde hair this dummy uniform this dumb jacket which I don't even know who belongs to some guy just handed it to me and I'm not going to mess around anymore I'm going to get my grades up which means I have to do what's necessary and I have to focus I need absolutely no interruptions so no heroes no villains no Quinn's" she said