forum Soo... Bakudeku anyone? 0x0 (Closed Pm if interested!)(P-G 13, cussing and possibly violence!)
Started by @Yet_another_Dekulover_is_gayofc

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“ how many explosions you can make vefore it hurts.” Izuku explained. “ so where’s your relatives house, I’ll take you there”

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“ your work on it by repeating the same training, every day you make it a little harder,” Izuku answered every question the kid had until they got to the house.

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“ yeah, just like if I was to be able to control ten percent I should try for eleven tomorow” Izuku let his quirk power up the lighting crackling around him.

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“ no that’s my freind quirk, my quirk is… well it’s many things actually, strength speed, support. But when I was younger, I couldn’t use it freely because if I did, it would break my bones. But I’ve built up enough tolorance and I’m able to use it at 100% “

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“ it did for awhile.” Izuku looked to the house “ go tell your family to come out please.”

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( dude that would be hilarious, ) Izuku sighed “ they may not be home “ do you wanna wait.?”

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Izuku smiled slightly, “ sure, I’m pretty sure kachan won’t mind..” he said looked down at the kid. ( time skip to practice)

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Izuku had been giving the kid a piggy bag ride “ see not so bad huh?” He walked over to the seats “ here, you can sit next to my teacher, mr. Aizawa” Izuku said letting the kid down and explaining to Aizawa what had happened.

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“ thank you sir” Izuku said walking back onto the field “ remember what I said? No holding back!” Izuku said as he got fully charged, the lighting cracking louder then when the kid was next to him, a bracelet on izukus wrist flashed green

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Izuku laughed slightly before jumping, throwing himself in the air and falling down onto bakugo, Izuku atemeted to pin him. “ I’ve seen that move before kachan..”

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Izuku flipped back onto his feet waiting for bakugo, “ then do something about it” Izuku said sticking his tounge out, the battle had been no different then when him and kirishima battled

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Izuku jumped doged, just nearly getting nipped by the explosions