forum Soo... Bakudeku anyone? 0x0 (Closed Pm if interested!)(P-G 13, cussing and possibly violence!)
Started by @Yet_another_Dekulover_is_gayofc

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“ now.. you need to let my partner here, his name is kachan, take care of you. I’ll be right back” Izuku said, taking a deep breath to stabilize the spinning in his head. Izuku got stood up.

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“ kachan, please” Izuku said. He wiped some of the blood off his head, “ I need to find recovery girl before I pass out..” Izuku said lowering his voice so the kid could bearly hear.

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Izuku nodded walking over to recovery girl, “ c..can you heal me..” Izuku said sitting down.

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“ yeah yeah, I know. Atleast it’s not a bone this time” he said with a laugh and going over to bakugo.

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Izuku looked to the kid, “ I texted boss and got permission to work on the case even after my shift is done..” Izuku said “ but for now we need to get Alex to safety”


Bakugo sighed some. "You need to get Alex to safety. I left my post to come here, and I'll get in trouble if I'm not back soon." He said softly, pecking Izuku's lips once. "Just ping me if anything, I mean anything goes wrong. Okay?"

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“ okay..” Izuku said, Izuku knelt down to Alex’s level “ wanna come with me, I can protect you from him “ Izuku said. Izuku gave a reassuring smile.


Alex hesitated a moment, then nodded. Bakugo knelt back down to the kid for a second. "Hey, if this nerd bugs you, let me know so I can give it to him later, 'kay?" He joked, making Alex giggle and nod again. The taller then stood and left, heading back to his sector.

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Izuku stuck his tounge out at bakugo, “ do you want me to hold you or does it not hurt that bad.. “ Izuku said softly to the kid.Izuku held out his arms to the kid

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“ okay, but just let me know if anything hurts okay” Izuku said slightly worried. He waited for the kid to walk with him, “ so, you have any relatives I could take you too while I find your parents “

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Izuku stoped and knelt down again, pulling something out of his poket, “ okay.” Izuku pauses “ can I see your arm, this will help. “ Izuku said taking off one of his gloves and holding out his other for the kids arm.

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“ for the heat lash from you explosions.” Izuku said putting some on the kids arms, Izuku knew the cooling agent would kick in, so he wiped his hand off and put his glove back on “ my mom made it once for kachan, he said it helped him. So I thought it would help you”


Alex looked at what Izuku put on his hands, sighing a bit as he felt a bit of relief. "Your friend, Kacchan… Is he a good hero?" He asked. "I mean, he's nice, but I mean, is he good at fighting bad guys and stuff?"

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Izuku laughed “ yes, kachan is almost stronger than me, “ Izuku said standing up “ he’s better with kids than me, that’s for sure” Izuku said pulling the bottom of his mask down.

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Izuku smiled again “ you sound just like me and kachan when we were young! Well, if you wanna be a hero like us, you should start by training. Your explosions are pretty good but you need to build your tolerance,” Izuku said hoping he didn’t confuse the kid