forum Soo... Bakudeku anyone? 0x0 (Closed Pm if interested!)(P-G 13, cussing and possibly violence!)
Started by @Yet_another_Dekulover_is_gayofc

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“ sorry.. just a habit.. “ Izuku said, turning back around. Izuku tried to fluff his hair, witch seemed to tame the mess of hair Izuku had.

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Izuku layed down next to bakugo, snuggling up to him. He put his hand in bakugo’s, intertwining there fingers

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“ I love you too,” Izuku said back, laying his head on bakugo’s chest.

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Izuku woke up to his alarm “ ugh…. kachan.. c’mon “ Izuku said getting up and going to his bag for his hero costume

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“ kachan we need to get up “ he said sleepily. Izuku kissed bakugo’s forehead. He pulled his wrist from bakugo’s grip and tried to get dressed

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Izuku blushed a bright red, “ I.. I do too, b.. but we have to work” Izuku said. He turned around kissed bakugo and pulled up his zipper, hooking his lover mask to the zipper to hold it.

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Izuku smiled somewhat, he always though with as early as bakugo went to bed he might be a morning person, though that idea was thrown out the window this morning. Izuku heard his phone ping from a text, he went over to read it and as he did his smile faded.

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“ their separating us today, there on thin ice with not having enough hero’s so they need at least one hiro in every sector”

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“ I asked, he said there’s no way we can stay together..” Izuku said. He looked to bakugo, “ I’m sure we can handle it, I could ping you if I need help,” Izuku tapped his foot, an tester ping sending just to bakugo

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“ he’s learned you know his quirk, he would dare” Izuku said. Izuku hugged bakugo “ I’ll be alright”