forum so... my first rp. mur- fun!
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@Serpentess health_and_safety language

I see. Goldergon snorted in amusement.

“Indeed. And, ‘world’. We are back in the Material Plane, on one of the many worlds within. Besides that, there is something intriguing about the mountain before us. Can you tell what it is? Shall I give you a hint?”Goldergon asked, grinning mischievously.

Deleted user

"It seems to be home to the only life here." Zai chuckles.

"Would that be it, dear?" she adds.

Deleted user

Zai thinks, then looks closely. She looks at Goldergon in surprise.

"Is that-?" she asks, not feeling the need to finish the question.

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

Goldergon chuckled.

“The mountain is alive. In fact, this mountain was once a man. He was the wizard K’rattle, and he called Lord Pestilence here, thinking he could become godly. He thought wrong,”Goldergon explained with a cruel grin.

Deleted user

Zai grins. "Wow. I thought I sensed rather more life here than there should have been. Nice to know it's the mountain."

She has a thought. "Could we possibly make him suffer more?"

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

Goldergon chuckled,“I cannot help but admire the irony of this scene. K’rattle wanted to be a god, and mountains can appear quite godly themselves.”

He then hummed in deep thought.

“I am not quite sure. The mountain is only somewhat sentient, barely more than a shell,”he said.

Deleted user

Zai tilts her head. "It is indeed ironic. And yet, the ourae were spirits, divine beings in their own right. So I suppose that he is as a god now."

"Very well." she sighs.

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

Goldergon hummed in thought, then conceded with a shrug.

“Absolutely hilarious, is it not? The fool got his wish, but not as intended,”he said with a snicker.

Goldergon shrugged,”There is likely a way, but I simply do not know it. Semi-sentient creatures can be so tricky to judge sometimes.”

Deleted user

Zai chuckles. "Indeed."

She sighs once more. "That is true."

Deleted user

"Let us go to the mountain, then," Zai chuckles. "So that we may teach them that there is more than just Pestilence to fear."

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

Goldergon chuckled evilly, then held Zai’s arm with his hand. He teleported into one of the valleys between the mountain’s arms, specifically the biggest valley.

They appeared on the outer wall of a large city, a dark castle looming over the place. Nearby, guards quickly spotted them, but Goldergon completely ignored them as he admired the castle.

“Welcome to Mystini, capital of the last civilization on Entakor’attle,”Goldergon cooed, turning to Zai.

Deleted user

Zai snickers. "Thank you."

She turns and casually punches a fist through the first guard's breastplate, tearing out his still beating heart.

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

“You are quite welcome,”Goldergon said with a grin.

He then turned, watching Zai in fascination as she ripped out the man’s heart.

When another guard rushed up, Goldergon snatched him by the wrists, his claws expertly digging in and removing the tendons. The man’s horrified screams were inspiring, and Goldergon grabbed his jaw, then ripped out his tongue with a cruel laugh.

Deleted user

Zai laughs in delight, tossing the heart in the air and catching it as though it were a ball.

"Interesting choice." she comments, seeing the guard's tongue between Goldergon's claws.

She tosses the heart in the air one last time, then opens her mouth wide, swallowing the guard's heart. "Let us enter."

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

Goldergon grinned at her comment, then turned his grin onto the guard he still held by the jaw. He stuck his tongue out at him, wiggling it. He then poked a hole in the man’s tongue, stuck it in his mouth, and used it as his own tongue. The grotesque sight of the guard’s tongue wiggling at him from another’s mouth made him shriek.

Goldergon laughed, then swallowed the tongue and cut the man’s throat. After a moment to watch him bleed out, Goldergon turned to Zai with a gruesome, bloody grin.


Goldergon laughed again, then jumped onto the edge of the wall. He turned around to face Zai, then jumped again. Instead of falling, he floated horizontally, levitating with ease.

“Where to first, my dear?”he cooed.

Deleted user

Zai giggles at the sight of the tongue, then follows Goldergon into the air.

"Let's check the local inn or tavern first. I'd like to see just what type of people are here." she replies.

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

Goldergon grinned when Zai joined him, then snickered at her words.

“The twisted folk of this land have only just begun their suffering,”he said cruelly, chuckling.

Goldergon then wrapped an arm around Zai, savoring the moment of them floating in the air before teleporting. They appeared on the street in front of a busy tavern.

Goldergon sauntered into the tavern, where many folk, of a small variety of races, were enjoying themselves. All of them had some mark of the world’s foul essence, whether it was a strange birthmark or a hideous deformity. The most notable marks belonged to the elves in the room, all of which were deformed in some way, and some seemed less than sane.

Let the games begin, Goldergon cooed telepathically. He snickered. I love using a subtle approach in taverns. So fun, listening to the thoughts of everyone, then using that to cause chaos and bloodshed.

He walked over to the bar and ordered a drink from an old human bartender. The man’s perpetual glare settled on Goldergon, then he turned and handed him a glass of an ugly, brownish liquid. Goldergon hummed at the drink.

“Got a problem?”the bartender hissed.

“No. I’ve just forgotten how… unusual the drinks are here. It’s been awhile since my last visit,”Goldergon mentioned.

The bartender huffed. Goldergon showed off his iconic wicked grin, then downed the drink in one gulp before asking for another. His grin remained, and the bartender seemed a bit unsettled by its persistence.