forum so... my first rp. mur- fun!
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@Serpentess health_and_safety language

(Lol! Lucky bastard. I wish I could do it that fast!)
(Both pics are from a website called Heroforge)
(Goldergon in his usual form)
(Goldergon as Ehvara)
(And, I must admit something, these are the only two forms I have of Goldergon. He has dozens upon dozens of forms, but I only know these two right now. Heavy sigh, which sucks)

Goldergon shrugged. What is confusion if not the mind’s inability to accept that which cannot be understood?

She considered Zai’s question a moment, tapping her chin. I don’t know. I never thought of one.

Goldergon hummed, an intrigued grin growing on her face. That would be wonderful, my dear.

Deleted user

(Yeah… it's a gift. That seems like a curse sometimes, lmao!)
(And dayuuum!)
(Yeah… I'm only going to list, like, 6 forms and leave the rest up to your imagination, lol!)

Zai snorts. True, true.

How about. . . he thinks for a moment, frowning slightly as he puzzles through the intricacies of the language. She finally dcides on . . .Wrathful.

He nods, and suddenly, their form flashes for three seconds to a purebred Yuan'Ti male; then to a female Salamander, from that to a Magnatan; after that they shift to a Dryad, to a male Ifrit then to a female Djinni; and many others, too many to list. When she finally finishes, the sun has set. They turn back into Dûnthíel.

I have been travelling a lot. he says, chuckling. And I never realized how much until now.

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

(I get that, lol)
(Big grin)
(Well, I know five out of six. What the hell is a Magnatan?)

Hmm… no. Ehvara is not Wrathful, in either meaning or persona. If anything, it would likely mean… Everlasting, or possibly Songbird. Something elegant that can be warped into something dark.

Goldergon watched, utterly fascinated. She grinned throughout the whole show.

I know the feeling. I have few other places to explore now, because I have traveled so much. She chuckled.

Deleted user

(Chuckles It's an elemental. It positively thrives off of electricity and magnetic fields. It's one of my less complex races.)

Zai thinks. True, true . . . something elegant, that can be warped into something dark . . .

It hits him. Paragon. For you are a paragon of Death herself, dear.

He chuckles at Goldergon's response. Same . . . although, I think that we were hardly ever at the same place at the same time. The last time I remember us having fun like this on a wider scale was at Yûl'tílthēn. Remember that night?

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

(Cool. Lmao, they’d love Lucitius, my half-crazed demigod, then! He pretty much radiates electricity, and he is a master at Lightning Sorcery [which is not only electricity, but electromagnetics])

’Paragon’. Hmm… interesting. Possibly. I cannot decide at the moment. She shrugs.

True. Indeed, I recall! Oh, that was so fun! Do you recall the fire that we started? That was outright hilarious, and the burning folk!

Deleted user

(I believe they would, at that. I have yet to make a character based off of them, though. Probably they'd fit best in a modern or futuristic setting.)

Just an idea. Zai murmurs.

Yes! The screams, the flickering of the flames and the shadows the people cast as they tried to run! It was glorious. I have a portrait of it, as a matter of fact.

Deleted user

(Malcolm? He sounds evil, lol. Jk XD)
(If I was right though, uh… laughs slightly that would be hilarious!)
(Wait- fuck it, you want to do a futuristic magic/technology RP?)

Zai chuckles. I could bring it right now, if you wish.

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

(Lmao! He is one of my few sci-fi characters, and he is very evil. As in, Malcolm singlehandedly caused a nuclear holocaust. And he’s also an old grouchy bastard to the core)
(Ooh, lol! Sure! Malcolm is a true sci-fi character, but I love science fantasy [which is the actual name of the sci-fi with magic genre])

That would be lovely. Though, I don’t care if you bring it, or we go to it. She snickered.

Deleted user

(Lol, I was right? I must have some sort of… I dunno… psychic powers?)
(Grins Gimme a sec… OxO, or 3 people including us??)

There is more fun to be had here, so I shall bring it to us. Zai laughs.

The next moment, a metal sheet is hovering in the air in front of them, depicting a citadel howling with demonfire and people jumping out windows to save themselves.

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

(Ooh… hard call. I’m casual either way, though it’d probably be simpler doing a OxO, shrug)

Goldergon laughed as well. Good point.

Her eyes widened in awe at the sight of the painting. She stared for a long time, mesmerized.

Deleted user

(Grins Aight, hopefully this OxO works out, lmao! 3… 2… 1… let's go!)
(And if pronouns reffering to Zai aren't consistent, sorry! Very difficult to keep track, lmao!)

Zai himself watches Goldergon-Ehvara, a small smile tugging at his lips.

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

(Evil grin)
(You’re good. I have the same issue, lol)
(And you can just refer to him as Goldergon. That’s technically his real name. Ehvara is, more or less, an alias)

Goldergon wasn’t aware that Zai was watching her because she was so engrossed. The detail, the accuracy, the realistic depictions. It was like looking into a portal that went back in time, and he had seen portals like that!

Deleted user

(Lol, okay.)
(Aight, I'll keep that in mind, lmao!)

Eventually, Zai politely coughs, not wanting to invoke Goldergon's wrath.

Deleted user

Zai nods. Indeed, that is the point.

He waves a hand, and it vanishes. Now… where to next, avenging angel mine?

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

Goldergon giggled, watching as the painting vanished.

Avenging angel? Goldergon laughed. That’s a good one. Hmm… hard call. Do you wish to see a desolate world I found, one that is apparently ruled by the Horseman of Pestilence?

Deleted user

Zai giggles suddenly, for no other reason than that all of this was just so . . . absurd.

Do you like it? she asks, out of mere curiosity.

Also, yes I would. Who knows? Maybe we can take him down. she giggles.

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

Goldergon glanced over. The painting or the nickname? I believe it’s quite obvious that I adore the painting.

Ah, but one must remember. The Horsemen serve Death, and one is wise not to piss off the great one. Goldergon chuckled.

Deleted user

Zai shrugs. Both, I suppose, although it is quite obvious thatyou adore the painting.

Ah, yes. . . I suppose you have a point. he grins. But then again, what can Death do to us? We have no soul to take, nor do we have a life in us that we have not taken from someone else.

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

Goldergon snickered. Indeed. The nickname I am not sure of. I would typically not consider myself as ‘avenging’, but I can see how it fits. I am indecisive. She hummed in thought.

Hmm… we might have no soul, but we are not above Death. Never above Death. Immortality does not mean invincibility.

Deleted user

Zai laughs. You are avenging when someone does something to make you feel vengeant. And you have unwittingly avenged the deaths of millions, though a mere side effect of what we want to do.

"True, I suppose. Ah, well. I still would like to visit.* she murmurs.

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

Hmm… She shrugged. I suppose. Though, I have never truly been vengeful, unless the individual attacked me specifically.

Goldergon chuckled. Very well. She then grabbed Zai’s arm, teleporting them to a desolate world that was mostly foul-smelling wastelands, deserts, and bogs. The only surviving habitants existed in between the ‘arms’ of a star-shaped mountain. Goldergon, who was now back in his customary form, grinned at the sight of that very mountain.

Welcome to Entakor’attle.

(Fun, probably obvious, fact: Entakor’attle is one of my own worlds. It’s fucked, lol)

Deleted user

Exactly what I meant. Zai chuckles.

Grinning in anticipation, Zai prepares himself for the rushing sensation of teleporting through the veil between the worlds. She inhales deeply, then exhales, her form back to its usual shape. "Ah, what a wonderful place. Lord Pestilence has truly done a number on this plane."

(Yeah, I figured as much, lol.)