(No! Don't do that! …Did you have school today?)
(No! Don't do that! …Did you have school today?)
(Nope! It was cancelled yesterday for the first time in 10 years)
(NICE! I got out free too! Also seriously, if they don't at least call school of Wednesday with wind chills nearly 60 below, I am going to be so fucking pissed.)
(Please oh magical governor call school off again.)
(Lol. Mother Nature and the school board?)
(Eh, they've let me down before.)
(They usually let me down so they owed this to me. They cancelled before snow even started yesterday)
(Same. I was running around my house just yelling how happy I was.)
I was excited in the car on the way to Milwaukee.)
(It's a natural reaction man.)
(Tony Evers is fucking dumb he just declared a state of emergency for Wisconsin due to ‘winter storm Beth’. Dude chill out, it’s Wisconsin it’s always like this)
(Oh my God really?)
(And then there's me on the East Coast like 'You think the snow is bad? Try having school cancelled for 3 inches of black ice on the roads.' But I actually had school today. I'm pissy now.)
(That sucks)
(Dood. Snow causes black ice. We have it worse)
(Oh my God really?)
(Yes. He’s dumb)
(Jesus. This was funny cause one if my dad's students asked them when does the college cancel classes. And my dad was like 'thelast time they did that it 30 to 40 below.' College is hardcore man.)
(Yeah but at least you have snow, not just freezing cold wind. You get to wake up to a winter wonderland and I wake up to an icy slap to the face on my way out the door.)
(tries to make winter there sound worse than Wisconsin whatever you say doc)
(Can you just let me complain? MPA's are this week and I'm fucking stressed as shit.)
Seriously, I'm either going to have a panic attack or kill someone. Or both.
Allen Alda is old now
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