(Stahp. Can you both stahp.)
(Stahp. Can you both stahp.)
(He's the one that continued!)
(I know, but you didn’t have to respond.)
(Oh, but I did)
(No you didn’t…)
"It's okay," Cooper sighed.
She shook her head. "I don't know what I was thinking."
"What do you mean?"
"When you started acting like that. I didn't know what to do, so I assumed the worst."
"You don't have to completely trust me, it's fine not to,"
"No, I do trust you," she replied honestly.
“Well that’s good I suppose.” Cooper sighed and looked over at her, taking her hand gently.
(It was my sworn duty to finish murdering everyone's emotions)
So, basically, it's like 10+ years in the future, the kids are probably like 11 or 12 and B&B are surrounded. The house has cops and scientists everywhere around it. They're demanding that Belle hand herself over or they'll kill her family, then kill her. They have five minutes to decide. They're all stood outside on the porch and Ryan is begging her not to do it because he can't do this without her. She steps onto the lawn and with tears streaming down her face, sings the last song I linked (dis one https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DmWYTenS5Xjs&ved=2ahUKEwjQ7YiPv4zgAhWRPN8KHYkxCVMQyCkwAHoECAoQBA&usg=AOvVaw3I6URXCFGzIEOLdX6cQl2D) and just smiles at him. She manages one last 'I love you' before she's impaled through the heart and crumples to the ground, dead. Everyone else, now satisfied, disapates, leaving Ryan and the kids to deal with the dead body. And, through heavy tears, Ryan returns an 'I love you too'.Yeah…I shouldn't be allowed to have this kind of imagination.
He pulls her into his arms and cries as he holds her tight. For the first time, he knows she doesn't have a plan and she's not coming back this time… no… not this time. He's left to raise their kids alone and everytime he looks at them he just feels pain and loss despite his love for them. Without her, the voices return and andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)'s voice in his head is too hollow to help him anymore. He can't do this alone so he gives into the voices. This left the kids with a childhood that Belle and Ryan promised them and each other would never happen.
A childhood of unanswered questions and painful losses. And everyday they wonder what was so bad that their parents didn't tell them? Why was their mother killed in the first place? She knew that their father would fall apart without her so why did she do it? They didn't know what to do or who to tell. They were forced into a corner and haunted by the questions and the deaths of the only two people that could've answered them.
As the godmother, the twins went with Eliza. They’d never felt so alone with their parents gone but luckily their aunt knew a thing or two about being alone from her own childhood. She thought she wouldn’t know how to raise these kids, she was grieving from the loss of her brother and best friend, but she did try. It turned out she was a natural mother.
(It was my sworn duty to finish murdering everyone's emotions)
(Gtg night!)
Lillian then relaxed against him.
Darren smiled and rested his head on her shoulder.
Ryan sighed and began the song he’d sang before… or… songs… he used the sheet only to remember the order of the song and where they cut off. He had the chords memorized already.
And life went on. Years passed and the kids grew up. However, as they got older, the two started to fight. The girl wondered why they hadn't been told what their parents were and wanted to figure it out. The boy, however, thought that if their parents wanted to tell them, they would've. It drove them apart, their daughter leaving on a quest to answer the questions that had haunted her childhood and their son stayed home, worried about his sister but content with not knowing the answers.
(Gtg night!)
Lillian then relaxed against him.
Darren smiled and rested his head on her shoulder.
Lillian turned her head and kissed his cheek. She was content with this.
Ryan sighed and began the song he’d sang before… or… songs… he used the sheet only to remember the order of the song and where they cut off. He had the chords memorized already.
She just watched, mesmerized. She loved hearing his voice but almost never got to. It was something she treasured Everytime she heard it.
And life went on. Years passed and the kids grew up. However, as they got older, the two started to fight. The girl wondered why they hadn't been told what their parents were and wanted to figure it out. The boy, however, thought that if their parents wanted to tell them, they would've. It drove them apart, their daughter leaving on a quest to answer the questions that had haunted her childhood and their son stayed home, worried about his sister but content with not knowing the answers.
Elizabeth saw Ryan and Belle in them more and more as they grew and separating them could destroy them but she wouldn’t hold the girl from finding her truth so she stayed and comforted the boy with Dalton at her side.
Ryan sighed and began the song he’d sang before… or… songs… he used the sheet only to remember the order of the song and where they cut off. He had the chords memorized already.
She just watched, mesmerized. She loved hearing his voice but almost never got to. It was something she treasured Everytime she heard it.
He sang through each song, his transitions through them were practically flawless they were so smooth.
(Gtg night!)
Lillian then relaxed against him.
Darren smiled and rested his head on her shoulder.
Lillian turned her head and kissed his cheek. She was content with this.
He slunk back to her side but didn’t move his head off of her shoulder. His eyes scanned the poorly painted walls, poorly painted over what the tumor had done when he painted words over his desk with a shaky hand. He looked down as the hand still tremored.
It took years. Years of separation and silence before his sister returned home. He had to do a double take when he saw her, thinking his mother had come back from the dead. When she looked into her brother's eyes, all she could see was her father. She'd found her answers, but they weren't the ones she expected. But for the time being, he didn't care. He was just happy that his sister was home and alive.
Ryan sighed and began the song he’d sang before… or… songs… he used the sheet only to remember the order of the song and where they cut off. He had the chords memorized already.
She just watched, mesmerized. She loved hearing his voice but almost never got to. It was something she treasured Everytime she heard it.
He sang through each song, his transitions through them were practically flawless they were so smooth.
She blinked back tears. Of course, only he could make her cry with a simple song collection, right?
(Because my heart is dying.)
It took years. Years of separation and silence before his sister returned home. He had to do a double take when he saw her, thinking his mother had come back from the dead. When she looked into her brother's eyes, all she could see was her father. She'd found her answers, but they weren't the ones she expected. But for the time being, he didn't care. He was just happy that his sister was home and alive.
The boy had Ryan’s heart, he loved his sister the way Ryan loved Elizabeth with the same fierceness of how he held Belle. He cared for people and learned music to keep his father alive through a passion that mattered so much to him.
(Because my heart is dying.)
Well that was the plan.
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