Awwww :3
Awwww :3
Can we repeat stuff?
Can we repeat stuff?
That I said? Sure.
Well Dares and I both have an uncountable number of nicknames
We all speak fluent sarcasm
Shade and I love to pick on Darren's innocence about how females think
Those are all so true… so very true…
Thank god, cause this would be really hard otherwise.
I think I'm most grateful for having a support system in my life and being as neurotypical as I am. I might have ADD but I don't have ASD so I can't complain about having a serious illness…
For my friends! For people like you guys that help me laugh and see that each day has a good side, that I always have someone to talk to.
Cough ADD is technically a serious disease and don't brush it off
I feel the most grateful for my friends (you guys included ofc) and my parents, that and the mental gifts I was born with.
Cough. I don't really feel like it is and I brush it off everyday so… cough
I wish I could have been raised to be more open minded. My family can be very prejudice and conservative about things and I was taught to be afraid of things that were different. Like being gay for example, I really would have liked to not have to hate people like that growing up because now I have a ton of internalized homophobia @ myself. Even if I wasn't bi, that's not what someone should be raised to fear, right?
Definitely my parents mindset on what is and isn't accepted. I've never felt more scared to tell someone that I'm bi in my life because they're so homophobic. Now I'm scared of myself and scared for the outcome and as a girl just starting high school, a time for self exploration, I shouldn't be scared of myself.
Cough well stop it.
Ummmmm that's really difficult. Cause I don't want to change anything, like yeah. I like my life. Fuck, it's A COULD I DON'T HAVE TOO HHAHAHAHAH!
Make me, Shade.
11.) Take four minutes and tell the other person your life story in as much detail as possible.
Not on this public chat. Nope. Not happening man! Raise of hands if you wanna skip this one?
Waves hand frantically
Cool, cool
Shade and I answered this one… Jacks?
Confidence. As made clear by the small snippets of my life I tell you guys, I'm extremely underconfident and that's the one thing I feel like if I had, I could be happier with myself.
That's fair.
Really is.
13.) If a crystal ball could tell you the truth about yourself, your life, the future or anything else, what would you want to know?
I would probably just want to know if I'll be happy. Not how but just if I'll enjoy my life or maybe I'd just want to see if I had started a family?
If I ever find peace with myself. If I ever just settle down and just let myself be myself.
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