(Like hugged and shit. Not inappropriately, thought that's annoying too.)
(Like hugged and shit. Not inappropriately, thought that's annoying too.)
(What if they have consent to hug you or hold your hand or something?)
(Then it's fine, it's like when my brother or mom, or dad just randomly walk up and hug me.)
(Oh. I can see how that would be annoying.)
(Yeah, I don't like it.)
(If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one quality or ability, what would it be?)
(If we're doing powers shapeshifting. If not I would like to actually understand people, why is it so difficult.)
(How about you? Top 5 pet peeves and the ability thing.)
1.) being interrupted
2.) Know it alls and/or conceited people
3.) Ignorance/prejudice
4.) Bad grammar (Typed or spoken…)
5.) Coughing, gagging or nose blowing relentlessly…
I would love to be invisible or have like… super strength. That would be fun.
Okay, I feel you on the pet peeves. And invisibility would be awesome.
Hey we should play the 36 question thing.
I wanna play!
Ooo sure!
Okay then we'll all play… one sec.
1.) Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?
My answer: Celebrity wise… Adam Lambert… for many reasons… But otherwise, my grandma who lives in Italy so I don't get to see her a lot.
Ah fuck that's tough. I'd go with one of two people. Either Brendon Urie so he can defend me when I come out or Maddy cause she lives so far away.
Sees question, has immediate regrets
Ummm, my answer would be one of the people on here. Cause their the only people I know and care about, but don't see on a regular basis.
All very fair. Adam can defend me when I come out too.
I'd like to be famous only if I can bring other people joy with what I do. Like singing or acting or something.
Ooo, Shade's answer is good too. I'd love to meet y'all in real life cause you're cool and the only people that ever talk to me out of school.
I'd love to be famous for my writing or acting. But being famous in general? Probably not. Being in the spotlight like that all the time makes me panic.
I hope to be famous as an author, and I could help and support people a lot easier with fame behind me.
I do sometimes! Phone calls make me a little anxious so if I don't have a plan on what I'm gonna say then I fear the awkward silence.
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