forum "OH MY GOD......WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!?!?!?!?!?"
Started by @Fenrir

people_alt 40 followers


After what seemed like a half an hour of walking, they finally reached the more populated part of the trails


"head down, eyes away procedure?" he asked, hoping he knew what he meant. "Ignore and be ignored?"


He nodded in agreement and pulled his hoodie over his head, hoping to stay unnoticed like Peter


"boys? Where are your parents?" A gruff voice said from ahead the trail. A park ranger came over to the two, eyeing them suspiciously "you're not supposed to be this far up the trail without supervision."


Knox glanced up at Peter and nodded "I'm 16. My brother here thought it'd be fun to hike the harder trails before we left. You know, parental divorce and such." He shrugged "plus, we we're heading home anyways."


He made his way past the park ranger with a nod in apology and continued down the path "good job, princey. You play the stuck up prick roll pretty well."


"hm, just making sure." He said glancing around for anymore rangers that might be in the area