forum "OH MY GOD......WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!?!?!?!?!?"
Started by @Fenrir

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A petty theif just managed to take prisoner an aristocratic son/daughter. Barely. A real amature, beginner and inexperienced individule was forced to take a captive, per request of his victem no less. Now they have to flee before they both get caught.


"ok, you've got this. All you have to do is take him from his family…which is oddly his request and get out alive. You've got this!" He sneaked around the back of the house to where a window was opened

@Knight-Shives group

Peter sat in his room waiting. He had no idea why he requested this… well no idea other than feeling trapped by the standards of his life. He stood up and went across the room grabbed an apple and ate some of it.


Knox glanced around to find a balcony near the window "perfect." He jumped up to the balcony and swung himself over "I can see why this kid wants to leave this place…" he muttered.


He unlocked the door to where the Balcony led to via hairpins and entered the house "damn….this makes me sick." he walked around quietly until he found a door that was locked "Gee, wonder who this could be…" He knocks softly and waited for a response


He gave him a two finger salute "Ready to go?" he asked, glancing around the room "We've got two hours until your parents wake up and find out somethings wrong… you're eating at a time like this?"


Knox sighed "you need to re-evaluation your priorities." He walked out to where he unlocked the first door


"we'll get food later, once we're outta town." He called over his shoulder, swinging his legs over the balcony railing and jumping down " need help princey?"


"no but close enough." Knox called over his shoulder as he walked towards the allyway from which had originally came from


"If you're worried about your parents, they're fine. I only knocked them out. They're not dead." he offered while walking falling in step with Peter "so why did you want to be abducted?"

@Knight-Shives group

"Oh I wasn't worried about them. And as for why I wanted to be abducted, it was to get away from the stress of living like this. Along with the rules , mental abuse, and the tight standards."


He nodded "yeah…teenage life can be hell sometimes." He glared at some passerby and quickened his pace "we need to find you a new set of clothes fast."


He glanced around and grinned "perfect…" he popped his head out from the alleyway, looking at the busy street before them and sprinted across the street "hurry." he called from in front of a shop