forum "OH MY GOD......WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!?!?!?!?!?"
Started by @Fenrir

people_alt 40 followers


"I know right!" He glared at Peter and then at the area around them. Once he saw it was clear, he smashed the glass and unlocked the door "professionals."


He shook his head right when an alarm went off "damn….come on! fantastic timing!" He cursed and pulled Peter into the store "act help me if you breathe a word. got it?"


He nodded and shoved Peter into a rack of clothes, while he hid in another one not far off "Change clothes while you're in there, hide the tags under your jacket. We'll get caught and play it off as a prank. They'll hopefully let us go without trouble."


Knox did the same. After a few moments, police came into the building and started scanning the area. "anyone here?" they ran a flashlight over the racks to find the two boys "alright guys, really funny. OUt."


He released a breath of relief "Sorry sir, we thought it'd be fun, you know? teenagers, weird shit goes on in that head of ours. we'll get out of your hair and never, ever do this again." He promised while backing away towards the doors with Peter in tow "when I saw run, you run ok?" he whispered to him.


The police officer glared at the two with suspicion "you better not." The alarms near the front went off, indicating a product has left the store without being paid for "I knew it!" he ran after Knox and Peter but the two were already flying out the door and down another alleyway.


Knox glanced back to make sure Peter had followed and to be sure the police were off their trail. He stopped to catch his breath "I think we're good for now."


He shook his head "no but I like to keep and open mind. We'll follow the abandoned tracks to the next city."


He head north, or what he thought was north, on the tracks "so do you have any plans when we get you outta this town? Or are you just winging it?"


He nodded in agreement "true, but still, you're going to have to find a place to live when we get their. We'll stop by a hotel and stay a couple nights. I have food their that'll last us for a week."


"alright, what do you want to know?" He asked with a glance "mind you, I'm not in good graces per say, so for all you know I could be lying."


"Ok, I have blue eyes, I've killed before, and I had a pet parrot growing up." He said glancing over at Peter "which ones are truths which ones a lie?"