forum Not a friendly Start that Becomes a Little too Friendly (Abandoned) (X/1) (MxM)
Started by @RhysTheFirebird group

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@RhysTheFirebird group

LUcas grins, quiet for a moment, “I know it’s fair. Isn’t the first thing a typical straight guy notices about a girl that she’s hot and then decides to talk to her?” He tilts his head, curious. He wasn’t straight, but he assumed that’s how it went, but it he was wrong, then, well. . . He was wrong, wasn’t he?

@RhysTheFirebird group

Lucas rolls his eyes, “Come on.” He walks outside, looking around, “There’s this place called Chapter One. Lets go there. I read it’s supposed to be one of the best in Ireland.”

@False-andrew flash_on


Tristan starts humming softly - a lullaby, or something like that - and starts to relax, probably for the first time since he'd gotten to Ireland.