forum Not a friendly Start that Becomes a Little too Friendly (Abandoned) (X/1) (MxM)
Started by @RhysTheFirebird group

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@RhysTheFirebird group

Lucas huffs, “How else are you supposed to learn?” He hums, “I never liked looking at music. The only sheets I have are the things Ive written. Naturally, I learn the music better hearing it than seeing it on the page.”

He smiles slightly, “Every time I try to read it, I always fuddle up the note or the rhythm, sometimes I have to look at it, accidentals and stuff, but that’s it. I even tune by ear.”

@RhysTheFirebird group

Lucas pauses, thinking for a moment, and then grabs his guitar, sitting down and thinking before starting to play, a swift, complicated piece full of cords and 16th notes, closing his eyes and relaxing.

@RhysTheFirebird group

Lucas shakes his head, “I don’t have another one, and I don’t let people touch this one. Sorry.” He sets it down on its display stand, looking at it for a moment before turning, “Well, I’m hungry, you?”

@False-andrew flash_on

Trustan nods. "Fair enough."

"I mean-" he starts, before his stomach makes a sound like Godzilla with heart burn. "-I could go for some decent food, yeah."

@False-andrew flash_on

"I really don't care what other people think of me." he chuckles. "There's nothing here to insult - I'm fantabulous. No hair anywhere above my eyebrows, perfect abs and a voice that would make God cry from joy? I'm literally the best." he jokes.

@RhysTheFirebird group

“Nope. I wasn’t teasing.” He laughs, turning and walking backwards for a moment, “IU very rarely say lies. So, I’ll only tease someone with the truth.”

@RhysTheFirebird group

Lucas pauses, thinking for a moment, “One, you’re hot. Two. . . music, I think. I may tease you about that.” He hums, “Also, you’re kinda brunt about things.”

@False-andrew flash_on

Tristan laughs.

"I'm hot, huh? Not the first thing a man notes about me but I'll take it. And I am pretty good at music." he agrees. "As for being blunt Yeah, I suppose that's true."