She looked over at him with the goofy smile in order to do that she pulled away from her daughter and looked away from her
She looked over at him with the goofy smile in order to do that she pulled away from her daughter and looked away from her
Lysander chuckled at the funny face before kissing her.
Laura-Beth gave a tiny yawn.
" I love you " she said to lysander . She didn't laid her daughter in her arms"and I love you"
”I love you both.” Lysander smiled, gently kissing Laura-Beth’s forehead.
Laura-Beth reached up a tiny hand and accidentally punched Lysander’s nose.
Betty saw this in giggled with a snort
Lysander pulled back and brought his hand to his nose with a surprised smile. ”I know babies have a strong grip but no one said anything about how they hit.” he chuckled.
Henry laughed. ”At least it wasn't your eye.” he pointed out. ”That’s where this little rascal got me.” he playfully ruffled Asher’s hair.
Betty smiled and kissed laurabeths head
Lysander still had a bright smile as he put his hand back down. ”Seems like she's already a fighter.”
Laura-Beth yawned again. It was a little too much excitement for a little girl.
" in the jungle the quiet jungle the lion sleeps tonight" she sang softly.
Lysander smiled as he watched his wife sing their daughter to sleep.
A few days later the three were at home and laura-beth was in her crib as Lysander and Betty were asleep in bed
Honestly, Lysander was really only half-asleep. A little trick he picked up from Henry when Asher was younger. Being more nocturnal than human fathers, Lysander and Henry had an advantage of being able to help when their child woke up in the middle of the night.
Betty was curled up in a ball shivering
Lysander usually fell asleep holding Betty and felt her shaking. He woke himself up and held her close, starting to warm up.
She barried her head in his chest
He smiled as she did so and lightly kissed her forehead.
She made a cute noise much like her daughter in her sleep
He had to bite the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing at the sound. He didn't want to wake her up.
She snuggled deeper to him
He smiled softly and closed his eyes, but not falling asleep.
she gently opened her eyes.
The only indication that he was awake was the steady warmth he was giving off.
she silently waited for Laura-Beth to call for her.
Soon enough Laura-Beth started fussing in her crib.
Lysander opened his eyes at the sound and slowly started to sit up.
Betty was already up and got out of bed and walked to Laura-Beth´s room and leaned over her crib
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