forum Looking for a Anime/Ghibli esqe Fantasy Adventure RP
Started by @FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

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@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Charlotte nodded, swallowing her food before answering. “I am. This is very good. I wonder if the cook here made the bread themselves.” she said as she wiped some strawberry juice off her face. She knew that sometimes it was just easier to purchase things like bread from the local bakery but every once in a while… making it yourself was just so satisfying.


"I'd assume so. I could smell something baking last night. I guess they were preparing for the morning. It's so nice to have fresh baked bread. I used to make some on my own when I had the chance out in the woods. It was always lovely."


"Oh trust me, it's an art form. Creating that small of an oven whilst in the middle of the woods is just as easy as it sounds. Which is not very."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“I’d like that.” Charlotte smiled softly, ignoring the way her wings twitched at his last three words, since it was still so early in their adventure. Who knew how long they would actually travel together… But she was too inexperienced right now.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Charlotte giggled and snatched another piece of his toast in retribution. With her current size, the one piece of fruit was really enough for her as a breakfast so she didn't mind if he had most of the food.


Rodney finished off the fruit and set the tray aside. "Right, what else did you get done while I was asleep? I have a feeling this wasn't all you managed to do."


"Oh how thoughtful of you. I can't remember the last time I actually got a chance to do laundry so I'm sure the poor workers down there must hate me right now."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“I'm not sure but they didn't seem to mind taking them.” she admitted. “Oh, I spoke with the caretaker while I was downstairs ordering breakfast. Cyrus was very nice and told me that there’s an Elven village not too far away. He said he grew up there and warned me about potential con artists.”


Rodney couldn't help but laugh at that. "Yeah that tracks. Elven villages are known for swindling adventurers. They're good people but they sure are crafty."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“I see.” she nodded, but honestly she was a little confused. Why would Elven villages be known for that sort of thing? Their art, knowledge, and beauty… those things made sense. But swindling? That seemed more of a Fae quality.


"It's not all of them. In fact, it's usually the half elves that are tricksters. I guess because the Elves don't really like them it makes them have to fight for their living. And most find that living in tricking travelers out of their money."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“I didn't think it was all of them.” she giggled. “There's good and bad in every race and species. I was just wondering why the village was known for that sort of thing. But that makes sense. I've heard Elves can be… kind of elitist so there being trouble with Half-Elves is understandable. Sad but understandable.”


"Exactly. Any kind of half-blood is usually heavily shunned by both sides of their heritage. No species likes half-bloods. Which is sad but just our reality."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“Yeah, I know. But I don't know of too many half-fairies. Sure there are charms and such to make us… blend in more but…” she shrugged. She did remember a couple of hard times she had growing up because of her parent's differing magic types but that kind of relationship wasn't unusual.


"And fame blinds everyone to reality. Because my parents are famous adventurers, everyone seems to forget that they're supposed to actually be parents too. Everyone was jealous of my life because of my family but no one ever thought of how I actually grew up without a family around."


Rodney shrugged. "It's not every day that a pair of adventurers walk from coast to coast. Word spread pretty fast and my parents became famous. And that fame cost me a normal childhood."