forum Lets go crazy fam CLOSED
Started by @Celeste_X0X0_ group

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@Becfromthedead group

"I don't want to," he sighed, "I'm not that poor that I need to ask for money. I just can't go throwing around money in bets, ya feel?"
He had more or less stopped paying attention to the screen, only occasionally getting a step right.

@V01DtheFae group

Michael nodded then went back to the game "But if you do ever need anything just say so" he turned to the screen in time to catch the last step sequence as the song ended

@V01DtheFae group

"you choose next game" Michael responded quietly as he grabbed the tickets from the game and handed half of the total to Pollux
(Should we take a pause and let the others have a go for a bit?)

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

Brett followed him in an awkward silence. He bit his lip more, trying to distract himself from both Ezra's strangness and how hungry he was. But as he kept biting on his already chapped lips, he started to taste a metallic taste. The taste of blood. He sighed, and lifted his dark sleeve to his lip to stop the blood flow. "I seriously need to stop this." His thoughts muttered, as he dabbed his lip.

Brett skidded to a stop, when Ezra stopped too. He watched him, carefully at that. He stood, and wasn't sure what to say or do. What could he do? Ezra was being kinda weird, starring at doors, and suddenly stopping Brett from playing. It was starting to freak him out some.

Not as much as the door opening and Ezra falling back did.
With his odd reflexes, Brett caught him, and looked down at him. "You OK?" He asked, his lip clearly still bleeding.

@Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group

Ezra looked up at the older male with an awkward smile stretched onto his thin, chapped lips. "Yeah, I'm fine, thanks for catching me. But are you?" Ezra pale, purple eyes were more than obviously locked on Brett's bleeding lip. The younger male's brows furrowed in slight concern as he straightened himself up and turned to face Brett.

@Becfromthedead group

(We can try to bring them back to campus soon.)
“Thanks,” Pollux said, taking the tickets and pocketing them.
He glanced around the dim room.
“Alright, so what next?”

@V01DtheFae group

(good idea)
"Dunno you pick Pollux" Michael looked around as well seeing a fair amount of two player games then mumbled "guys like us are cool in college….rule in college" rolling his sleeve up to show a pac-man tattoo

@V01DtheFae group

Michael noted how close it was to class "Sure it should be a quick game" as he spoke he walked to the game machine nearest to the prize counter and popped a quarter in "all set"

@Becfromthedead group

Pollux's hand rested over the joystick.
"Right, right…" he said.
He smiled a bit. This one would probably actually be a toss-up, as he'd played this one some when he was younger, and not to brag, but he was pretty good. His reflexes were pretty solid, for one thing.
"Shall we?"

@Becfromthedead group

Pollux mostly played on the defensive, blocking and dodging, waiting for Michael to mess up and leave an opening. But he was pretty good too. There was a good bit of back and forth, but Pollux managed some good jabs between combos, but mostly tried to keep his guard up.

@V01DtheFae group

Michael cleared his throat moving on hand from his controls leaving his character, Ryu, unattended and open for attack. After clearing his throat he grabbed a water bottle from his bag

@Becfromthedead group

Pollux, before noticing that Michael had moved from the controls, started up a combo and dealt a large amount of damage- and that's when he noticed. He stopped controlling his character until Michael was back in the fight.
"Sorry, man," he murmured.

@V01DtheFae group

"It's cool. I mean you could have finished me then and there" Mickey smiled and gained his controls back throwing another combo towards Pollux's character

@V01DtheFae group

"It's cool. I mean you could have finished me then and there" Mickey smiled and gained his controls back throwing another combo towards Pollux's character

@Becfromthedead group

Pollux still had the advantage after Michael’s pause in playing. Ryu only had a few health left, after all. One or two more little hits would do it. Pollux let Michael beat on him briefly, then threw out another attack in a gap in his movement.