forum I Went To The Woods Because I Wished To Live Deliberately || Fem. Dead Poets Society || Closed (Cookies for stalkers! ♡)
Started by @emilyevewrites group

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@emilyevewrites group

Brookestone Academy is a highly prestigious, all-girls boarding school. The occupants are expected to do great things when they graduate: become lawyers, doctors, politicians, scientists, etc; They certainly aren't thinking about English. Who cares about old dead poets anyway?

But when a new English teacher is hired for the start of the next semester, her students quickly discover that she teaches like no other professor at Brookestone. And, given time, she begins something. Something wonderful. Something powerful. Something that will break the art of conformity.

So this is based on the movie 1989 Dead Poets Society with Robin Williams, Robert Sean Leonard, and Ethan Hawke. It's literally my favorite movie of all time, so I thought why not make a gender-swapped/girls' version? I'm going to be the teacher, and I'll probably take 2-4 students, depending on interest! :)

Here is the page for my character, Adalise Lansing. If you have a page, feel free to use it! If not, here's a template!

Age: (15-18)
Gender: Female
Style: (outside of school uniforms)
Family History/Background:
Expected Occupation:
Theme Song:
Quotes: (could be a quote/quotes that your character like or things she says often)

@Dayzed local_movies

(I know this is a lot and I apologize as I tend to get carried away. I hope she's alright.)

Name: Lisette Fionuir Calvert
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Year: Junior

Appearance: Lisii's eyes are sharp and angular. They look like they pierce right through your soul, sometimes coming off as a glare, even though that's her resting face more than half the time. She radiates a calm yet intimidating aura. Lisii has hazel green eyes, a bit of brown towards the middle, but mostly overtaken by olive green. Her nose is short, the bridge thin, and the tip being soft, somewhat wide, but not extremely so. Lisii's lips are medium-full, small, but plump. Because of her light complexion, she blushes easily and there is a constant redness in her cheeks, caused by a condition known as Rosacea. She tries to manage the extreme redness by applying a plethora of skin products, which sometimes help, but more often than not she simply covers it up with make-up, going in light on some days so as to not irritate her skin more, other times, she goes in full coverage to get rid of the redness. Lisii's face is heart-shaped, her features soft. She doesn't have defined cheekbones and her jawline is noticeable but it isn't sharp as some others.

Lisii's hair is a very pale blonde, bordering on being white, almost a platinum blonde, but there are hints of gold, her more natural color as she tends to dye it a lighter color than it already is. Her hair is long, coming down to her waist. It's silky and healthy as she takes good care of it and has the means to. It lays flat against her back, being straight, but sometimes in bouncy curls when she irons it, mostly curling it when she's going somewhere important or wants to make a good impression.
She styles it by pinning some pieces back, curling her bangs so they look neat and presentable, but letting her hair fall naturally. Sometimes she puts it up in a half ponytail, still liking her hair to be in its natural state. She doesn't do much to it, as it already looks very good the way it is, in her opinion, but sometimes she'll go for more elaborate hairstyles when she's in the mood, these get done at a hair salon.
Lisii stands at 5'7 and wieghs 125 lbs. More of a mesomorph body type, being slightly curvy, going onto an hourglass shape, but not quite there as there is sort of boxy attributes to her stature considering how thin she is.

Style: Lisii wears light flowy dresses, but more describing the material than the shape of the clothes. The dresses are usually a solid color, sometimes having flowery patterns on them. Her color schemes are light greens, beige, very pastel yellows, light purplish blues, and other vintage colors.
Lisii likes her dresses loose on her skin so it doesn't feel as constricting as her other clothes, which are usually skin-tight. Her favorite go-to clothes are french floral mini dresses, oftentimes with a square neckline, it's both simple yet elegant. Giving off a spring vibe.
For shoes, she'll wear high heels for formal events and shorter casual heels for doing her day-to-day activities. On occasion, she'll wear flats with ankle straps to match certain dresses.

Personality: Lisii is your typical arrogant, thinks-she's-better-than-everyone girl. She's poised, disciplined, and tolerates no disrespect. She can be sarcastic in the meanest way, showing visible disgust for people she dislikes, but willing to friend someone she thinks is better than her or who shows to be on her same level. She's not a mean girl per se, as she doesn't go after others needlessly, she only goes after those who are annoying to the point of getting on everyone's nerves. Sometimes she finds the weird kids, well, weird, and does pick on them, but in more of a light-hearted manner, though, sometimes it does not come off like that.
When you get on her good side she can be incredibly sweet, caring for those she holds dear and close to her heart. She'll smile more often and show the fragile vulnerable parts of herself to those she trusts. Lisii mostly minds her own business and holds a calm demeanor and only uses her status when needed, not rubbing it in other people's faces as she was raised to know better, though, she does pride herself on coming from a more wealthy family.
One thing about Lisii is she's pretty good at getting what she wants, as taught by her father, either by power or by her own means. She is not above seducing someone if she has to, it's not her favorite thing to do, but if she really wants something, she will resort to it. She learned early on to get as much leverage as she can to succeed in the world.
If someone tries to challenge her, she'll more than likely put them in their place. When she can't, she accepts defeat but makes a mental note to pay them back at a later date.
Lisii isn't a sad soul, or even a broken soul despite her recent loss, but still, she is human and does cry and get hurt, especially when she gets her heart broken because it takes a lot for her to let someone in. She's very guarded, another thing she was taught from an early age, so she doesn't make it a habit to date one after another, in fact, she's only dated one other person her whole life.

Strengths: Is curious about several things, brave (she's not afraid to do things others normally wouldn't), has social intelligence (she can accurately guess how someone's feeling, half the time anyways), is good at working with others, has self-control
Flaws: Under-estimates others way too much, thinks she can do no wrong (unless proven otherwise), likes to gossip (not frequently, but loves hearing about others), can be spoiled (though she also loves spoiling others), is mischievous and will get into trouble (not with others, but by her own decisions)

Family History/Background: Lisii comes from an incredibly rich family, the Calverts. Her older brother is an investor, sometimes helping in the trading of goods. This can be somewhat of a dangerous job because of the number of thieves that are willing to get their hands on these pricy pieces, but he chose this instead of being a lawyer like his family wanted him to be. He's seen as both a disappointment, but also very successful. Lisii finds inspiration in this and wants to do something similar. Not just conforming to what the family wants.
Her father is a very strict man, there is no room for error with him, and punishes those who do not follow the rules. Surprisingly so, he has a soft spot for Lisii as she is his only daughter. He has been there present for her since she was a kid, spoiling her and spending as much time as he can with her, something he did not do with Aaron, Lisii's brother.
Her mother was a soft gentle creature, teaching Lisii the ways of womanhood and what it meant to be a proper lady, though, no matter how much Lisii's mother tried to teach Lisii to be humble, it never stuck, as her father taught her to be unapologetically herself, even if it meant that others didn't like it.
Lisii's mother passed away when she was fifteen from Leukemia, she never got medical attention, not because they couldn't but because Lisii's mother requested to not receive any treatment, as she believed this was the natural order of things.

Expected Occupation: Finance Director. She wanted to be a College Professor, but it was completely shut down by her father.

Hobbies: Gardening, Singing, Art collecting, Reading, Studying, Journaling, Calligraphy, Origami, Flower arranging, Cross stitching
Theme Song: All That Glitter, Earl

Quotes: "Shut up. I wear heels bigger than your dick." // "I hope that someday when I am gone, someone somewhere, picks my soul up off of these pages and thinks, "I would have loved her,"
Other: Fun little fact, she wears bandaids on her fingers from the paper cuts she gets from making origami. And here's her Pinterest board:

@emilyevewrites group

(Oooh, she'll be interesting too! So I changed my mind, and we might start with just the two of you. It'll be easier since your characters can just naturally be roommates, if that's good! :))

@emilyevewrites group

(Yep! Here we go!)

The honey-colored goldenrain trees that dotted the campus of the honorable Brookestone Academy seemed to glow a little brighter on the morning of September 1st.

It was the day of the Academy's Opening Ceremony. Girls ranging in ages from 11 to 18 were clustered together with their friends in the Academy's famous Seasons Courtyard. It was nestled comfortably in the middle of the grounds and had been since the school was built. There were pale cobblestones beneath the girls' feet, a bubbling fountain spurting clear water, and an assortment of small trees and brightly colored flowers surrounding them. Soft yellows, reds, and oranges complemented each other and presented the fading of the seasons from summer to fall, as the courtyard was famed for. The girls looked around the beautiful courtyard and anxiously whispered about what awaited them inside the doors.

Adalise Lansing looked over the courtyard as the girls chatted and began to form bonds that would most likely carry them through their time at school here. Adalise had met her dearest best friend on her first day here, after all. She was very excited to be a professor here, especially being an alumnus. The welcome from the staff had been more than what Adalise had expected. Her classroom was wonderful, and with a few touches, she could make it hers.

The Academy’s newest teacher eventually made her way inside and paced through the halls as the girls unpacked. It wasn't mandatory for teachers to remain on campus after the opening ceremony, but Adalise wanted to stay. Besides, it gave her time to learn a few faces and names before the first day of class. Her Manolo Blahnik heels clicked loudly on the wooden floor of the residence hall as she walked, alerting the students of her presence and giving her an air of importance that she felt like she didn't quite know if she deserved. Or wanted, for that matter.

@Dayzed local_movies

(I hope you don't mind me giving Lisette some ties to the school, I can change it if it's not what you had in mind)

Blond curls bouncing and shoes clacking, Lisette found herself at the entrance of the school once more. After the summer break and being out of town with her brother, everything felt alien to her. This time she hadn't gone home to her father as Aaron had offered to take her to his new house, she, of course, had accepted, it wasn't always that he had time to spend time with her.

She looked around to see her peers talking amongst themselves. She mostly skimmed their faces to see if she found anyone familiar, but when she didn't she dismissed everyone and walked up to the door of the academy, and promptly went in.

This year, she had been assigned a different room than the one she stayed in for the past two years. It wasn't a problem as any room would do, she just hoped it was as big as the last.
When she found the room number, she walked right in, not skipping a beat. There was no one there yet. She narrowed her eyes at the other bed which would soon be occupied by someone else.
Because Lisette's father was a direct donator to the school fund, she was allowed to do most things, like pick who she wanted to stay with, this time though, she didn't have that luxury since they had taken in more students this year. Still, she had managed to convince them to let her have her own room with one other person, anyone would do. She hoped she didn't come to regret her decision of not pushing harder for having one of her friends stay with her. There was no changing that now.

Lisette put her briefcase on the bed, pulling her other luggage so it stood by the bed's frame. With that, she started to unpack, taking out her most expensive clothes and hanging them up in the wardrobe as soon as she could. They had already been wrinkled, but somewhere in Lisette's mind, the faster she put them up, the more time they had to straighten out.

@Im-just-here-idk-what-life-means group

Mallory wakes up and looks around, blinking and yawning. She looks over at her clock, and sees that it says 9:15. She lies back down and her mind wanders a little. Suddenly, she bolts straight upright in her bed as something dawns on her.
"Damn it, damn it, damn it. I'm going to be late," she grumbles, "So much for a good first impression."
She rushes to get ready throwing on the uniform that she received in the mail three days ago. She wears a pink pair of Converse shoes. She grabs her backpack and heads out the door. She gets in her car and starts it up. She backs out of the driveway and drives to school, trying to hurry but not go fast enough to get pulled over. She parks and gets out of the car. She walks to the dorm building, checking in with the lady at the front. She opens her dorm, and starts unpacking. She looks out the window and sees a big tree. "It's beautiful," she mutters to herself.