Angelo rolled his eyes. "I told you you could order something!" He stretched his hand out, pressing his lips together tightly as he tried to make the jello hover toward Habiki. It made it - halfway - before falling onto the bed. "Aw shit."
Habiki chuckled, he placed his hand on the jello and watched it retake it's before state. Habiki huffed slightly feeling the deeper drain of energy
Angelo put a hand to Habiki's face. "Don't wear yourself out too much… especially over jello."
" it's the good stuff, plus it's my favorite. " He said and ate his jello happily.
Angelo laughed, leaning closer to Angelo has he started to make random things float and drop in the room. "So… how did your pack come to be? And the Alpha guy… how are you related?"
" me, I was a foundling from my father's blood line. Raised to be a seberous. But.. when mom and dad were killed the alpha of a relating pack took me in. The alpha took favoritism to me and now I'm next cheif in line.."
Angelo nodded, listening intently. “Wow… that’s amazing. I’m glad he took you in.”
" yeah me too," he said and smiled. " you?" he asked softly returning the question. habiki could feel his energy coming back slowly.
Angelo sighed, thinking for a moment.
“I don’t know if I had a pack. If I did, they’re back in Venezuela. It was just me, mama, and Francesca for as long as I remember.”
He smiled softly. “But mama is very special. I never felt a need to join a pack because she was like my alpha.”
" sounds lonely," he said softly, resting his hand on the others jawine. habiki gave a soft kiss and smiled
Angelo looked off sadly. “Yeah… I guess it is…” he leaned softly into the kiss, curling around the other. “I guess that’s why I was so interested in your pack.”
"well, now your apart of it, " he said and smiled
Angelo tilted his head, running a hand through the other’s hair. “Really?”
" your my alpha arnt you?" he aked and leaned into the others hand
Angelo smiled, giving Habiki a soft kiss. "I am. I'm all yours."
habik chuckled. he nestled a small nest and curled up to angelo.
Angelo made sure not to ruin the nest as he pulled Habiki into his chest. My omega…
my alpha he thought, a soft smile played his lips. habiki watched as a nurse came in "?"
The nurse blushed, immediately making herself busy with the medical instruments.
"II apologize, sir, but the patient needs to rest."
habiki nodded, moving from angelos arms. see you later.
Angelo held on to the other as long as he could, then watched as he left. I love you…
love you too, habiki thought and called max " wanna skate with me?"
Max laughed. “Sure! I’ll pick you up in a minute.”
habiki waited outside, watching for max.
Max pulled up a bit later, waving as he rolled down the window. "You ready? Or do we have to get your stuff?"