@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group
(one sec, brb)
(one sec, brb)
(Okay, tries not to fall asleep)
(lol no hard feelings if you can't stay awake XD)
The bandit leader looked faintly interested. "Magic, is it? Healing magic, maybe?"
(Bitch you thought! Ha, I'm still here, how? All the sour patch kids I've eaten today.It is nearly ten past one so don't know how much longer I'll be awake for lmao)
She scratched at the back of her neck, "Well… I know a little healing magic, like, a very small amount… I can make healing potions, too, though…"
(haha fair enough XDD)
He briefly considered. "Good enough. You can live." He rested his axe on his shoulder. "I am Boar-back. This is my tribe, the Hounds. As long as you are useful to us, you are part of the tribe. If you try to escape or fight back, we will cut off your legs. Understood?"
Tanrial nodded and gave him a two fingered salute "Yes Sir, that is crystal clear," She looked to Mike, then to Boar-back, "Can I uh, help Mike out? If I don't get the arrow out and healing his wounds he'll get an infection."
Boar-back glanced at Mike with a discouraging lack of interest. "Be quick. Don't try to talk to him. If he can't walk on his own, we will leave him here and make sure that he can't follow us."
She frowned but didn't bother arguing. She hurried over and knelt by his side. You better be able to walk or so help me I'll force you too. She spoke telepathically, glad she hadn't slipped up and told Boar-back about it.
Mike's voice came sharp and clear. I can hear you. Don't worry too much about me, I'm not as injured as I'm pretending to be. But we're in a bad spot here. Are you hurt?
A couple scratches but nothing like an arrow in the shoulder. She pulled out a roll of bandages, just enough to cover the wound, I'll be alright.
Mike slowly sat up, keeping his eyes lowered. Good. I don't see a way to get out of this yet, but if we're patient we should have a chance to escape before long. They might keep us separated once we reach their camp, so we'll have to use telepathy to make a plan. Keep your head down and be careful, okay?
Tanrial rolled her eyes a little, placing her hands on the shaft of the arrow. Yeah yeah, I got it. I may be old but I'm not slow or stupid you know? She raised a brow before, without warning, pulling the arrow out of his shoulder.
He jerked back with a pained gasp, grimacing. I know, jeez. I'm just saying.
"Are you done yet?" Boar-back called. "Hurry up."
"Nearly done!" She said over her shoulder before turning back with a huff. If we have to spend any extra time with this man I might just explode. HSe unrolled the bandages and got to work.
Mike shifted so she could reach his shoulder. I feel the same way. We'll get out of this soon, I know we will. We've just gotta bide our time a little.
I could always just… blast them to pieces… or suck the air out of their lungs and watch them suffocate, She looked like she was actually contemplating it for a few moments, But then we'd have to deal with all the bodies..
Cool down, Psycho Sue. There's twenty of them and two of us. If you ran out of strength half-way through that, they'd murder us both. Besides, what would Bernon think if he found out? Mike got to his feet, trying not to lean on Tanrial as he got his balance. I don't know about you, but lately I've started to try and be the good person he expects me to be. It's hard, but worth it, I think.
By Anina's name herself that is a miracle. She slung her bag over her shoulder before picking up Mike's. I wouldn't have done it, they are too many risks even if I wanted too. Sighing, she turned to Boar-back, "He's good to go."
"At last." Boar-back made a gestured and his tribe quickly surrounded Tanrial and Mike. "Follow."
They made their way outside and up the slope, lighting more torches so that they could easily find their way. Mike got his strength back after a minute and was able to walk on his own, but still stumbled once in a while and couldn't go very fast. Boar-back led the way to a narrow path through the trees and they walked for several minutes before the ground leveled out and they reached a large clearing.
The bandit camp was haphazard and primitive, but at the same time there were lots of small structures and they looked like they'd been established there for quite a while. More bandits emerged from the shadows to greet them, staring suspiciously at the captives.
Boar-back pointed at Mike. "Take him to the stockade. The other one goes to the medicine shed. Post a guard on both and search their things for valuables."
Mike glanced at Tanrial as he was herded away. See you later.
Try not to get yourself into any trouble. Tanrial replied before she was out of sight and dragged off towards the medicine shed.
(I gtg for a while next, seeya later! I hope you can get some sleep dude! ^^)
The medicine shed was slightly larger than most of the structures in camp, but not exactly comfortable. Two giant sheets of corrugated scrap metal had been leaned together and covered with mildewed cloth, and there was a threadbare curtain over the entrance. The inside was cluttered with junk and smelled strongly of rotten plant matter, but it was dry and sheltered from the wind at least. The sentry confiscated Tanrial's bag and shoved her inside, then sat with another bandit by the doorway and started gleefully picking through her possessions. "You gotta tell us what's important fer yer healin' magic," one sniped. "It all looks like sparkly mumbo-jumbo ter me."
(Okie dokie, I was planning on getting some sleep in about fifteen mins or so. Seeya in a few hours ^^)
Tanrial refrained from rolling her eyes, "Everything in there I need. The plants and herbs, the bottles, the other potions and so on. So, if I could just have my entire bag back it would be very helpful and I can get started."
(I have to go to bed like right now but I'mma respond to this anyway lol)
"Everything?" The voice sounded dubious. "Riiight, that's what they all say." The bandit pulled away the cloth over the entrance and upended Tanrial's satchel, spilling its contents onto the ground. "You get to keep all of it 'cept fer three things. They've got to be valuable somehow–tribe taxes, don't'cha know." Both bandits snickered.
(Lol, hope you get more sleep then me!)
Tanrial lundged and grabbed the potions and glass bottles before they could smash on the floor, "Careful! I can't make them if you break everything in the bag," She sighed, placing them down gently before filtering through the bag, trying to decide whats he could give up.
(Thanks XD I'm still tired and I could probably use more sleep, but it was basically a healthy amount ^^; )
The two bandits stayed hovered over her while she decided, and at first they both made a show of being bored. But after a while their smug expressions faded and were replaced with cautious curiosity. The girl was the first to speak, mumbling from behind a curtain of tangled black hair. "So, uh….what's your name, anyway?"
"Fer the tribe census, acourse," the second one added quickly, glaring at his companion.
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