forum Crushing Hearts (Mature content [might turn out to be 18+] and TW) (Moved) (1/1)
Started by @RhysTheFirebird group

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@RhysTheFirebird group

Cyrin takes the elevator, humming to himself, pulling his phone out, then earbuds, putting them in. He plays his music, smiling and then walks out of the complex, taking a left and then merging with the crowd of people. He moves through the people, and eventually fades out of sight.

@RhysTheFirebird group

(Stalker much- XD)

After 20 minuets of walking, Cyrin reaches a small hole in the wall restraint, moving over to his family, kissing his mother’s cheek and then sitting down. He doesn’t touch the menu, talking with his family.

Cyrin looked a lot like his mother, while the younger looking girl next to him looked like the silent older man, who was watching Cyrin.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Arthur followed Cyrin all the way, and managed to get a good spot in a tree across the street. The town had them planted along the sidewalk for aesthetic purposes, but Arthur had always found them easy to climb and hide in.
From here, he got a good look at Cyrin's family. At his next victims.
Cyrin was going to bite on the hook, but he'd need to be free of people who would check on him regularly. So there were plans to put in place. Things to accomplish.

And knowing what his family looked like was the first step.

@RhysTheFirebird group

(Oh, I know)

Cyrin gently ruffles his little sisters hair and turns to his father, smiling and saying something to make the older man laugh. He smiles softly, still talking with his family.

Eventually, a server walks over and the family of four order.

Cyrin decides to go with his usual, breakfast for dinner. A loaded omelette with hash browns and briskets.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Arthur sat, waiting. The family took their sweet time getting their food and eating. He was antsy for this first segment of the plan to go into effect.
Grief often had compounding effects, so he might not need to do too terribly much for this to go well, but it would remain to be seen.
Remove one variable at a time, and see what the others do. And hopefully, it would drive his prey further into the trap.

@RhysTheFirebird group

(The whole thing takes about and your and a half)

Cyrin eventually finishes his food. He shifts slightly, turning to his sister, an annoyed look on his face as he says something to her. They go back and forth before their mother snaps something at them nd the both get a sheepish look and look back to their plates.

Soon after that, Cyrin and his father get into an argument about paying the bill, whicj, in the end, Cyrin wins and pays for their dinner, getting up and hugging his family. He kisses his mother's cheek again, ruffles his sister's hair and then hugs his father before the group makes their way out of the restaurant.

@RhysTheFirebird group

(Arthur's just sitting in a tree for an hour and a half while they're being a family. I praise him for his patience)

Cyrin smiles and separated from his family, waving over his shoulder and then putting his ear buds back in, going home to his tiny apartment to get some sleep.

The group of three watch Cyrin leave and then turn, making their way the opposite direction, assumingly going home.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Arthur dropped out the tree, silent as a wraith, and followed the family. He had no reason to believe they would recognize him, but he stayed out of sight anyway.
As they walked, he settled on the daughter as the first choice. Siblings were hard, and it might drive the parents onwards anyway, in which case…
4 for the price of 1. Not a bad bargain.

@RhysTheFirebird group

Cyrin’s family keep walking and eventually separate again, his little sister waving at her parents, “I’ll be at Kylie’s, love you guys, I’ll be home later.” At her parents nod, she turns down another street, humming to herself.

(I have no idea what else to put XD)

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

(you're ok, that works)

Arthur smiled to himself as he split off and followed the sister.
They could've at least made this a challenge for him.

She never made it to Kylie's, and she never came home.
The next morning came, and the sister had been found by police. Body torn and rent as if by some great beast. Heart eaten straight out of her chest, while she was alive if the blood spatters were anything to go by.
Arthur sat in his apartment, waiting to see how Cyrin would react. He planned on texting the dancer later in the day, if he had to, but if Cyrin got ahold of him first…
Even better.

@RhysTheFirebird group

Cyrin groans softly at the incessant ringing of his phone and he rolls over, pulling his pillow over his head. “Stop ringing you cursed thing. . .” He sits up, looking at the caller ID and frowns, at the time, 7:48. His parents never called this early. He picks up his phone, “Yeah-“ He pauses, listening, his face paling, “I’ll be over there as soon as I can, mama.”

He gets up, rubbing his face, his movements rushed as he takes a quick shower and gets dressed, not even bothering with a piece of bread for breakfast. He pulls his shoes on, almost slamming into the door as he grabs his keys and rushes out.

He takes a breath of the ‘fresh’ air, looking up. It was such a nice day too. He shudders, Saline was dead. Torn apart. He bites his lip, today was also supposed to be her eighteenth birthday. He shakes his head, shifting his pace to a jog, as he moves around other people making his way to his parents house.

After about a 20 minute jog, he gets to the small house and goes inside, he ignores the police car outside and hears voices inside. He makes it to the kitchen to see his parents with two police officers. Cyrin ignores them, rushing to his parents, “Mama, papa. . .” He hugs them, hiding his face.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Arthur waited, thinking through his plans.
Kill the sister. Check.
Make the parents grieve to the point of death, or eliminate them too. In progress
Make Cyrin vulnerable by eliminating his family. In progress.
Get Cyrin to move in close. Almost!
Get close to Cyrin emotionally. In progress.
And finally- manipulate. ….Definitely in progress.

He had to smile to himself. It was all coming together.

@RhysTheFirebird group

Cyrin bites his lip, talking with his parents and the police, giving his account of his night. After he spoke he when to his old room, which technically, was just his sisters room now. He sits on her bed, silent.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

The morning seemed to crawl for Arthur, just waiting on Cyrin. The story broke on the news, the police asking for tips and and clues, but they had nothing. No DNA, no fingerprints, no video or anything else.
Sixclaw was efficient.
Around noon, he sent Cyrin a text.
Hey, buddy. When would you wanna talk about moving in? No pressure, we just didn't nail down a date.

@RhysTheFirebird group

Cyrin looks at the text, biting his lip hard, Sorry, shit’s come up, I don’t know if I’ll be able to take you up on the offer.

He sighs, despite how much he loved the idea of having his own space, his parents needed him. He wasn’t going to move farther away, it would be a waste of time for him to come her every day. He moves to the kitchen, sitting in silence with his father while his mother’s gut wrenching sobs filled the house.

Just one look at his father told Cyrin the older man wasn’t just sad, but pissed. He stayed silent.

@RhysTheFirebird group

Cyrin thinks for a moment, and then sighs, I’ll probably take you up on the offer after things settle down. Or maybe a little before. I don’t need to be worrying about money right now.

He knew he would be foolish to not accept the offer. He was behind on his rent for his current place, and $100 a month would give him plenty of money for his faimly. FOr support. And now a funeral.