forum Crushing Hearts (Mature content [might turn out to be 18+] and TW) (Moved) (1/1)
Started by @RhysTheFirebird group

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@RhysTheFirebird group

Cyrin shrugs, “Eh. Not in the mood for a drink besides my water.” He sighs, “Just. . . Didn’t like the way that turned out. I don’t do contemporary very often. It’s not my cup of tea.” He drinks from his bottle, “I almost always prefer ballet. It’s more. . . Peaceful and fluid.” He hums softly.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Arthur nodded, and just ordered another drink for himself, since the bartender was there anyway.
"Well, I'm sorry it wasn't what you were hoping. I thought you did great, and you looked very fluid and peaceful from here." He gave Cyrin a sympathetic look. "How can I cheer you up, huh? Not in the mood for a drink, but have you eaten? Can I get you some food?"

@RhysTheFirebird group

Cyrin sighs softly, “I’m going out with my family for dinner.” He smiles at Arthur, “But thanks for the offer.” He takes another drink from his bottle, “I could do with a small snack. . .” He murmurs after a moment, laughing softly.

Dancing always made him hungry, and it wasn’t like he could wait 2 hours for a meal, so a snack will do for now, he supposed. He looks over at Arthur, “Come on, be honest, that wasn’t very good. I suck at contemporary.”

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Oof. Change of plans.
"Oh, fun. Well that'll be nice." Arthur smiled at him. "Pretty close with your family?"
He turned and waved down the bartender again, before putting in an order for mozzarella sticks and garlic knots. "Hope that's ok." he said, once the bartender had walked away.
He quirked his head at Arthur, his brow furrowed. "I am being honest, I thought it was good. You don't suck at it.* He gave a wry smile. "Maybe I need to see you do ballet to know what's really good, but to me, that was good."

@RhysTheFirebird group

Cyri n smiles, "No, it sounds good." He watches the bartender walk away and then turns back to Arthur, "Yes, I am. Except my sister, she's a pain in the ass most of the time. I bring in most of the money for the family and she tries to sucker up to me so she can get more."

Cyrin watches him for a moment, a contemplative look on his face and he just hums softly in response, resting his chin on his hand

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

"Oh. Are you still living with your family?" Arthur had to remind himself to pretend he didn't know the answers to these, hadn't thought how to get around things already. The food came, and he slid all of it towards Cyrin, taking a mozarella stick. "And sisters can be super irritating, especially if they're the baby."
He noted Cyrin's contemplative look, but didn't push it, though he did mirror the dancer's position and hold his eye contact.

@RhysTheFirebird group

Cyrin watches Arthur for a moment longer, "Ah. . . Well, ni, I don't I moved out recently, but I haven't told anyine. Nothing about it online. I don't use social media often. It's a distraction really. The only things about me online are old, before I stopped using it, and the new stuff is just people filming me on the street. In plus, it's kind of stupid to throw the 'I'm moving out' online, no one needs to know that shit. And if they did, well, I'd tell them in person." Cyri n wasn't lying either. He rarely posted about himswlf, and he knew his friends and family respected his wishes to not be on the internet, nd avoided doing it as much as possible. But he wasn't an idiot, if someone really wanted to find stuff about him, they could. He knew there were peoe who would meet someone and in an attempt to learn more, would social media stalk them. Cyrin didn't think Arthur was the guy to do that. But Other people were.

He hums looking back at Arthur a moment longer before looking at the food, taking a mozzarella stick and biting into it, smiling slightly. One of his favorite snacks. He watches at the cheese stretches and then snap. He uses his finger, piling the excess cheese over the end of the stock before taking another bite.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Arthur nodded along. "Makes sense. Social media can be such a trap." Cyrin did indeed have a much smaller social media presence than most people, but Arthur had been able to find out a few relevant things.
He watched Cyrin eating the mozzarella stick, and had the good grace to blush and look away. Something about the way the dancer was eating was… setting him off. Maybe it was the prolonged eye contact, maybe it was something else, but whatever it was, it was working.
"So, uh… what, umm… how do you like your new place?"
If he could pull off the 'easily flustered' look, it might make things easier.
He began fidgeting with the garlic knot he was holding, tearing the bread into little pieces and eating them slowly.

@RhysTheFirebird group

Chris hums, still watch Arthur and then goes back to his food, "It's small, but it works. Two bedroom, one bath and insanely tiny kitchen that I don't read use. Also an even smaller living area. Not much space to put anything but a small TV and small two seater couch." He takes another's bite, humming softly, "Like I siad, it works. It's low rent and a place for me to sleep after long days, but I don't send much time there."

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Arthur nodded slowly. "Sounds… small, but nice. Any particular reason you don't spend a lot of time there?"
As he'd already demonstrated, money wasn't an issue for Arthur. So he had a nice, full floor sized apartment in one of the apartment buildings here in town, which he owned.
He was hoping to lead up to that, and then invite Cyrin over to see it at some point. Get him used to being in Arthur's space, and move from there.

@RhysTheFirebird group

Cyrin shrugs, “I’m the main money maker for the family, they need me. I spend a lot of time either with them, on the streets dancing for a little extra cash, at a studio taking a class, or working at the restaurant I work at.”

He smiles slightly, “I usually only sleep there. And it’s too small for the likes of me. Not even enough space to stretch in the morning.” He laughs softly, picking up another mozzarella stick and eating it.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

"A restaurant, huh?" Arthur asked. "What kind? Got any good food?" Nonchalant, don't let on you know the place.
He chuckled along with Cyrin's laugh. "So would you look for another place if it cost you less but was bigger?"
Bait the hook. Try and get more than a nibble this time. Cyrin was clearly family oriented, more than Arthur would have guessed, so. If he could get a better handle on the dancer's living space, that would be good.

@RhysTheFirebird group

Cyrin hums, “This pizza place. It’s trash. But then, I’m not a pizza person.”

Cyrin debated for a moment, “Sure, but I still wouldn’t spend much time there. I need my own space to retreat to, but I’d still spend my time the same way. With my family, working or dancing.” He shrugs, “The space would go to waste, even if it cost less. There would probably be someone who needs the space more than I do and at that low a price.”

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

"Ah, me neither." Arthur shook his head. "Too greasy, usually."
Cyrin debated for a moment, and Arthur waited for his response with growing anticipation.
The answer came, and he nodded slowly. Roll with the punches.
"Well… it wouldn't be that low priced for everyone. Just for people I like." Arthur admitted. He gave Cyrin a look. "I, uh… I own those apartments over on Gillie Street. The nicer ones. I could… well, they don't get a lot of takers in this area. I've got open rooms, and I could let you have one for less than the typical. You're-… a nice guy, Cyrin." He looked down, averting his eyes before he started blushing.

@RhysTheFirebird group

Cyrin watches him, silent for a moment before shrugging, “Like I said, I don’t need that much space, it would all go to waste. I’m going going to pay for a something I won’t use.” Cyrin takes another bite of his snack, debating for a moment, “Unless it was big enough for me to have my own space to dance without having to pay to use the studio downtown, then maybe I’ll think about it.”

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

"How big of an open space would you need for that?" Arthur asked. He was almost certain he could give Cyrin that, but checking made it look like he hadn't planned this in any way.
The lower floor apartments were 4 to a floor. Pretty decent sized. The upper three floors were 2 apartments to a floor, and of course the top floor was one apartment, Arthur's.

@RhysTheFirebird group

He took a moment to think, remembering something her had read online, “Well studio sizes are varied, but you have 20 x 20 small, 20 x 30 medium, 30x 40 large and anything over is extra-large. All feet. I prefer medium or large, as when I dace, I move around and dont stay in one spot. But Small would work for a private one. The small can fit about 16 dancers, so. . . If it’s just me using it, it would be plenty of space.” He takes another bite.

@RhysTheFirebird group

“Yeah.” He hums, “Polished.” He bites again, drinking his water. “Though, I don’t really need all the space, but I’m sure I could, hypothetically, find something to do with it.” He looks at Arthur.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Arthur shrugged. "Man, have your family over to your place sometime. The kitchen would be big enough to actually cook in, I can promise you." He made eye contact with Cyrin, and smiled at him. "Lemme know when you wanna move in."
He wasn't sure if Cyrin was asking him to help find something to do with the space, but he'd have suggestions if that's what he meant.
"What, uh… what time are you headed to dinner?"

@RhysTheFirebird group

Cyrin hums, “Never said I’d actually move in.” He thinks for a moment, “In about an hour or so.” He shrugs, “If I want my own space, I’m not going to invite my family into it. They’ll try to take over the one thing I have to myself.”

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

"I know. I'm just saying it's an open offer." He downed the rest of his drink and stood up. "That makes sense. It was just a suggestion." He glanced at his watch. "Would you wanna come see the place, see if that makes your decision easier?" He gestured to the door with his thumb. "I live pretty close, like I said."

@RhysTheFirebird group

Cyrin looks at the mozzarella sticks, biting his lip and then picks up another one, standing, “Sure. Why not?” He smiles slightly, taking a bite and then grabbing his bag and then his water bottle.

He knew it was probably a stupid idea to go with a man he barely even knew. And even stupider when he had an hour until dinner with his family. But he liked Arthur, so he'd trust him. For not, and not much, but, he would a little bit.

Seeing as how Cyrin walked everywhere in the town, he didn't have a car, and he hoped that wherever they were going wasn't far. Despite his He trusted Arthur that small amount, didn't mean he'd get into the guys car if he had one.