forum Crushing Hearts (Mature content [might turn out to be 18+] and TW) (Moved) (1/1)
Started by @RhysTheFirebird group

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@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

(I mean, he is human. Usually.)
(He does mention that pain is one of the few things he enjoys, and as for how far he'll take it, I don't know that the character template is necessarily the spot for that)
(As for sexuality, that and romance are different. I'll define a little closer tho)
(Hope that clarifies! :)

@RhysTheFirebird group

(Also, please don't forget that he has to be adept at tricking people.
More explanation; He needs to be able to make Charcter B fall in love with him so it's easier for him to hurt them. So this means A would have, somewhere in their history, learned the skills it takes to be a conartist or a trickster.)

@RhysTheFirebird group

Name: Cyrin Duntol (Kai-rin Dun-tol)
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Eyes) Dark, but somehow warm, brown eyes
Hair) Brown with hints of gold and black.
Skin) Light Olive
Height) 5’9
Weight) 149lbs
Body Type) Lean
Personality: Cyrin is usually a mellow person, not much temper, and can handle pretty much anything you throw at him. He can sometimes see through lies, but this really only works with people he knows very well. When backed in a corner though, Cyrin will lash out at anyone and anything. He doesn't take kindly to bring emotionally, physically or mentally in a corner. He also has the way of doing things dramatically and making dramatic movments sometimes.
-Dancing; He loves dancing, especially to music. He has a fluid way of moving.
-Music; Music makes him feel alive and a want to get up and move.
-Drawing; This is what he does to relax and calm down from long days.
-Liars; He hates the idea that someone could lie to another person.
-Bright Lights; The flash startles him, and he dislikes being startled.
-Sudden and Loud Noises; As well, this startles him.
-Dancing; He will dance any moment he gets, in public or in private.
-Drawing; This becomes one of the main focuses in his life, but eventually gets pushed to the sideline, but he’ll still do it often after a long day of work.
-Cleaning; For some reason, he finds it fun.
-Dancing; He’s just naturally good at it.
-Drawing; Though nowhere near his dancing skills, he’s still pretty good at it.
-Catching onto a Beat or Tempo; Give him a random song and almost instantly he catches onto the beat and can tell you the tempo the song was most likely played at.
-He’s afraid that all his hard work and the money he’s spent on his career will be for nothing and he’ll loose it all.
-He’s irrationally afraid of man made heights.
-He’s afraid of getting his hear broken.
Mental: N/A
Physical: Besides his fluid ses when he moves, there’s nothing else.
Background: Cyrin grew up in a supportive and healthy home. His mother was a stay at home mom, enjoying being close to her kids, and helping their lives as much as possible. His father went to work and made the money, but not much of it, and defiantly not enough. So, when Cyrin was about 10 or 11, he started to babysit the neighbors kids, instilling a protective instinct for those who are younger than him and an early sense of responsibility. It was also about the time he learned his love of dancing. Cyrin uses his pay to help out the family and slowly saved up enough money for dance classes, he took ballet to start off with He would also work at the dance studio to help pay for his lessons when he didn’t have enough money.
When he was about 12, he also discovered he loved to draw, but this was third to his love of dancing and music, but he still found he was very good at drawing and he invested more money into this skill. At this point, he had no Mandy for anything else in life, but he was still content.
When he was 16, he got his first job at a pizza place and worked hard, slowly saving up money throughout high school to get him into collage. He decided to go to collage for art and learn the other forms of dancing that he wanted (Pole, ballroom and contemporary).
Cyrin went to collage, but eventually fell out of in only a semester in, following his dancing career. He’s still in training, but sometimes he’ll do street performances to make a little extra cash to pay for his classes, food and rent for his apartment.
Other: N/A

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

A typical day at Northwood Mall brought crowds of all kinds of people. For an average sized mall in an average sized town, it brought in a lot of business. And of course, with business came people, and with people came… situations.
Arthur enjoyed people watching, specifically for these situations. People could be so quirky and strange. Quirky and strange meant judgy, and judgy meant confrontation. Confrontation meant fights, verbal, or if he was really lucky, some sort of physical altercation. Northwood Security wasn't particularly good at their job, and the local hospital was no stranger to people coming in from the mall with serious injuries.
In fact, it was odd that something as simple as a mall brawl had left people with broken bones and serious, vicious lacerations.
If anyone had bothered to ask, Arthur could have explained how that happened, but. Nobody ever asked. Honestly, people didn't often talk to him, unless he talked to them first.
And so he sat, people watching. Surveying. Looking over the… wares the mall had to offer. Deciding who to try to 'shoplift' next.
Except, today he was feeling a bit maudlin. A bit sentimental. Kidnapping wasn't doing it for him just now, or maybe it hadn't been for a while. Recently, the idea of messing up someone who had chosen him had taken root in his head, and no matter how many good candidates to snatch there were, he found himself wanting something different this time. Something deeper. Something more gut-wrenching.

So he kept looking.

@RhysTheFirebird group

Cyrin walks down the large, full and bustling halls of the mall, frowning slightly. He was typing away on his phone. His sister was persevering him about hosting a party at his house. He didn’t want to. She had been sucking up to him, playing goody goody for the last few months. Just so she could as him this. He sent her a big fat No and left it at that.

He looks up, moving around people and then looking at the shops he was passing,, stopping in front of a clothes store. He needed new clothes, ones that he wouldn’t get dirty and stained with his art shenanigans.

He places his hand on his hip, looking at the clothing department. He sighs, and then shakes his head, who was he kidding? He didn’t have the money for new clothes. He turns walking towards a bench, and sitting down, playing a game absently on his phone.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Well. Arthur's attention had landed on a young man who, to be fair, had drawn attention by being dramatic.
Ok, so not dramatic, but still. Looking in a shop window, heaving a big sigh, and plopping down on a nearby bench didn't take much to decipher.
Arthur stood and moved through the crowd, his neatly coifed hair and casual-but-classy outfit making it easy for him to blend in. People tended to shy away from you if you looked like some kinda of homeless person, so he avoided that.
5'8", 150 lbs. Curly dark brown hair, big brown eyes, fair complexion. Full lips, no facial hair, big smile. Nice muscularity. And if you dressed that all up just a bit, most people didn't notice you until you made yourself known.
He sat on the opposite end of the bench and flashed a kind smile in the guy's direction.
"Hey there! Couldn't help noticing you seem a bit troubled. Any way I can help?" Voice even, not too invasive, not too pushy, just friendly and helpful.

@RhysTheFirebird group

Cyrin was wrapped up in his game and he jumps slightly when someone speaks grin beside him. He looks over at the man beside him, flashing a smile, “Oh, I’m fine. Just life, you know?” He look over the man sitting next to him. Perhaps a year older than him, with unassuming features.

Cyrin himself wasn’t all that unassuming, most people only noticed him one of two ways, the first being the way he moved, with a fluid Grace the spoke volumes about the years he had spent trying to dace and the other, well, the other was how dramatic he could be at times.

On the through of dancing, he looked at his phone to check the time and make sure he wasn’t running late for his lesson, and in doing so, he saw the little number five next to his messages. A glance to the side told him they were all from his sister. He turns the phone off, deciding to ignore her.

He gives his full attention to the man beside him, “What makes you say that anyways? Do I really looks that troubled?”

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Arthur nodded, watching the guy pointedly ignore whoever was texting him. "Just life, huh? Seems pretty, uh, interesting…" He gave his new friend one of those looks that implies you're kinda obvious. The man didn't seem to have much guile, which wasn't a bad characteristic. Just meant that Arthur would need to be careful in trying to reel him in.
"You do look troubled, now that I've sat down, but what particularly did it was the big sigh in front of the window." He nodded towards the store. "Something you want? Can I help you get it?"
Baiting the hook was a necessary part of the plan. He might get a nibble here, which might turn into a bite later, and once someone bit…
Well. He could bite back.

@RhysTheFirebird group

Cyrin shrugs, "Just wanted a few more clothes. I need some new shoes for my dancing class and just some stuff I haven't sweat in or got art stuff all over." Cyrin shrugs, "I don't really need help. . . I'll get it myself later after I've been paid." And after I've paid for my classes. . .

Cyrin smiles at the man slightly and leans back on the bench hiding softly to himself, "And what's made you decide to sit next to me? Just the sighing?"

Cyrin probably shouldn't be having this conversation, but whatever. He had a good 45 minutes before he had to get to his class.

@RhysTheFirebird group

(That's a lot of detail, thanks very much :) Dont worry about late replies, I try not to be demanding or impatient)

(Ty! I tried to put enough detail in there)

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Arthur raised his eyebrows, giving him an impressed look. "Dancing and art, huh? I am in the presence of an artist of multiple disciplines, it seems." He stood, taking a few steps towards the store.
"I'm not saying you need the help, I'm sure you're a competent adult. But I've got disposable income and no hobbies of my own, so lemme help you out." He winked as he answered the next question. "Well, frankly, I sat down because you're kinda cute. What kind of person would I have to be to see a cute guy sighing sadly and not walk over?" He smiled and nodded towards the store. "C'mon."
Disarming. Try for charming. Try for flirty, maybe. He'd just need to see what this guy would let fly, and then he'd know which buttons to press. The fact he was having the conversation at all meant that Arthur was getting something right.

@RhysTheFirebird group

Cyrin sighs, "Fine." He gets up following Arthur, " But just this once. " He blinks, "I- what-?" He stared at Arthur for a moment before laughing softly, "I'm just your average guy. Nothing special about me except that I'm an exeptional dancer."

He smiles slightly, "I was sitting saddly, I was sitting resgned, there's a difference."

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Arthur held his hands out in an open gesture. "Just this once is fine." His smile widened a bit at the guy's surprise. "Well, hey, you can't deny your own appeal. And resigned or sad, I can fix both by being just a bit helpful, so lemme." He turned and walked into the store, looking over his shoulder. "Name's Arthur. You? Or should I just call you Tiny Dancer?"
No. Avoid teasing and humor until you know he's down for that. It had been a while since he'd had to woo anyone, and Arthur could feel the rust in the gears.
The store wasn't super pricy, but it was tasteful, and Arthur was glad he'd picked someone with modest tastes. Not that he couldn't have afforded flashy, but this made it easier and meant he had less to explain. You couldn't flash the kind of wealth that came with being a Revenant without people getting nervous. Or suspicious.