forum Crushing Hearts (Mature content [might turn out to be 18+] and TW) (Moved) (1/1)
Started by @RhysTheFirebird group

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@RhysTheFirebird group

Cyrin laughs, “Well, I love art. I was going to school for it, but I decided I wanted to go the dancing rout. I also enjoy reading, and writing short little stories. I haven’t had much time to figure out what I like, I’m always super busy making money for my family. I know there are other things I like to do. I just dont know what exactly they all are.”

He pauses, thinking, a thoughtful look on his face, “I enjoy video games, movie nights, clubbing is fun when I have time for it. Reading while listening to music is another one.” He shrugs.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Arthur beamed at him. "See, there's a person! You're not just some dancing automoton, there's a personality in there." He winked at Arthur as they stood to head out.
"Listen… lets get your mind off this for a bit. Let you not think about anything, like you said. Just for a little while." His voice turned a bit more gentle than playful. "We could head back to my place? I've got a huge TV, we could watch a movie or play some video games. Or… there's that art gallery over in Brixton." The next city over was a bit bigger, and only a half hour away. "We could go walk through that, if you want."

@RhysTheFirebird group

Cyrin laughs, tipping his head back, “Look, I love dancing. I’m perfectly fine with it being the thing I do most. Though yes sometimes I can get tired, but often times I don’t.”

“Movies or video games sounds much more relaxing and entertaining.” Cyrin grins, pushing the door open and holding it for the other guy.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Arthur put on some quiet music, and they made the couple of minutes just fine. He pulled into his spot in the parking garage and locked his gate, and they headed up into the lobby and onto the elevator.

This time, they went to the top floor, and there was only one door, and a janitor's closet. Arthur grinned at Cyrin.
"I'm curious, what do you think my domicile looks like?"

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Arthur nods. "You're close. I don't know what you'll think of this." He opened the door, heavy solid oak, and they stepped into the apartment.
Black walls. Red trim and accents. Red carpet.
Definitely a particular vibe going on here.
The door opened into a small antechamber, kinda like a coat room. Arthur had a neat shoe rack there, with multiple kinds of shoes on it. He also had various jackets, and even what looked like a cloak, hanging in the closet.
They stepped through, and they were in his living room. It was huge, with massive couches. They filled most of the floor space of the living room, and were all oriented to face a huge screen. Easily 20'x20', the screen took up a good portion of the far wall. Big speakers were mounted in various places along the wall and behind the couches, providing an obvious surround-sound experience.
It was all done in that same red-and-black vibe.

@RhysTheFirebird group

Cyrin raises an eyebrow, "You very much like red and black. . ." He mutters, looking around. "Its very. . ." He shrugs, " I don't know. . . " He laughs softly.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Arthur laughs. "Well, luckily you don't have to like this one. Now, movie or video games?" He indicates the shelving below the screen, where there are multiple game systems and games, as well as streaming devices. "I've got access to all the major movie sites, so. Whatever you want."

@RhysTheFirebird group

Cyrin bites his lip, "I. . . Don't know. . ." He mumbles, "Why do you keep making me pick from so many things? Like dates and now games or movies. I suck at picking things from this big a variety. Why don't you pick a few and I can go from there."

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Arthur quirked an eyebrow at him. "Why do I-… because I'm not making your decisions for you, buddy. You're an adult, you have your own likes and dislikes. Just pick something, there are no stakes. This doesn't have to be hard. I'm not going to dislike any option you pick." He turned and rested his hands on Cyrin's shoulders, looking up into his eyes.
"This is a safe space. You're safe here, with me, really wherever we are. By that, I mean that you can just choose what you like, without having to worry about other people." He let go and stepped into the room.
"You've been worrying about other people your entire life. Worry about what you like when you're with me."

@RhysTheFirebird group

Cyrin bites his lip harder, "But I. . . I don't like choosing things, Arthur. I dont." He shrugs, "I much prefer someone telling me what to do. Or at least giving me not so many options. It overwhelms me." He stares at the floor.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events


Arthur tipped his head sideways, giving Cyrin a gentle look. He stepped back into Cyrin's proximity, tilting the taller guy's head up by nudging his chin gently, until he was looking Arthur in the eyes.

"You're sure you'd rather have me tell you what to do?" His voice was soft, gentle, on the verge of tenderness. "Cuz I can do that… I can help you not be overwhelmed."
The moment was intentionally charged, and he hoped Cyrin would lean into it, but he wasn't sure.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Arthur's face slowly slid into a smile, and he held Cyrin's eye contact. "…Ok then." He let go, and turned to walk back into the room, and the closeness of the moment was broken, though it lingered for just a second, like an aroma after a candle has been blown out.
"I'm thinking a movie. Do you like animated stuff? Cuz I do, and I think you'd really like this one movie… gotta see if I can find it." He turned on the screen, using a small tablet to navigate the streaming platforms and search for this show. "C'mere, sit down." He smiled over his shoulder at Cyrin, beckoning him to the huge couch.

@RhysTheFirebird group

Cyrin follows him, quiet for a moment and smiles slightly, “I do like animated stuff.” He flops down onto the couch, “What movie is it?” He tilts his head slightly, smiling slightly, looking over Arthurs shoulder. His eyes scanned the screen.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Arthur found it, and the cover pic was of a boy and girl, dancing while dressed in outlandish clothes, surrounded by folks in very formal clothes.
"There it is! [Insert Title Here!]" He turned his head and smiled, his face close to Cyrin's for a moment.
"You like dancing, right? This one's got a lot of it. Thought you might enjoy that, or at least we'd get some good conversation out of it if it's all animated wrong. You could tell me why." He grinned, before heading towards the kitchen.
"Want some popcorn? I'm making some for me regardless."

@RhysTheFirebird group

Cyrin laughs, “Maybe. . . But I’ll probably make commentary either way.” He shrugs, “I tend to do that.”

Cyrin turns slightly, his gaze following Arthur, “Sure.” He leans back on the couch, relaxing.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Arthur laughed with him. "Oh, perfect. That's fine with me."
He put several bags of popcorn in the microwave all at once, and then walked down the hall while they were popping. He emerged with his arms full of blankets.
"I don't know about you, but movies are get comfortable time, so. Here we go." He plopped the blankets down on the couch in a big pile, before going to check the popcorn.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

"Oh, I go through an entire two bags by myself!" Arthur grinned at him. "So there's 4 for good measure." He emptied the now-popped bags into a ginormous bowl, and came back, sliding into place right next to Cyrin. He handed the dancer the bowl and picked up the tablet, hitting play.
The lights, which had flicked on when he opened the door, automatically dimmed, and he pulled a couple blankets around him, settling in comfortably.

@RhysTheFirebird group

Cyrin laughs, “Two?” He grins slightly, “Hmm. . .” He takes a piece of popcorn, eating it, “And you assume I eat two?”

He holds the bowl, looking at the popcorn and then the screen.