forum Crushing Hearts (Mature content [might turn out to be 18+] and TW) (Moved) (1/1)
Started by @RhysTheFirebird group

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@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Arthur shrugged. "I wanted to have enough for both of us, and I'll eat what you don't eat."
The movie got going, some sweet story about a boy and girl forbidden to dance at school by their teachers, and their journey to turn the school formal event into a dance party as revenge. Simple. Easy to digest.
The kind of thing that put people at ease, made them laugh, and would let Cyrin not think about his troubles for a bit.
Over the course of the movie, Arthur slumped more and more into Cyrin, not outright snuggling him, but essentially lying on his shoulder by the end.

@RhysTheFirebird group

Cyrin laughs softly, “Hm. . .” He eats anther piece of popcorn. Cyrin watches the movie, dropping bits and pieces of commentary every few minuets. He seemed relaxed and somewhat happy, a slight smile on his face.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Cyrin laughs softly, “Hm. . .” He eats anther piece of popcorn. Cyrin watches the movie, dropping bits and pieces of commentary every few minuets. He seemed relaxed and somewhat happy, a slight smile on his face.

Arthur managed to act impressed with each bit of commentary and knowledge that Cyrin dropped. He could feel Cyrin relaxing next to him.

Time to try something.

The movie ended, and the credits rolled, and the room was dark without the lights on. Arthur had closed the curtains so the light from outside wouldn't through a glare on the screen.

He didn't move, just laying there, head on Cyrin's shoulder, looking up at him with admiring eyes. "Sooo… what did you think? Good choice?"

@RhysTheFirebird group

Cyrin debates for a moment, “It was a good movie if you’re looking for comedy.” He smiles, closing his eyes for a moment, “But defiantly not accurate in the world of dancing.” He laughs softly, “But that part was made obvious in the movie.”

@RhysTheFirebird group

Cyrin huffs a soft laugh, "Hmm. . ." He leans slightly into Arthur's thouch, smiling slightly, he looks at Arthur, his gaze moving over the Other man's face and he hums softly, "Well. . . I could say the same about you."

@RhysTheFirebird group

Cyrin watches Arthur duck his head and the red bloom across his face. He smiles slightly, gently bumping Arthur's chin with his knuckle, trying to get him to lift his gaze.

He huffs another soft laugh, "I am not teasing you, Arthur. Though, I do tease people all the time, I not teasing right now."

@RhysTheFirebird group

Curing hums siftly, looking at Arthur's face again, "Well, you are. And I have a firm belief that lots of people are idiots and jerkwads." He laughs softly, "But, yes Arthur, you're attractive and amazingly handsome."

@RhysTheFirebird group

Cyrin bites his lip, What the hell is happening right now? He shifts into a slightly more comfortable position, but otherwise, he stays still, watching Arthur.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

They sat there, in the dark, in the quiet, for a minute or so, before Arthur looked back up at him. "Sorry for making it weird. You just… you get so animated when you talk about dance, and I was sitting there thinking how much I enjoy that. Watching you get excited about things." His voice got quieter. "I feel like I've known you forever, and… I don't know… just realized I was probably making you feel weird…"

@RhysTheFirebird group

Cyrin looks at him, “No. . . Not really. Just confused as to what’s happening right now. . .” He chuckles softly. He smiles slightly, dipping his head, this time, resting his forehead against Arthur’s shoulder, sighing softly, content.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Arthur sat up, then, making it easier for Cyrin to rest on his shoulder.
"Well, I-… I mean… I've liked you since I first saw you, and… I don't know, I care about you, and I want to help you, and that kinda-… it makes me want things I maybe shouldn't want, you know? And you were smiling and laughing and that does things to me… so I had to fight down the urge to kiss you just now." He laughed, a nervous sound, and covered his face with his hand.
"That's probably too much information, isn't it, but… that's why this was probably confusing. I'm sorry."

@RhysTheFirebird group

Cyrin smiles, “Well. . . I think I like you too. . .” He laughs softly, closing his eyes, “God, that sounds so indecisive. . .” He hums softly, “I was thinking you were going to kiss me.” He mumbles, “Also expecting it.” He shrugs slightly, “If I didn’t want you that close, I would have just pushed you away, you know. . .”

He hums, “It’s not too much. . .”

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Arthur looked up, an almost startled expression on his face. He turned a bit, his eyes searching Cyrin's face, before tipping his head and kissing him, lightly, gently.
He pulled back after a moment, his face flushing, a smile working its way across his features.
"I, uh… I figured I better do it before you decided to object…" His voice was soft, and a bit dazed.