forum Crushing Hearts (Mature content [might turn out to be 18+] and TW) (Moved) (1/1)
Started by @RhysTheFirebird group

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@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Arthur's smile grew. "I want to beat your tail in Mario Kart, is what I wanna do!"
He skittered over to the shelves below the huge tv and grabbed a couple controllers, before setting one on the couch next to him. He had the console on, the game up and running, and was patting the cushion next to him excitedly, within a minute.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

There was an easy rhythm to games that helped them bond, and Arthur found himself laughing with Cyrin quite a lot.
They played for much longer than it felt like, and soon, it was 11pm. Arthur yawned, and glanced at the clock, his eyes widening.
"Whoa… I should probably let you get to sleep." He smiled over at Cyrin. "You want my bed or the couch? I'll take whichever you don't pick."

@RhysTheFirebird group

Cyrin leans back, rubbing his face, “I don’t particularly care either way. . . It’s whichever you want, it’s your home.” He sets the controller down, yawning.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Arthur nodded. "Bed's yours, then." He pointed towards his bedroom. "I'll be out here if you need me."

Internally, Sixclaw was rolling his eyes. This guy never makes a decision, does he? I've never met a more boring person with fewer opinions on anything…

On the flip side, it would make him easier to manipulate. So there was that.

@RhysTheFirebird group

Cyrin looked at him, smiling slightly, getting up and stretching. He looks towards the bedroom door and then to Arthur, “You sure?” He asks, shifting on his feet.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

The bedroom was relatively large, with that same soft red carpet. The bed was huge, which was a bit odd for someone living alone.
The lights were an automatic dim in the bedroom, and there wasn't much other furniture. Drawers could be seen recessed into the wall, a clever way of hiding a dresser or bureau.

@RhysTheFirebird group

Cyrin hums softly, and the looks to the bed, “Is the damn thing big enough. . ?” He mutters, walking over to the bed and sitting down, pulling his knees to his chest, going silent.

@RhysTheFirebird group

Cyrin yawns, closing his eyes and dropping his forehead onto his knees, quiet, though he didn’t fall asleep quite yet. Instead, he pulled out his phone, checking his messages. Nothing from his mother, but that was to be expected, but there were a few from his father. He reads through them, hinting his lip slightly. Mama was not getting any better, but at least she wasn’t getting worse.

He sets his phone down, flopping back and staring up at the ceiling.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

The moment Cyrin's eyes closed in sleep, Arthur slunk into the room. He sat in a dark corner of the room, and watched Cyrin sleep.

He smiled to himself as Cyrin's dreams got very dark, very quickly.

Images of his sister walking home… being attacked by this huge black wolf-looking beast… blood and viscera all over the sidewalk, all over Cyrin as he watched, and suddenly, the beast was on him, its maw wide open, teeth glistening and razor sharp, saliva dripping from 6 inch long canines. He could smell the blood and meat on its breath as it slavered over him, could smell his sister's perfume as the jaws descended on his face with a roar-

@RhysTheFirebird group

Cyrin goes silent in his sleep, still. Not the usual reaction to a nightmare. Instead, all he fealt was a cool rage, if a little fear. He didn’t like the dream, but whatever or whoever had killed his sister, pissed him off enough that he would be an idiot and stare it in the face. Whether it was this thing that appeared in his dreams, or something else entirely. Because no one messed with his family.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Arthur had expected him to wake up, but when he didn't, a cold smile crept across Arthur's face.

The jaws descended on Cyrin's face with a roar-
and began tearing the flesh off. He could feel it happening, the skin being ripped from his bones, piece by piece, bit by bit, the searing pain contorting his real life face as his dream face was demolished.
The monster continued eating him alive, breaking his bones, devouring his organs, fileting his muscle…

As long as Cyrin stayed asleep, he felt every second of it.

And Arthur revelled in it.

@RhysTheFirebird group

Cyrin stays still and silent, the only indication was his breathing speeding up. After a moment, he wakes up, sitting up and staying silent, staring at his legs, not noticing Arthur in the room.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Arthur had to chuckle at Cyrin's stillness. The fact that he could taste the boy's terror in the room, but the boy refused to move, would be very useful later, he was sure.

He slipped from the room as Cyrin started to wake up, and was back in his spot on the couch by the time Cyrin came awake.

The dream had left Cyrin completely unrested, exhausted, and feeling like he hadn't slept at all.