forum the leaf-bare ball (𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚘𝚛 𝚌𝚊𝚝𝚜 𝚛𝚙) {CLOSED! STALKERS WELCOME}
Started by @Spring group

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(Right! Sorry.)

~ Hailflight cuddled as close to Hickorykit as she could, wanting to shield him from the world. If only he knew how much Crescentshine had loved him. Hailflight had seen how much Crescentshine loved him the moment she had looked at her newborn kit.


Hickorykit tried to keep as quiet as possible so that it wasn't as obvious that he was crying, but that was obviously very difficult for him. He couldn't keep himself from trembling as he huddled impossibly closer to Hailflight, curled up into a tight ball to be as small as he could be.


(This is just so- Augh! The FEELS!!!)

~ Hailflight opened her eyes and looked at the kit. "She loved you, you know." She muttered, "She loved you from the moment she laid eyes on you." She sighed, and small smile slid onto her face. "And I love you more than anything or anyone I've ever met."


"B-But how could she love me when she never even really knew me…?" He asked weakly, his voice a bit muffled from him keeping his face hidden. "I want her to come b-back…"


~ "I know." She mewed. "That's just how a mother is. She loves her kits, no matter how little she knows about them. Besides, she's watching you from StarClan. She knows you, and she loves you." Hailflight lifted her head as other cats began to roam around the camp. "I want her back too, but we have to accept that she's gone."

(Later, I'm gonna have her talk to Larchclaw. My headcanon is that he was strangely calm when Crescentshine died, and when explaining what happened to Whitestar.(I also headcanon Whitestar was still alive at the time.) Hailflight doesn't understand how Larchclaw could be so calm when his mate died in front of him, so she's gonna talk to him about it.)


(Alright lol)
"B-But then… why aren't fathers like that?" Hickorykit asked weakly. "Why doesn't my dad wanna hang out with me even though we live in the same clan? Why doesn't he love me?" He buried himself further into Hailflight's fur as he cried.
(I'm prolly gonna have Larchclaw be really mean to Hickorykit at some point oops. Hailflight can save the baby)


(Oh yeah, she's gonna save her baby!)
~ "I'm not sure." Hailflight replied. "Larchclaw… Isn't the best cat out there. Most fathers care about their kits, but he just doesn't seem to." She proceeded to explain how Larchclaw had been so calm when Crescentshine died.

@Spring group

(I also headcanon Whitestar was still alive at the time.)

he def was alive around Crescentshine's death. ima gonna say he died about a moon later bc of ShadowClan but whatevah XD ))

@Spring group

(This is where we left off in RiverClan, I believe - )

Koipaw fell in next to them, his fish held awkwardly between his jaws. "Do you think I could get some more sleeping herbs again tonight, Lavenderwhisker? I haven't been able to sleep very well."

~ Lavenderwhisker looked over at Koipaw and sighed, "again? well I can't have you not sleeping well!" flicking her tail she smiled. "is it a headache again? or is it that you just can't sleep?" she mewed giving her wet pelt a shake in an effort to dry it.

(and In ShadowClan Bluebellkit was hit with a snowball and then hit Gingerflake back, kinda, with a snowball to the paw- i can't find the reply so- WindClan, Springheart is just chillin w/ the kits and in ThunderClan well Hickorykit is being a sad bean and Hailflight is being a good kitty qwq ))


(Oh yeah, she's gonna save her baby!)
~ "I'm not sure." Hailflight replied. "Larchclaw… Isn't the best cat out there. Most fathers care about their kits, but he just doesn't seem to." She proceeded to explain how Larchclaw had been so calm when Crescentshine died.

Hickorykit nodded weakly and huddled closer to Hailflight. "B-But then why did my mom love him if he's so mean?" He asked. "It sounds like she was really nice…"


~ Lavenderwhisker looked over at Koipaw and sighed, "again? well I can't have you not sleeping well!" flicking her tail she smiled. "is it a headache again? or is it that you just can't sleep?" she mewed giving her wet pelt a shake in an effort to dry it.

~ "Both" Koipaw confirmed, struggling to talk around the fish in his mouth. He padded along beside them, his eyes on the ground.

~ Swiftstar slipped into the den and over to Springheart and their kits. "Hey," She purred pressing her head under Springheart's chin.


Hickorykit nodded weakly and huddled closer to Hailflight. "B-But then why did my mom love him if he's so mean?" He asked. "It sounds like she was really nice…"

~ Hailfight sighed and shook her head. "She was nice." She mewed. "Whatever it was she saw in him, I have no doubt that it's gone now. I'm not even sure if he cared about her."


"I-I just— wanna— s-see her…" Hickorykit hiccuped a couple times as he huddled closer to Hailflight. "I never got to m-meet her and I wanna see her… just… j-just once, you know?"


~ Hailflight nodded. "Yeah, I wanna see her too. I miss her." She took a breath and continued. "She was my best friend. I knew about her and Larchclaw. I found out almost immediately after they got together, and I promised Crescentshine I'd keep it secret."


Hickorykit nodded weakly, kneading the ground with a shaky sigh. "I… I know medicine cats can see Starclan sometimes. Do you think they'd let me go with them sometime so I can see mom?"


~ "Possibly." She responded. "If they don't, I'll take you there myself. You deserve to meet her. Maybe I could see her too, one last time." Hailflight flicked an ear with a sigh. Maybe I can apologize to her… For not saving her.


"How can you take me?" Hickorykit asked, confused. "Can you do that? But you're not a medicine cat or anything… how are you able to contact Starclan?"


~ "I meant I'd take you to the Moonpool." Hailflight chuckled. "I know I can't contact StarClan, but maybe Crescentshine will make an exception for her kit and her best friend."


Hickorykit nodded a bit and looked up at Hailflight shyly. "Should we invite dad? Do you think mama would wanna see him? Or that he'd wanna see her?"


~ "I…think we should." Hailflight mewed. "We could go see her now, if you want." She looked at Hickorykit with a smile. "We can go as soon as you're ready, after asking Larchclaw if he'll come along, of course."