forum Camp Half-Blood (reboot. anyone can join)
Started by @ElderGod-yellowqueen

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She was tinkering in the cabin with some gears, screws, and other mechanisms to create a mechanism that could be adapted to a knife and she slowly drifted off into thought about nick she shook her head “damn it” she smacked her face no she wouldn’t do that she should take this to the forge now and she walked out the door thinking not even knowing where she was going

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She was so engrossed in thought she had no idea she had subconsciously walked close to the nemesis cabin she turned away and started to walk she quietly talked to herself “please tell me no one was there Why did I even do that. damn it damn it.” She blushed and she lightly smacked her face to clear her head I need to get a hold of my own head she thought to herself

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

"it got you off me didnt it? any method that works, I mean imagine your pinned by a greek monster and you could get them off you with a simple lick? as long as they don't have poisonous skin or scales I think that's a win." he spoke as he sat next to her, still not wearing a shirt.

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She had to get a control of herself she was being stupid just “ignore it and you will be fine” she walked to the forge and went to work on the mechanism

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She was still thinking as she walked into the forge and she walked directly into someone she stumbled a little “sorry I wasn’t looking where I was going” she started to work on the mechanism “shoot” she forgot to grab an extra blade looks like is going to have to look for one in the shop she searched around her area and found one in her desk now all she needed a hilt she grabbed a metal one and broke it open and started to put the mechanism in

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( I was thinking about it To and I don’t have any ideas either I have been rereading the books recently to see if i could get any ideas)

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

(dude if you want ideas for an oc look at the cabin wiki's, not only does it have the desc of the cabin but it also has the abilities of the demigod or ones they might have and it also has other stuff too.)