(I agree, MCU is best. Yay! Its now official.)
(I agree, MCU is best. Yay! Its now official.)
(I hated the LEGO Batman movie. It was literally the cuts scenes from the Nintendo game!)
(I saw LEGO Batman with my bf on Valentine's Day because we're nerd losers. I hadn't played the game, though, so I didn't see it like that.)
(I liked the LEGO move though. EVERYTHING US AWESOME!)
(I prefer MCU then DC but I really enjoyed the Dark Knight movies and Wonder Woman.. Please don’t hate me)
(The LEGO Ninjago movie was godawful though. There was one good joke in the whole thing.)
"Sorry about that Sparrow." Uriah climbed out of the bunker and walked to a nearby tree. He didn't want to go to far but didn't want to be so close to the bunker as well. "Is it okay if we talk right here?"
(I liked the Wonder Woman movie and yes I love the show but hated the movie)
“Yeah. What do you want?” She asked
(I got my younger brother to watch the show so I had an excuse to watch it for a while)
(What was your favourite season?)
(I can't remember. I only watched two or three of them. I most clearly remember the one with the snakes.)
"You are all so good at what you do.. it's just." Uriah ruffled his hair trying to think of the right words to say. He didn't want to call himself useless, but he wasn't entirely helpful as well. "What exactly should I be doing? I'm kind of just here because Zhavia wasn in this group, so I just got shoved in." Saying this out lot really hurts for some reason. A thump was heard when his head landed on the tree behind him. "Should I just go? I'm not useful to you guys."
(Okay, looks like I'm not needed atm. I'm just gonna go to bed. I'm pretty sure I'm in the farthest east timezone of those of us in the US, so that's always fun. Bye, guys!)
“Look, I’ve been really stressed out but I will always be there for m friends. You have become a part of this team. You haven’t taken Zhavias place, you’ve created one for yourself. She mentioned having a friend that had a weapons store or something. I have a feeling that friend was you.”
"Yeah, well it's my dad's." A small smile appeared but it quickly went away just as fast as it came. "He's actually the one who hired Zhavia to kill me. Well, unbeknownst to him, the assassinhe hired and his son fell in love." It was crazy to think about. Uriah laughed at the whole thing.
“Well that’s rude.” She laughed
"Right!" He laughed with her. "Nothing is turning out how I wanted it to be."
“You were lucky to have her.” She said quietly
"I really was." There was always going to be a place for her, that no one could replace. He knew he would have to move on though. "Ah, don't think about it." Uriah shook his head. "If you don't mind me asking, how did you end up at the guild?"
“My parents were killed in a car crash. Panther was there and saw that I didn’t die. He took me in and gave me a basic training in poisons, fighting, and weapons. I was put into initiation and passed. I was 8 at the time.” She said remembering the rigorous training she had to endure
"I'm sorry," Uriah looked away. There was nothing he could say, he wasn't even sure why he asked in the first place. "Sorry." He repeated. If only he knew them alall when he was younger, maybe he could've helped. No, that s stupid Uriah. Even if you did know them back then there wouldn't have been anything you could do.
She chuckled softly “we were all such good friends back then. Then Eira and Alex started dating, and they’ve become their own little thing. Luna and Zoe were always as tight as sisters. It was always me Eira and Cyrus. Eira has Alex and Cyrus hates me now.” She sighed “if you don’t mind, I have to go swimming to make sure I haven’t forgotten.” She stood up and brushed dirt off her shirt
Meanwhile, oblivious to all the drama happening elsewhere, Krista was having a nap.
"Swimming?" He questioned. And the thing with Cyrus was about her? Her and Cyrus. He really screwed up. "I understand, you do what you have to." He stood up and dusted himself off. "I'll see you later." Uriah headed inside to check up on Cy.
"Swimming?" He questioned. And the thing with Cyrus was about her? Her and Cyrus. He really screwed up. "I understand, you do what you have to." He stood up and dusted himself off. "I'll see you later." Uriah headed inside to check up on Cy.
She smiled and started walking towards a pit of water in the forest.
(So I’m thinking of having sparrow partially drown…)
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