“Pardon, I’m Adara, Eira’s sister.” Adara said, looking at the other girl for a moment then back to Eira.
“I don’t have a sister.” Eira said.
“Pardon, I’m Adara, Eira’s sister.” Adara said, looking at the other girl for a moment then back to Eira.
“I don’t have a sister.” Eira said.
Cyrus flipped through the roster. “Adara Roberts?”
He scanned the page. “Yeah, her name is right here. She’s from our guild, all right.”
"well… this is a surprise…" Alex took off his gauntlets and offered a glass of water to Adara.
Krista thought back. Was she one of the ones who questioned my loyalty, or not?
( Is this morning?)
( Be prepared to meet a VERY pissed off Assassin.)
Zoe stormed out of her room and saw a women laying on the floor. "Who the fuck is she?"
"She's Eria's sister by the sounds of it."
Zoe narrowed her eyes. "I thought Eira didn't have a sister."
“So did Eira,” Cyrus said, “She tells me everything. Always has. I’d know if she had a sister that she was aware of.”
"She's an enemy spy, she's probably making this up, and why did we BRING HER IN HERE?!"
"Jesus Zoe, can you not chill the fuck out? if she's an enemy spy she would have a wire, i would have noticed it and there is no wire."
“If she’s a spy, this is one of the most thoroughly thought-out plans I’ve ever seen. God, I wish we had files on her. All we have is the stuff from Shadow Claw.” Cyrus pointed to her name on the roster.
"She doesn't need a wire so spy and give me that." Zoe replied and snatch the file before reading it through. "Panther could of put this on here purposely to throw us off track."
“Let’s cross-examine it with the files on Shadow Claw from the other guild, then. This one is from the guild we were sent on that mission to die at,” Cyrus suggested.
'If she were an enemy spy, which she is, then Panther would predict us doing that then."
"Zoe, for at least 10 seconds could you stop calling her a spy? Fucking look at her, she has been through hell. Also how in the fuck do you know for sure IF she is a spy?"
Krista couldn't help but side with Zoe here. "How do we know she isn't? We only have her word."
"NO, Alex, people are dead, Zhavia is dead, people are going to die, She was probably sent here to trick us, throw us off our guard, she is a spy, how else would she know where the bunker was? They're on to us." She snarled.
"And I don't know about you, but I generally don't trust what comes out of someone's mouth the second before they fall unconscious."
"Yes thank you, finally some one has some common sense, great job." Zoe patted her back.
Cyrus tapped his foot anxiously. “Do you remember the note? I have a gut feeling…”
"you know what, fine." he held his hands up "you want to believe she's a spy? go right ahead, kill an innocent if that's what you plan to do." he went back into his room and got dressed "i'm going out for a patrol."
"Yeah go do that, meanwhile, We have to figure out how we're gonna do this." Zoe made a shooeing motion with her hand.
Alex held up his middle finger and climbed up the ladder.
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