@Becfromthedead group
"Uriah, um… I know I may have acted it, but I'm not angry. At least not at you. Zhavia had a lot of trust in you, so I'll try to honor that for her and trust you too," Cyrus promised.
"Uriah, um… I know I may have acted it, but I'm not angry. At least not at you. Zhavia had a lot of trust in you, so I'll try to honor that for her and trust you too," Cyrus promised.
Alex began to walk back while holding Eria's hand. "if you want a different stone i can trade it in for another."
“No,” She responded quickly, “This one is perfect so don’t even think about it.”
he chuckled "ok, i was just saying." Alex smiled at Eria "as long as you like the necklace."
"Thanks, I think you're the only who trusts me right now." Now if only he could get everyone else to think the same. "I'm the new guy who made Zhavia fail her mission and the guy who came back with her dead body, so I don't think everyone is going to trust me as fast as you."
(Before adding something that will make a big change to the to, pleads ask me! I’m usually willing but I’d like to know. The relation between sharia and Luna was unexpected but I guess it adds the perfect bit of omg what now to it lol)
"You would've spared Zhavia and had me killed if you weren't to be trusted. You've seen how paranoid I am, and yet I'm able to reason that you're to be trusted. It's just a matter of time before the others will have to accept you, too." Cyrus tried his best to smile, but it hurt. Trying to feign happiness hurt more than pouring out his sadness.
(Before adding something that will make a big change to the to, pleads ask me! I’m usually willing but I’d like to know. The relation between sharia and Luna was unexpected but I guess it adds the perfect bit of omg what now to it lol)
(Sorry, you're right I should have.)
"Yeah, let's just hope so." Closing his eyes one more time he finally fell asleep.
(Nah your good)
Sparrow got up and stretched “what’s going on?” She asked the others
Alex and Eria emerge from the forest and head into the bunker. "thanks, i needed to clear my head."
“Anytime.” She replied softly as they entered.
Alex got into the bunk closest to Eria's "we should probably get some rest."
Eira nodded, “Yeah, we should.” She quickly fell asleep when her head hit the pillow.
(Time skip to next day? Also do the others know that Eira and Alex are dating yet?)
(I’d say time skip and idk)
(sure lets time skip, and no not yet.)
(Wanna do something like I e of the others finds them sleeping together?)
Sparrow lifted her head off the desk and groaned. that table is about as comfy as a rock. She got up, stretched and went to make coffee
(maybe sparrow can see the necklace and notice that they are sleeping close together)
(Sure she’ll try to prank EirA)
Sparrow looked around and realized no one was awake. She got a sly smirk on her face and went to Eitas room. She set her cup on the night able and jumped in the bed “WAKE UP!” She yelled
“Holy hell!” Eira said, sitting up and rubbing her face, “Sparrow, not funny.”
Cyrus heard Sparrow from across the bunker, and he startled awake. He hadn't even remembered falling asleep.
He was about to get up and make tea, but the second he put weight on his injured leg, he was overwhelmed. Cyrus wasn't about to let that stop him. He got up anyway, putting most of his weight on the other leg, and he slowly limped to the kitchen. He didn't see anyone else up yet, but he knew Sparrow had to be awake somewhere.
Alex sits up in the bed "what the hell Sparrow?"
“Ha- wait what?!!” She yelled again shocked to hell and back
he looks to Sparrow then to Eria and back to Sparrow "oh yeah, we were going to tell you…"
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