@Becfromthedead group
"Berry. What've you got there?"
Cyrus lifted up his head half-heartedly. He started to bend his knee, but it put too much strain on the wound, and he grimaced in pain.
"Berry. What've you got there?"
Cyrus lifted up his head half-heartedly. He started to bend his knee, but it put too much strain on the wound, and he grimaced in pain.
“Easy Cy! These are medicinal drinks that will help ease the pain a little and heal from the inside. They taste good too! I’m just gonna clean your wound then I’m going to put on a healing salve. I can wrap it up after. Then you need to rest. Lay her and polish your daggers fir all I care but you are not moving.” She said and gave him the purple bottle
Cyrus took a drink from the bottle, then stopped for a moment.
"I'm sorry. I'm a goddamn mess, and I've been bringing everyone down."
“We’re all stressed. Zhavia bein gone is just making us expell it in different ways. I’ve been busting myself in work and you’ve been distant from everyone.” She said cleaning his wound
"I've been acting ridiculous. Even since before she died. Getting blackout drunk after the mission, Eira getting so terribly injured, and reading about what Panther did to my parents… Then not participating in planning the mission with Zhavia, because I figured she knew best and I'd just listen to her. And now, I got pissed and tore the arrow out, hurting myself worse. I've been a total asshole to everyone since I got back, and I don't want to do anything about it," Cyrus told her. He was a little tense from the pain, but it wasn't unbearable.
Sparrow finished wrapping his leg. “All your life you’ve been stressed to do the best because your parents were one of the best. That pressure has finally caught up to you and now you don’t know how to deal with it.” She said sitting beside him. “You don’t have to deal with this alone Cy, we’re a team, and a team always supports each other.” She smiled
(I’m here for a bit. Someone can totally walk in.)
Zoe doubled back when she saw Luna. "LUNA?!?". She yelled at her as she ran over to her. "Why the hell didn't you tell me?!?!" She exclaimed as she examined the swollen foot.
"I don't," Cyrus agreed. His chest felt as though it might burst. A few tears formed in his eyes, and it took every bit of strength he had to fight them back. "What's even worse is that I feel ready to just lay down and die. I don't care anymore. If I can't protect all of the people I hold dearest, what's the point of existing? You don't need me if I'm such a failure."
Alex looked back "come on, the others are probably wondering where we were."
(where is everyone? Krista is chillin' in the bunker…)
( Luna and Zoe are in the bunker also.)
(Alex and Eria are in the woods and are now a couple, the others i think they're all back at the bunker.)
Krista was sleeping in the corner. Riddle was curled up on top of her head.
Zoe doubled back when she saw Luna. "LUNA?!?". She yelled at her as she ran over to her. "Why the hell didn't you tell me?!?!" She exclaimed as she examined the swollen foot.
Luna looked away almost shamefully. She figured everything would work out. Luna didn't know what it was anyways so getting a cure would be near impossible.
Uriah was a bit surprised by some of the thing he read in Zhavia's file. A name is what surprised him most someone that was much closer to Zhavia then she had thought and her Dad had a totally different name then what she told him. Was she lying or did she really not know? Maybe the others did? No, how would they know who her dad is.
Zoe doubled back when she saw Luna. "LUNA?!?". She yelled at her as she ran over to her. "Why the hell didn't you tell me?!?!" She exclaimed as she examined the swollen foot.
Luna looked away almost shamefully. She figured everything would work out. Luna didn't know what it was anyways so getting a cure would be near impossible.
Zoe glared at her as she quickly got a med pack and started treating it. "How long?"
"Desde la incursión del gremio," Luna responded with a slight whimper,
Zoe sighed as she put some Marakip on the wound.
Luna groaned as she looked away, "Lo siento Zoe."
"it's fine, it's fine, it's going to be ok." Zoe said as she started to wrapped her foot.
Luna looked at her foot and said, "¿Estás bien?"
"Its…..complicated." Zoe didn't know if she should tell Luna about James or not.
"¿Por qué?" Luna was confused. Why wasn't Zoe okay?
"No, Luna mentally, I'm physically ok." Zoe corrected her.
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