forum A whole lotta new characters (open)
Started by @_sleeby_rat_

people_alt 36 followers


damn, I just have one dog and a cat, though I used to have a bearded dragon too (she got sick)

aND my power went off so I missed all the Levioth puns his sweatpants would be easy to get into, m'just sayin

@Mark_Is_Male group

LMFAO Yeahh, my friend is actually giving me one of his leopard geckos because he can't take care of all three and this one is being super aggressive towards the others and him, so I'm gonna tame her for him, and if he wants to take her back he cant :)

also i can just picture able just casually shifting into a weasel and hiding in his pants whenever he wants lmfaooooo

Deleted user

Oof, I want to use Mendax but I can never get his looks right… I mean… His appearance glitches from so many different realities..

Deleted user

Name: Jax Sudor
Nickname: Jaxy
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Species: Jax is the human form of the moon.
Sexuality: Demiromantic
Zodiac: Aries
Appearance: Jax has silver hair that is obviously dyed, brown roots peeking out from behind the dye. He has terrible eyesight and has to wear thin-rimmed circular glasses that to be honest are large for his face. He has silverish skin with a bunch of freckles and large dark grey eyes with silver flecks.
Personality: Jax is sassy as fuck and honestly, would prefer spending time cooking and singing then spending time with humans. Underneath his snarkiness, however, he is kind and very protective of his friends. He does know some self-defense as his older sister is powerless and wanted him to be able to protect himself without powers.
Habits: Biting his nails and spacing out.
Hobbies: Baking
Likes: Sweets, the color grey, cool weather…
Dislikes: Human interaction, bitter chocolate, people who don't like his baking, spiders.
Allergies: Grass…
Fears: Spiders/ creepy crawly death dealers.
Strengths: He is quite powerful and fast. (Mostly from running away from spiders)
Weakness: Jax is not a good people person and if he uses his magic too much, he starts to gain black marks on his skin that seem to suck the life and magic out of him.
Languages spoken: He can speak quite a lot, mostly demonic languages though.
Accessories: A large silver scarf
Scars: He has a scar going across his neck that he hides with the scarf.
Tattoos: A silver half moon on his upper arm
Jewelry: A necklace on a brass chain.
Piercings: A nose ring
The element in control/Abilities: Moon…
Explanation of abilities: His power mostly focuses on darkness and can control the tides a bit(Not as well as the water element can)
Theme Song: "Wolf In Sheep's Clothing" because he is usually meek, but if you hurt his friends a wild side is unleashed.
Quote: "May I please go back to cooking? Preferably now."