forum A whole lotta new characters (open)
Started by @_sleeby_rat_

people_alt 36 followers

@Mark_Is_Male group

Well, my minds going onto otterpilot, so I don't know.

Otterpilot?? Where are you going?? Otterspace?? Don't leave me! We need each otter, and I can't bear to think of you seeing otter people…

Deleted user

You have got to be kitten me! I think you're all bark and no bite!

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Of course, we'll go with the flow. Maybe we could stream it on YouTube?

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Now, now, we wouldn't want him to get into Able's pants just yet.

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My god!
I just muttered like five swears in Italian and my voice cracked as soon as I saw this.

@Mark_Is_Male group

Lmfaooo okay so I have crickets to feed my crested gecko…and I named the biggest cricket of them all Stanley and he likes to sing along when I have music and so I had him on my hand just a few seconds ago and he kinda sat there before hopping onto the ground, and my ferret freaked the fuck out and chased him and so now i'm trying to catch Stanley before Oak gets him.

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Okay, okay!
You have a ferret and a gecko?

@Mark_Is_Male group

Yeh I have lots of pets, most of them are @ my step-mom's house, but my dad let me take some with me to his place. My step-mom fosters animals and takes care of them and shit, soo I have uhh

2 horses. ( Maple and Mack )

4 dogs. ( Knight, Leo, Rodger, and Ox. )

1 cat ( Lenny)

3 pigs ( Willy, Prince and Jim)

1 Crested Gecko (Mushu)

3 Leopard Geckos ( Lola, James and Oreo )

2 Ferrets ( No name, and Oak )

1 Pet cricket ( Stanley )

30 Cows ( They don't have names except for Natasha, my favorite shh don't tell the rest )

Two mice ( Sveta and Button )

1 Rat ( Baby )

We have a lot of land, and most of the animals are in a separate building (Cows in the dairy barn, horses in the stable…my geckos are in a garage type thing so we don't have to keep our house hot…the cat spends most of his time in the barn or stable or in the house, and my mice, rat ferrets and my cricket are now in my room. My dad owns the farm and my step-mom helps take care of them while I'm in school. I'm super excited though because we might be getting a donkey soon :)