forum A whole lotta new characters (open)
Started by @_sleeby_rat_

people_alt 36 followers


basically I want an excuse to use a new character, and I figured that a good way to do that is to make an rp where people can use their own newer/less developed characters. not sure of the general plot, I was thinking this could be more of an interaction-type rp where the plot is more focused on the adventures of small groups of characters within the rp, but at this point I'm open to ideas


Alt form (if any):

Deleted user

noice, thanks

Name: Clementine Andrews
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bi
Species: Angel??? I’m not really sure
Power(s): Recreation, but it doesn’t work on living things. She can only ‘bring back’ inanimate objects.
Alt form (if any): She has wings that can appear/disappear at her will.
Looks: Mousy brown hair, cut right above her shoulders. The texture is soft and silky, and it is relatively thin. Freckles dot her cheeks, and she had hazel eyes. Lighter tan skin tone. Stands at 5’4” and 129 lbs.
Outfit: She wears flowy long sleeves lac blouses, paired with skinny jeans and leather strapped sandals.
Personality: She’s quite a calm person, and is shy at some points. Speaks in a soft voice, and tries to find a peaceful outcome for every situation. Is the mediator. She also hates violence, and puts herself in risky situations to try to end it. A very sweet girl, and she rarely speaks sharply.
Other: n/a

is this okay??


Name: Levioth
Age: Looks around 25, actually super old
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Omni/Polyamorous
Species: Imperial demon
Power(s): Incredible strength/speed, multipurpose venom (small bits can act as a small tranquilizer, more can paralyze someone, and any more than that is a deadly paralyzing neurotoxin), teleportation, ability to read auras, ability to breathe underwater, shapeshifting, illusions, persuasion via resonating with a creature's soul, night vision
Alt form (if any): A large, strange and terrifying shark/like dragon, with many eyes and an enormous mouth that when opened stretches almost all the way down to its chest
Looks: More square/angular facial features, little marks on his cheeks and the bridge of his nose, gills, small bits of dark grey scales on the bridge of his nose, dark grey horns that curl like a circle before jutting up a little bit, long pointed ears with a small silver hoop in the right one, darker skin where he used to have more stubble (the only actual real stubble he has is on his chin), pale grey eyes, short black hair that's a bit messy and sweeps back a bit like it used to be slicked back, thicker build (somewhere between muscular and a little chubby), sharklike fins on his arms and the backs of his calves (which are grey and blend into more scales), long black claws, longer sharklike tail covered in small and sharp ridges that blend into smoother scales, super sharp teeth (with multiple rows he can retract), rune tattoos that stretch from the back of his neck all the way down to the base of his tail
Outfit: Generally incredibly lazy, usually consisting of just a slightly oversized grey sweatshirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and grey sweatpants, along with probably too many bracelets and a couple of tribal necklaces
Personality: Mischievous, morally grey, often just cares about himself and food, laid back, loves sleep, greedy, super lazy, manipulative, cares only for in-the-moment pleasure, more or less eternally hungry
Other: One of the first demons, likes to pretend to be different people to mess with them

Deleted user

Name: Ursule Orcherie
Age: Unkown
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Probably a lesbian…
Species: Unkown, probably some type of demon…
Power(s): She can control the earth, not nature, but everything inside the earth including metal, jewels, rock, dirt, etc. She can also do a number of dark magic spells, such as an illusion of invisibility.
Alt form (if any): She can change her skin to any material that can be found in the earth.
Looks: Ursule has short hair, chopped into what would be considered a male hair cut and into what Ursule considers "Practical." Her skin is dark and she has scars littering her arms, arms which are muscled, her hands are calloused and have rope burns on them. She is tall, she could be pretty if not for the obvious reason that she would hit you if you flirted with her.
Outfit: Her kingdom's main style of clothing consists of headscarves and airy fabrics that wrap around your body. The colors are mostly browns and greys, meant to blend in.
Personality: Ursule is probably the most un-princess princess you will ever meet. She is brash, blunt and to the point, a master in thievery, brawling, and persuasion when it comes to getting her ass out of a mess she made.
Other: She is the princess of a small kingdom up in the mountains.

@Mark_Is_Male group

( Why thank you fren. My gecko is losing his sh!t running around the computer screen and he won't CHILL)

Name: Able King

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Gay

Species: Shape-shifter (??)

Power(s): Since birth, Able has been 'able' -haha super funny- to communicate with animals and plants.

Alt form (if any): Able has the ability to turn into any animal he wishes, but prefers the form of his favorite animal- a weasel.

Looks: Able has his fathers curly brown hair, and his mothers beautiful brown eyes. He has fair skin, and his face has a few freckles here and there. He prefers to keep himself clean and in order, however he almost always has a strand of his curled hair dangling in his face.

( Inspiration:

Outfit: Able prefers to stay comfortable while he does his usual everyday stuff, so he goes around in an over-sized cream colored hoodie, a pair of ripped blue jeans, and white shoes.

( I actually have an outfit like this and I LOVE IT SOO MUCH….just to give u an idea because i actually suck @ writing:


pants: )

Personality: Able is very docile, and not very confident in himself. He doesn't like being center of attention and prefers people who are patient and can handle his meek personality. Able spends most of his spare time talking to plants or animals, he absolutely loves having a conversation with any lavender plant, or type of turtle.

Other: When he feels overwhelmed, he will automatically shift into his favorite animal- a weasel, and hide anywhere he can find.

( I have a thing about smol boys wearing over-sized hoodies with a love for flowers :D )

Deleted user

Oh god… I can just imagine the puns Ursule is going to make about him being a weasel…//

@Mark_Is_Male group

Oh god… I can just imagine the puns Ursule is going to make about him being a weasel…//

Bring it on. I am R E A D Y to write for one FLUSTERED BOYYYY- I also am hoping at some point he shifts into a weasel and crawls UP SOMEBODIES P A N T S. Imma do it. I'm not afraid.

Deleted user

Don't you mean he's going to weasel his way up someone's pants?

@Mark_Is_Male group

Thank you, it's all I could muster so you otter take this.

You otter be proud of yourself for all this…although i am getting quite sick of these puns…is it possumable that we could take a break?

Deleted user

I don't know, I just got back from playing possum for three days so… I suppose I could go otterdoors… But that will only weasel you out of my puns for a few minutes.