forum A Victorian/Steampunk RP, anyone ?? (( 2/4 ))
Started by @Emmrii

people_alt 64 followers


I’m very new to this website, so forgive me if the formatting is all screwed up… 😭


  1. Limited cussing, please!
  2. Nothing inappropriate— keep it around PG; in romance, kissing and such is fine, but no sexual themes
  3. And of course, andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)’s rules apply


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Mmmmm. . . I might have a bit of trouble with that no cussing rule, but otherwise this might be a good investament!


Haha I thought about changing that rule because I don’t mind some cussing, just not too excessive, while I personally prolly won’t cuss myself. Feel free to join!

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Aight, I'll bite XD give me a bit, I'll be adding a bit onto your character sheet to help with getting a feel of who they really are. . . only problem is figuring out who "they" are lol

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. . . same but I keep all. . . 150+? stored in my head, making it just a bit difficult to find someone who'd suit something- normally I pull a character from nowhere, though

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Name: Charlotte Benoitte
Nicknames: Charlie; the Fixer
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Personality: Very bright but straightforward, she tends to be playful and friendly, even towards strangers, though she does have quite the appetite for starting - and always finishing - fights. She's a prankster, a jokester, and a jack of all trades. She's unflinching and proud, and likely to go through on even a stupid dare. She's a rebellious lady, in general.
In regards to her past, she's very withholding. She lets people believe she's older than she really is so she can get away with drinking, though she mostly drinks lightly, and never enough to truly cloud her judgement. She tends to gravitate towards the workshops and airships of the city, and thus is very knowledgable about those environments. She's no stranger to gambling dens or brothels either, and hangs around both with a regularity not befitting a lady of this time - not that she cares much. She knows quite a bit about the dark secrets of everyone with status in the city, and uses this to get what she wants.
Likes: Men, women, smoking, mechanical stuff, physics, music, dancing, drinking, gambling, money
Dislikes: Cowards, corruption in the government, people who don't know when to give up persuing her

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Oh, holy cow! 😂 I have 12 main ones that I use, but probably a lot of side characters.

Lol, I know how many it sounds like, but it's honestly nothing

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No, not really! Not as much as keeping in mind the magic systems and rules, at least 😅
Also, I have my character up!


Name: McKay Allister
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Personality: A very serious, intelligent man who hides many dark secrets. He’s good at finding out people’s weaknesses, and he can be very manipulative and cunning. However, he can also be very protective over people he’s close with, and he’ll be caring when he wants to be.
Other: He is the brother-in-law of the ruler of this world, and even though he’s supposed to be a role model for the rest of the people in their society, he is heavily involved in gangs and even has connections to murders and bombings throughout the city. Rumors about him abound; some say he’s an assassin, others insist he’s a cartel mastermind, and others have determined that he’s simply a troubled soul.

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(I like him a lot! And we may as well get started right now; after all, it's kinda an open-ended RP, so)


McKay hated the darkness. He hated the way it seemed to engulf everything it touched. He hated the way it crowded the streets of the city he lived in, hiding the violent acts that took place in the alleyways at night. And on that day, December 20th, he was trapped in the midst of it with no hope of escape.

“Look, kid, there’s nowhere to hide, we’ve got the entire premises surrounded.” A man’s voice resounded throughout the dimly lit street. “Why don’t you just give up?”

McKay ducked into an alleyway and hid himself behind a trash can. To be honest, a part of him liked the man’s suggestion. Just give up, make this easier for himself. He had connections in the government, after all; maybe he could get the judge to give him a lighter sentence. But the arrogant part of him, the part that made up most of his being, knew that there was no getting out of this. He would either escape, or he would die trying.

McKay’s grip tightened around the gun hidden beneath his frock coat. He knew, without a doubt, that this was going to end in a fight.

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Charlie looks about the dark street with joy.

Ah, finally home, after two bloody months of travel. I missed the smell of chamberpots and steam. she thinks, stretching languidly before turning down a sidestreet, before hearing a voice say "Look, kid, there’s nowhere to hide, we’ve got the entire premises surrounded. Why don't you just give up?"

She grins.

Already, she'd be able to get into a fight and save a life. A win-win.

She casually strides towards the the figure she can see, standing in the street, hands hidden in his coat.

"Hey!" she says brightly, right behind the man.


The man looked over his shoulder at her before suddenly, a shot rang out through the air. His body gave a jolt before he collapsed onto the pavement. A pool of blood was beginning to form underneath his body.

As soon as the shot was made, men rushed out of the shadows and towards Charlie, thinking she was the killer. McKay’s hand went to his face. Just great. Another innocent citizen messing up his plans once again.

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Charlie doesn't even flinch, just looks down at the pool of blood growing around her feet with some ammount of curiosity before shrugging and sidestepping the first dude without looking.

With a short, hard chop to the throat, the first man goes down.

The the next man goes down with a 1-2.

The third goes just as quickly with a knee to the groin then a fist to the solar plexus.

The fourth she flips using his own weight and momentum.

Basically, a 4'11 woman is handing these men's asses to them with quick, ruthless efficiency.

She looks around after she finishes the last dude, then looks down McKay's alley and waves.

"Are you the one these men were troubling?" she calls out cheerfully, walking over unconscious and groaning bodies with little care.


He looked up at her in shock. He now wasn’t concerned for her safety; he was concerned about his own.

He immediately pulled a gun on her. “Step back, sweetheart.” He slowly stood up, keeping his weapon pointed in her direction as he did so. “I won’t shoot you unless you give me a good reason to.”

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"Hm. Didn't your mother tell you it's rude to point?" Charlie asks, not deterred by the gun.

"My name's Charlotte Benoitte, but just call me Charlie." she says cheerfully, finally stopping right in front of the man and holding her hand out for him to shake.


“What did I just tell you? Step back.” He took a step back. “Don’t you realize what area you’re in? Most of the people here wouldn’t even hesitate before putting a bullet in that head of yours.”

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"I don't take orders from strangers. Or ever, really, unless it's in the bedroom." Charlie chuckles.

"And I won't hesitate to drop you from 900 metres from the St. Mary's Love balloon. What's your point?" she replies, withdrawing her hand with a raise of her eyebrow.