Lily and Calvin were out in the woods, looking for a few herbs Carth had said they were running out of for the kids.
They'd heard someone walking, and then a rustling, and Lily had gotten scared. "Calvin, we should get back inside the camp…"
Calvin knew she was right, but wanted to find the herbs. "Just a minute longer and we'll go." He kept looking, while Lily looked around them in the dark, her nervous eyes noticing everything.
She saw the struggle happening across the grove of trees they were in, and immediately screamed. "Elia!"
Romulus gritted his teeth. "Lear, I swear, in all my life, I have never met a more… a more…"
Words failed him to describe how intransigent and obnoxious and rude and stupid and stuck-up and-
Well. I guess I have words after all.
Lear just nodded, before stepping over to help him finish getting out of the armor. "Romulus… I don't know what to say. I said give her another chance, and you have, but… clearly, she's not interested. I can't imagine why, but… at this point, give her what she's asking for."
The Prince sat, pulling on a pair of trousers. He paused to look at Lear incredulously. "You mean pretend a blood oath would work? Lear, I'm magic resistant, you know this, those won't work on me. They never have. And why would I giv-"
"I meant, since she wants to have her way or leave so badly, give her what she wants and let her leave." Lear handed the Prince a clean shirt. "It wouldn't be your fault."
Romulus took the shirt, pulling off his soiled one and tossing it on the pile. "I know, but-" He paused.
There was an odd sound outside the tent.
And then a scream split the night.
The tent wall burst inward as the underbelly of Calegon attempted its revenge.
Calvin sprinted across the grove, gripping the knife in his hand. "Let her go!" He stabbed at the large man wrestling with Elia.
The man kicked him in the stomach, and the boy dropped to the ground. Lily turned to run for help, and barreled straight into the arms of another townsman. He scooped her up off her feet. "Shut up!" He raised a hand to slap the girl.
Romulus dropped on him like a thunderbolt.
Lily found herself being pulled from the man's limp arms by Lear. Somehow, they had ended up on the ground. She hadn't even seen exactly what had happened.
She turned to see Romulus, shirtless and wearing only a thin pair of pants, beating the tar out of Elia's captor. The big townsman had released her when Romulus had clapped his friend, and had started to run, but the Prince was tired, and frustrated, and angry, and not willing to take chances.
The man didn't stand a chance.
Romulus stood once the man had gone still, and took off sprinting towards the medical tent and the sleeper tents. "Make sure they're alright, Lear." He barked over his shoulder.
If these men had hurt the little ones, he would burn Calegon to the ground without a second thought.
Lear checked Lily, who was dazed but ok, before moving to Elia. "Are you alright?" He didn't touch her, or get close, just walking into her line of sight to get her attention. He moved instead over to Calvin, who was still curled up on the ground, the wind knocked out of him.