@Toxic_Persephone group
I had an idea for just a small little role play with my child Lighter. He’s ANGSTY as crap so be ready. Just kinda wanted to do an rp about him getting caught up a little too much into the gang and having to ‘punish’ someone for getting too close to the gang. That someone could be your character and as Lighter tries to gain your characters trust just to destroy them, he realizes he kinda enjoys your character’s company. For a long time, your character has no clue Lighter is in a gang.
- Have fun!
- At least 3-4 sentences please! It keeps our story going.
- Gore might be a thing here soo Yeaaahh
You do not need to have a profile as detailed as Marcus Teague’s ^^’ he’s pretty fleshed out cuz he’s my little depressed child. Use this one below if you prefer the smaller. Or heck, if y’all don’t want to throw out character profiles ignore mine and let me know!
Character Profile
Sexuality/Relationship Status:
Race/Species: |NOTE: If human state race/Skin color|
Powers: |NOTE: If applicable|
Appearance: |NOTE: Basics are good (hair color, usual clothing, etc.)|
Bio: |NOTE: Whether short or long, I do wanna know what drives your character haha|
Marcus Teague
Other name(s):
Full-blooded human
Blood type:
Sexuality and relationship status:
Straight and Single
Irish living in America
Father: Thomas Teague - STATUS: Alive
- “Please don’t do this. I lost your mother and I don’t want to lose you too.”
- Abusive
- 42-Years-old and counting
- “No cigarettes in the house”
- Loses temper fast
- Likes to cook
- Small and frail (but 6’3)
- Red hair green eyes
Mother: Audrey Velsper - STATUS : Deceased - “Oh dear…”
- Patient
- Curses a lot
- Was 36 at death
- “Calm down honey,”
- Smoker since age 13
- Enjoys movies
- Lanky and fair (5’5 in height)
- Brown hair and brown eyes
Brother: Lucas Teague - STATUS: Alive
- “You’re ruining this family! Or what’s left of it…”
- Hot headed like his grandfather
- Afraid of bees
- 22 and still living with his parent
- “Cigarettes can kill you, ya know?”
- Hates pop culture
- Wears men’s cologne to mask his brother’s cigarette smell
- Book worm
- Lanky and pale (6’1 in height)
- Dark brown hair and brown eyes (with glasses)
None. But he does enjoy stray and feral cats. They follow him because he feeds them
The Silence, a gang run by the notorious Marx. Markus is his go to man for ‘getting rid of the evidence.’
The Silence
Gang member. Trusted second hand man to Marx
Skin colour:
Caucasian, tan but not dark.
Hair colour, type and length:
Messy short-haired curly ginger
Eye colour:
A whopping 144 lbs
Scrawny, narrow shoulders and thin features. Malnourished. Lanky.
General clothing:
Marcus always wears a brown beaten leather jacket. It was his grandfather’s, who served in many military operations. Under that brown jacket you will almost always find a baggy white t-shirt or a faded dark colored band shirt. His pants are always torn and beaten. He can’t afford new ones. Black military boots don his feet. They were also his grandfather’s when he was Marcus’s age.
Always carries a lighter that is seen in his hand or pocket. It is usually a plain silver in color and is lit when Markus gets stressed.
Powers and abilities?:
Physical abilities:
- Can remain calm under a lot of stress and pressure
- Can focus for long periods of time
- Hand to hand combat is Chicago-ghetto approved
Weapon(s) and items?:
- Butterfly knife
- Pistol
- Lighter
- Mastered butterfly knife during his time in the gang.
- Can hit a moving target with his pistol from 95 yards away.
- Great at shanking people with a kitchen knife.
- Leaves almost no trace after he ‘takes care of business’ for Marx (gang leader)
His small, lanky figure allows him to move quickly and accurately - when his twisted femur bone doesn’t get in the way.
He is dedicated and hardworking once he is given a task. This can lead to him doing anything to finish it.
He is resourceful and resilient to the things he gets called at school. (Or in any other setting)
Marcus is extremely hot headed and so can easily be set off.
He was surprisingly a mama’s boy before his mother died. Any mention of her death sets him off.
He has a birth defect in his left leg. He was born with a twisted femur bone. Because of this he limps and is in quite a lot of pain if he overworks it.
Marcus Teague is brilliantly tactful when it comes to getting what he wants from people. He is highly aggressive and enjoys a good fistfight every now and then.
He is unusually harsh towards himself and others around him. His background as a gang member leads to his strong sense of skepticism towards anyone he doesn’t know. If he choses to trust you, you’d best try and keep that as safe as you can because he is a slight sociopath.
Marcus plays the violin more than he cares to admit. He is embarrassed by the fact that he has a soft spot for the musical side of life. Whenever he is stressed, however, he lights things on fire, his soft spot disappearing in a blink of an eye.
Often you’ll find him looking up Urban legends. He enjoys searching for those legends to prove them because he is a hardcore Cryptozoologist.
Marcus is a huge flirt but he has standards. If there is a woman anywhere near, he’ll show off or move to flirt with them. He often gets in trouble with Marx and his father for this. He has major issues with both Marx and his father.
The dark
His mother
The police
His father
Marcus was born in Ireland to an Irish father and an American mother. His twisted femur bone was shunned, and it often led to the kids at school bullying him. They moved to America to ‘find a better life for Marcus.’ This never happened. They settled in Seattle for a few years, living paycheck to paycheck. Times were tough, and since his mother was a hardcore smoker and drinker, it was difficult to find money to pay for her medical issues. By Marcus’s ninth birthday, his mother was diagnosed with Leukemia. She died within the next two years without treatment. Her death rocked Marcus to the core. He fell behind in school and became extremely depressed. He turned to drugs, smoking cigarettes his mother had left and eventually getting hooked. He doesn’t go a day without smoking now.
Marx was the first to find him when Marcus lit a small fire in the boy’s bathroom to get out of class. Marx promised a life that was better than what Marcus had. He offered him a spot in his gang, dubbing him the ‘executioner’ of the group. Marcus has never actually killed anyone, but he was in charge of burning the homes of people who get on Marx’s bad side. He felt no remorse for this, instead rising through the ranks in the gang, going from the lowest member to second hand man to Marx.
His father became upset over this, resorting to physical abuse. Lucas was spared this punishment because he did well in school. Marcus, however, was beaten whenever his father felt he was in a bad mood. Marcus became a source of stress relief for his father, beaten to the point of blacking out as often as he breathed. His cuts and bruises from the abuse were never hidden. He wore them openly, a deep frown always on his face.
Feats and accomplishments:
Marcus has been able to pick himself up a little from his life, and has even been thinking about leaving the gang. But he has yet to do anything brilliant or amazing.