forum Like An Open Book (OxO) CLOSED
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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"Hmm? Who are those guys? Do you know them?" Seth raised an eyebrow at Tua as Kyran glanced over the three boys. He didn't recognize them but then again he didn't recognize a lot of people on campus so that was nothing new.


"Of them. Through a friend." Savannah said shortly, inspecting her nails. Tua grimaced.
"Yeah, unfortunately I do know them. They're just some jerks who gave Nacho some trouble when he transferred here last semester. Also they fit the whole jock stereotype to a T."


"Ahh, so they're that kinda guy." Seth squinted his eyes as they turned around. "Hey wait a second, aren't they the same guys who-" Seth suddenly cut himself off because of the icy glare from Kyran. Seth motioned him zipping his lips before going back to silently staring.


Seth shook his head insistently. "I can't say unless you want me to get murdered with a plastic fork. Let's just say they didn't exactly treat Kyran the best when he first showed up here."


Tua's jaw clenched briefly.
"Yeah, that sounds about right. God I hate those guys."
"Tua," Savannah hissed, nudging her friend briefly, jerking her head in the direction of the trio of jocks. Tua looked over and made direct eye contact with one of them.
"Yeah, they see us," Tua muttered, refusing to break eye contact.


(Felt that so hard)
Kyran kept his head down. The last thing he needed was people opening up old wounds. Not that it would ever show on his face but that didn't mean it would affect him.


One of the three held eye contact with Tua, an annoying smirk on his face. Tua wanted to punch it off of him. She didn't blink, jaw set in an intentionally blank expression.
"Maybe look away??" Savannah muttered under her breath, staring devoutly into her coffee and patting down her sketchbook with one hand, making sure it was well out of sight.
"And let him win?" Tua said back, squaring her shoulders. The boy she was staring at said something to his group and began walking over.


(Hey!!! So. I've been gone for a hot second, sorry about that. I may be on here a little more infrequently bc life (and college applications) are actively trying to squash me like a bug rn, but I'll try to be on here at least a few times a week. Sorry again!)


(Don't worry about it! I'll be here when you get back!)
"Tua, it's not worth it. There's a lot you're risking here and I really don't think you want to." Seth warned, slightly panicked. Please…just listen to me for once…


"Not worth what?" Tua asked innocently, purposefully relaxing her posture as the guy walked over. Savannah let out one last drawn out sigh before turning in her seat to make eye contact with the jock.
"Can we help you?"


Seth squeezed Kyran's shoulder, trying to keep him grounded. Kyran just stared out at the landscape. It wasn't worth it. The memories weren't worth it.


(Hey! So. I went MIA for like, a month. Without warning. I'm horrible, sorry. I'm actually going to have to be off of notebook for a lot longer - again, I'm sorry I didn't log on and tell you this sooner, but a lot of craziness went down recently where I live and I need a bit to handle all of it. I don't think I'm going to cancel my account, so I might be back on in a few months to a year, but I thought you deserved a heads up. Again, I'm sorry I couldn't let you know sooner, and thanks for RPing with me! This has really been a lot of fun, and I hate to tap out.)


(Hey, it's no problem! I've waited a year and a half for people to return, this'll be nothing! I'm glad you enjoyed your time and I hope I'll see you again!)