forum Like An Open Book (OxO) CLOSED
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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Kyran woke up and stared at the ceiling for a moment. Today was his "day off" in a sense, seeing as he only had one class in the afternoon that was canceled for the week since the professor was on vacation. So he had more than enough time to kill. He turned to look out the window, watching the sun rise as he contemplated life.


Savannah had stopped grumbling when they were both seated outside in the breeze with a hot cup of coffee and sketchbooks ready.
"See, I don't know what you were fussing about." Tua told her smugly, beginning to sketch out her friend's profile. Savannah made a noncommittal noise and begin sorting through her colored pencils.
"Whatever. What are you working on?"
"Just-for-fun stuff. Are you going to work on The Thing?" Tua asked, deepening her voice for effect. Savannah rolled her eyes.
"I really probably should do my Comp homework."
"With colored pencils?"
"…No. Fine, yeah. I'm goofing off instead of doing my homework like an adult, I hope you're happy."
"I am!" Tua replied cheerfully. "I'm excited for tonight, mostly. Did I tell you Kyran is coming?"
"Three times now, yes." Savannah said drily. Tua let out a happy sigh, setting her cup down dangerously near the edge of the table.
"I'm wearing him down, see! Before you know it, he will be willingly holding multiple conversations with me a week."
"I still can't believe you think him putting up with your madness is equivalent to him having feelings for you." Savannah said, drawing the word 'feelings' out like it was a curse.
"Ooo, equivalent. That's a big word this early in the morning! Can I borrow the pink?" Students were beginning to show up for their morning cup of coffee all around them. A tired-looking senior began his shift behind the counter, probably bracing for rush hour. Tua winced in sympathy.


Kyran was rather enjoying his contemplating when there was an annoyingly loud knock at the door. Said knock belonged to Seth. "Why the hell are you at my door this early in the morning?" "Because I want coffee and you're coming with me." "…why??" "Because I have nothing better to do and I know you have nothing better to do so yeah!" Kyran sighed. "You're a simple creature, Seth." "Guilty as charged. Now come on, shake a leg and get dressed! I'll be waiting!"
And wait he did as Kyran pulled himself together and stepped out of his dorm. Seth grabbed his wrist, near dragging him across campus to the coffee shop when he spotted Tua and Savannah sitting outside. "Now what in the plot convenience is this?" Seth came to a stop near their table with a bright smile. "Morning ladies!"


Savannah jumped nearly a foot in the air. Tua laughed and grinned.
"Morning, gents! Fancy seeing you here." She snagged a chair with her left hand and dragged it to the table. "Care to sit?"
(Also. 'What in the plot convenience?' was golden XD)


(Hehe, small 4th wall breaks are fun)
"Why thank you m'lady, we'd love to." Seth grabbed another seat and forced Kyran down into it, placing him directly next to Tua. "What are you two doing out here so early in the morning?"


"Savannah and I like to get coffee and sketch sometimes. Oh, that reminds me! Savannah, Seth. Seth, Savannah. And you may note a STUNNINGLY handsome man to Seth's left-"
"Kyran, I assume?" Savannah cut in, reaching across the table to shake both their hands.


(Srry for the wait! I was getting my butt kicked at a scholarship competition 🥲)
“Mhm. Nice to meet you,” Savannah said, a touch of something Tua couldn’t quite place in her voice. “I’m Tua’s best friend. I’ve heard a lot about you. A LOT about you.”


(Pfft, felt that. But don't worry about it!)
"I'm sure you have. Unfortunately." Kyran rolled his eyes with a sigh. "I'm not sure where exactly her obsession stems from, but I'm sure you won't have to deal with it for much longer." Seth shot Kyran a glance that was near unreadable. Was Kyran saying that because he believed in her? Or because he thought she'd give up once she got too deep?


"Hmmm," Savannah hummed noncommittally, staring at Kyran with narrowed eyes and a large smile.
"So. Bowling Night! Are you two excited? I know I am," Tua said quickly. "Also, do you want any coffee? Drinks on me if this lovely human being will give me his number," Tua finished all in one breath, throwing in a wink towards Kyran at the end.


Kyran rolled his eyes as Seth laughed. "As much as I would love that, I don't drink coffee." "And I don't think any coffee is worth having my phone blown up so I'll pass."


"I would NEVER blow up your phone! You think I wouldn't value communication with my soulmate?!" Tua grabbed at her heart exaggeratedly, feigning hurt. Savannah raised an eyebrow, unimpressed by her friend's antics.
"More to the point, you don't drink coffee?" Savannah asked, looking at Seth. "What do you do, sleep at night time? How. Tell me how." She said with a sudden intensity. Tua awkwardly patted Savannah on the shoulder.
"Hahaha… She's got a stressful Lab Practical coming up, don't mind her."


Seth simply laughed with a shake of his head. "You wanna know my secret? I mix citric acid in with my tea. Or my Red Bull, depending on how close to God I'm willing to get that particular night. Regardless, that stuff wakes you up." "And it'll give you a heart attack. It really is a habit you should break, Seth." "Eh, I'm not dead yet. I'll be fine."


"WHY would you tell her that?" Tua asked, closing her eyes briefly. Savannah made a note on her phone under guise of sending a text message. "I can't afford for her to have a heart attack right now, that crap's expensive."


"Hey, if she has a heart attack, no more lab practical." Seth shrugged with a smile. "Ignore him, he's procrastinating writing a speech he has to give in government." "Shh, it's not procrastination if I accept it."


"Are you kidding me? Speeches are so much fun most of the time! I'll pretend to be you and do it for you if you want. I'm great at disguises," Tua grinned at Kyran.


Kyran raised a skeptical eyebrow at her. "If from what I've heard is correct, that is very much untrue." Seth swatted his shoulder. "Give the girl a chance. Maybe she'll be better with you than me."


"That was a fluke," Tua waved off. "It's not my fault Seth happens to have supernatural powers of perception. I might have to start hitting the gym more though, if I want the impression of you to be accurate," she threw in with a wink.
"Tua, please. Not in front of my coffee." Savannah groaned into her hands.


"Don't kid yourself, dork. You don't even have an accurate image of what that would be." A slight smirk tugged at his lips. "Not that you haven't imagined it, I'm sure." Seth nearly choked on his own saliva. "Who are you and what have you done to Kyran."


Tua ignored Seth and Savannah both and leaned against her elbows, letting her smile turn a little more flirtatious. "You're not wrong! We could fix that, you know. For the sake of artistic accuracy and all that." Savannah sunk even further in her chair, half hiding under the table at this point.


"That's true. But you'd like that too much." He turned back towards Seth, letting his smirk drop. "Are you okay?" "About time you stopped flirting and asked."


"Don't worry Seth, My flirting has never directly resulted in casualties, I'm sure you'll be fine," Tua said cheerfully, taking another sip of coffee.
"I disagree," Savannah muttered into her hands. "At least I'm not the only one who has to put up with this lunatic tonight."


"Yeah, now she's subjected all of us to the torture." Seth laughed as Kyran rolled his eyes. "You were the one who dragged me along." "You're the one who said yes! Don't come at me like this is all my fault!"


"Hey, if that's what you're into," Tua said suggestively to Kyran. Savannah was saved from groaning again by the bell over the cafe door ringing. Savannah sat up straight and narrowed her eyes as three college students came in, before turning to Tua with a pursed mouth. Tua stopped flirting with Kyran to flick her eyes over the group in annoyance. The three boys were laughing loudly and play-fighting with each other in front of the register.

"Don't know what those idiots are doing in a cafe, not like they have crap to study for," she muttered, slouching in her seat more. Savannah snorted beside her, and cut her eyes away from the group to try and hide her face with her hair.