forum Like An Open Book (OxO) CLOSED
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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(This be true XD)
Tua shook her head. “‘Successful’ is a subjective term, I guess.” She added a few more details to her Regina George drawing and snapped her notebook shut. “Well, I’d better head out before the professor comes back.” She adjusted her wig and got to her feet. “Thanks, though. You seem pretty cool.” Tua thought for a second before scribbling a date and a phone number on a piece of paper. “My friends and I are hanging out at the bowling alley this Saturday… if you’re free you could come? You seem chill, and our teams are uneven,” Tua grinned. “Also, my friend Nacho is kinda sick of being the only guy. So text me if you can make it!”


He nodded with a tired smile. "Will do. Oh, and remember, don't tell Kyran I said anything. He'll be pissed and I'd rather keep my head on my shoulders, thank you." And please unravel the secrets of my best friend. Because apparently even I can't do it.


Tua was thoughtful for the rest of the day, thinking over the conversation they'd had.
"Bro. Earth to Tua. Helloooo." Nacho was waving his hand in front of her face, and Tua started.
"Oh! Sorry." She hadn't even realizes she was spacing out. In her defense, it was what, ten? Savannah had gotten a random craving for ice cream, so they had dragged Nacho out with them to the only ice cream shop that stayed open this late.
"Must have been some conversation," Savannah commented drily over her strawberry milkshake. "I haven't heard anything about it. Which just isn't right considering my own contribution."
"You needed to talk to that professor anyway," Tua reminded her, rolling her eyes. "And yeah, it was an interesting conversation. Not the kind of thing I think I should share, though." She was quiet for a beat and then added "I invited Seth to bowling night, by the way."
"What?" Savannah asked while Nacho simultaneously let out a 'Thank God.' Tua shrugged.
"Hey, our teams are uneven,"
"I guess." Savannah said skeptically. "As long as he's alright, I haven't heard much about him."
"He's chill," Tua reassured her, waving her hands.
"At least there will be another guy around. I was considering asking some of my cross country friends," Nacho confessed. Savannah rolled her eyes.
"Hanging out with a bunch of jocks I don't know? Hard pass."
"You've never even met any of them!" He protested heatedly. Tua stared down at her Birthday Cake Ice cream and ignored her friends' bickering. Seth had given her a lot to think about… At least now she had one of her questions down, and a few more leads she could follow up on in the morning.


Kyran was sitting in his dorm, relaxing and trying to do some homework before a ping from his phone caught his attention.
So, your almost girlfriend broke into my Gov class this afternoon to pester me. Interesting choice in questions.
Kyran rolled his eyes and sighed.
Sorry about her. I'll talk to her about that in the morning.
Nah, don't worry about it. She's chill. You should've seen what she was wearing when she came in.


Tua woke up the next morning and sleepily started getting her materials for the day together.
She had work today, darn it. This was going to cut into her scheduled work as a private investigator on the shady history of her crush. Life was unfair sometimes.
At least she might see Kyran…? Maybe she would be able to get something out of him today.
In the meantime, she needed to get a few photos for painting inspiration. Nothing had particularly struck her yet, and Savannah had begun to send her those disapproving looks she got whenever Tua let a deadline get to close.
She didn't bother changing out of her purple plaid sleep pants, opting instead to just throw on her denim jacket (Pepper spray securely in one pocket and one of her candy stashes in the other) before heading out the door. The sun was just beginning to rise over the horizon, and Tua casually made her way over to the forest.

The forest in question was skirted by the trail she normally ran on. Students liked to hike through it when the weather was nice, and the Greek Life groups liked to throw wild parties they considered secretive further in. Lucy and Nacho claimed that multiple students had been murdered inside it, past where the trails ended. Definitely the correct place for painting inspo. (Not too far in, of course. She didn't ACTIVELY pursue death.)
She had Music Tech again today, she would have to wring some answers out of Kyran then.
Tua hummed to herself happily as she captured the dim horizon through the lens of her phone camera, beginning to plot out her day while the sun rose.


(Sorry I was late again! Also. Just so you are aware. I am constantly struggling to not throw in some kind of criminal plot or urban fantasy element to the story compeltely out of nowhere. Sorry that I'm unfamiliar with this kind of thing, but i'm making an effort fam!!)


(You don't have to apologize, we all get busy! And I like the plot throw in! I struggle hard with coming up with plots that aren't ridiculous so I'll take what I can get!)
Kyran was out on his morning run, just like always. The trail was quiet today, no other runners seeing as it could be pretty cold before the sun came up. He was nervous though. He almost dreaded Music Tech. What had Seth told her? What direction did he point her in? He tried to shake his thoughts away and pushed himself harder as the sun gleamed in his eyes.


The woods were starting to wake up. Tua could hear the rustling of animals she couldn't see in the underbrush, and birds were beginning to fly in between trees, singing. Every now and again, she would walk through a patch of sunlight that had managed to shine through the thick foliage. Tua snapped a few more pictures before turning on her heel and heading back towards campus.
She looked around when she came across the running path again, and sighed. No Kyran in sight.
Eh, there was always Music Tech.

Savannah was brushing her long blonde hair out in the mirror back at the dorm, eyes still swollen from sleep. She cringed back and glared at Tua when she threw the door open noisily.
"What are you, a vampire?" Tua laughed at her unapologetically.
"I would have killed you already if I was," Savannah muttered. "Find what you were looking for?"
"I don't know. Probably not." Tua tossed her iphone on her bed and made for the bathroom, raking her hair out of her eyes. It was stuck up in every possible direction, and Tua was suddenly thankful that she hadn't run into Kyran on her walk.
"You got Music Tech?" Savannah called from around the corner.
"Yeah," Tua called back. "I'll be headed out in a bit. Usual spot for lunch?" Savannah made a noise of vague agreement that could only mean she was applying eyeliner. After a struggle to contain her hair, Tua pulled on her clothes for the day, grabbed her backpack, and headed out. It was still too early for class, but that just meant she could take the long way around.


By the time Kyran made it back to his dorm, it was time to head out for class. He managed to get a quick shower and grabbed his bag before heading out. Now he was anxious. He didn't want to have to face her. He didn't want to have to explain anything. What was he about to get himself into by walking into this classroom?


Tua dropped her bag on the floor by her seat. Kyran wasn't here yet- probably a good thing, she hadn't even picked out a pick-up-line for the day. Lucy and Nacho weren't here either. That was less of a good thing. Lucy and Nacho not being here meant she would have to sit in silence until they arrived, and that was something she was morally against. Tua spied around the room for potential victims, and eventually made eye contact with a girl bearing glasses and short, mousy brown hair. She was sitting quietly next to a guy with a similar face structure- twins? Economics majors, based on the lifelessness in their eyes? Only one way to find out.
"Hi!" Tua said brightly, dropping into a seat directly in front of them. "So, the economy. What's up with that, right?"
"Um." The girl said uncomfortably, and they were chatting animatedly about corrupt business practices minutes later. Tua kept an eye on the door for the love of her life, of course.


Kyran walked into class with Seth by his side a few minutes later, the two of them talking quietly to each other about something. Kyran took his usual seat by the window comfortably, staring out at the landscape for a moment before returning to the conversation with a hint of a smile. To be honest, walking with Seth had made him completely forget about his worries, which was one of the things he loved about Seth. It was relaxing to have him around, what could he say.


Tua perked up as Seth and Kyran both took their seats. Lucy and Nacho were coming in behind them, so she said bye to her friends to move to her seat.
"Good morning!" She said cheerfully to Kyran and Seth as she passed their desks. "Looking good today!" She threw over her shoulder at Kyran, managing to trip over both her own desk and Lucy.


Seth covered his mouth to smother a snort while Kyran barely gave her a passing glance. "How do you put up with her?" "Believe me, if I knew, I'd tell you." Kyran slipped on his headphones, getting to work on his project. He still had to re-record but he was doing that at lunch. As for right now, he could work with what he had.


"Girl!" Lucy swatted her in retribution and then shoved Tua into her own desk.
"Are we still working on that project from the other day?"
"Yep," Nacho said morosely, fiddling with his earbuds. "On the bright side, game night tomorrow, chaps. That's something going right in my life, at least." Tua stared at him blankly and decided not to ask.
"Speaking of, is that Seth guy coming?" Lucy asked, fiddling with her wig. (A tasteful blue bob today, Tua noted. Very professional. It even had a kind of silvery tone to it, Lucy might as well be a law student with that getup.)
"I don't know, I'll ask him when I get the chance," Tua told her and then immediately turned around in her seat. "Hey! Seth!" She whisper shouted across the room.


Seth's head shot up, looking around, slightly confused. "Was someone calling my name or am I losing my mind?" "You're losing your mind." Kyran answered without missing a beat. Seth hit his shoulder. "Please, answer faster next time." He sighed with a roll of his eyes.


Tua frowned when Seth looked around but ultimately ignored her.
“Here, hand me that,” she said, snatching the paper Nacho was doodling on away from him. She crafted it into a mini paper air plane and sharpied the words “BOWLING NIGHT ????” on the wings before throwing it directly at Seth. It veered off course last second, hitting Kyran directly in the forehead.
Tua and Lucy froze.


Seth tried to smother his snort, seeing Kyran pause when he was hit in the face with the paper. He didn't even look, he didn't want to. "I believe that's for you." His tone was icy, cold and monotone. Seth picked up the paper, reading the message before turning and flashing a smile and a thumbs up. "So you've turned to the dark side and joined that annoyance." "Hey, it's not my fault that she invited me."


Tua grinned, matching Seth's thumbs up, eyes still wide with panic. She turned back in her seat and groaned into her arms. Lucy was silently laughing next to her.
"Don't laugh. I just assaulted the love of my life and he hates me now."
"He did anyways," Nacho muttered, still sulking. "And that was a great drawing of a ninja. This ain't friendship."
"Seth's coming to bowling night though!" Lucy pointed out brightly. "He better be good, my team isn't losing it's winning streak."
"You still use those plastic training things they give kids, you loser." Tua snorted. Lucy swatted her.
"They're FOR people who use their resources!"
"Do your work," The professor commented idly from up front, not looking up from his own computer. (Lucy and Nacho had a running bet that he spent his class periods watching The Office. Tua was inclined to agree with them.) The three turned back to their work in silence.


"Why?" "Why what?" "Why are you going?" "Because she seems like a fun girl and I've got nothing to do tonight. Why else?" Kyran shook his head, going back to his work. Because I'm scared you'll leave me like everyone else. Because I'm scared that you'll finally realize you can do better than me and I'll be alone again. Because I don't want my only friend to leave me all alone. He grit his teeth at his thoughts, swallowing the lump in his throat. He wouldn't know what to do if Seth abandoned him. He was all Kyran had.


(Dang, this kid needs a hug O.O)
Tua headed for the door with her friends as the bell rang, shoving her laptop ungracefully in her bag.
"Bye Kyran!!" She called backwards with a wave. Lucy, bless her, kept her from running into the door frame.
"You headed to another class?"
"Nah. Coffee shop. I have… research…. to do." Tua said dramatically. Nacho raised his eyebrows.
"PLEASE tell me this is for a school paper and not more Kyran-stalking." Tua said nothing, and Nacho shook his head. "I kinda pity this guy. Good luck, I guess? Try not to be too creepy?"
"I'm never creepy," Tua told him cheerfully, and made her way towards the campus coffee shop.
Time to see what she could find out about Kyran's old school.


(Indeed he does. But you'd never know that by looking at him, would you?)
Kyran headed towards the library like he always did, rolling over his short conversation with Seth again as he chewed on his lip. Tua was at risk of taking away the only thing keeping him above water right now and she didn't even realize it. But he wasn't going to tell her that. No, doing that meant quitting and he was not one to quit. He simply didn't know how to.


Tua settled into her comfy seat. She LOVED this coffee shop, especially this early. No one was ever here this early, and if they were, strategic plants blocked several of the seats from view of the door or the room. She opened her computer and added to her millions of tabs by Googling "PS 22, New York."
Kyran had DEFINITELY been involved with a sports team in High School, maybe even middle school. Where there were sports, there was publicity and new articles. She frowned at the time at the bottom of her screen- 10:08. She had two hours before work.


(Alright, you gotta help me out here- What is she allowed to find out?)

(She should find about his grades and dedication to the school's science club. He single handedly won the Science Decathlon all 4 years and was student body president. He was a golden boy in high school)


Kyran did his usual work at the library, thinking over what he would do if Seth actually left him. He ground his teeth, fighting back tears. Losing his only remaining pillar of stability may just be the straw that breaks the camels back. He would actually lose his mind.