forum Like An Open Book (OxO) CLOSED
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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….What. He agreed? Was she talking to a Doppelganger right now???? Tua was pretty sure seeing a person's Doppelganger was an omen of that person's death, that would be bad. Kyran was too pretty to die.
Tua's face was hurting from smiling.
"Wait, seriously? I mean, that sounds awesome!!" Tua paused, running what he had said back through her head. "Murdered? That seems a little extreme. Besides, consider all the joy I bring you on a daily basis. Who would be your hype-person if I died??"
They set off side by side at an easy jog. Her legs were really starting to hurt, she usually ran for about an hour and then called it a day.
Eh, worth it.


He quickly followed after her with a huff.
"I don't need some hyperactive chipmunk to follow me around, I've already got one of those by the name of Seth. I would get rid of him but I've known him for too long. And I don't know what you're definition of joy is but it's certainly different from mine."


Seth? Huh- Ohhh that must be the kid he sat next to in Music Tech! Good on Seth, she supposed.
"Chipmunk? I'll have you know I identify as a hyperactive goddess of infinite wisdom. As for the joy thing, if I need to step up my game I'm totally cool with that!" She paused for a moment to get a lungful of air. At least they weren't going too fast. "How'd you meet Seth?"


"Middle school. He, much like yourself, just bothered me until I acknowledged him. But he's also much more relaxed than you are so he succeeded while I still want to push you out a 5 story building."
He shot her a side eyed glare before looking back at the path ahead of them.


"So I'm on the right track, then," Tua said smugly. As smugly as she could when she was having trouble getting air to her lungs. "It's cool that you -wheeze, could we slow down a little-stayed friends this long though. I didn't know anybody my Freshman year."


"First, you're never going to get stronger if you can't even keep up with this slow of a pace. Second, don't count your chickens before they hatch, you don't have anything on Seth and his methodology."


"Um, ouch, but okay. Fair. " Tua took a few more minutes to breathe steadily before she spoke up again. "You're better at this than me, wow. How- how long 've you been running?"
So many missed pick up lines in that sentences. Wasted opportunities. Curse her lung capacity.


"I used to do track and cross country in high school so it's safe to say I've built up a lot of endurance. Thank God I did, it's taught me how to stay patient with your annoying ass." He gave her a quick side glance, wiping his face of sweat again.


"I have a fantastic ass, I beg your pardon," Tua said in a tone of genuine offense. "Do you run for the cross country team here now or do you just do it for fun and to-" she took a few breaths of air "-to stay in shape."
The sun was on the rise in front of them, the first few rays streaming through the trees to light up the sidewalk. She was going to have to head back to her dorm to shower and get ready for her early philosophy class soon.


"No, I just do it to keep myself in shape. The cross country team is too scared of me to let me in." He rolled his eyes with a shrug. "Not like it's anything new for me. People being scared."


“Well, you do kinda have an…aura, I guess,” Tua reflected. “I mean, I don’t mind it, don’t get me wrong. But. Yeah. Do you just really not like people? Because that’s fair,” Tua gasped for air. “My roommate- she’s like that. Says cats are better.” Hollyyyy crap she was DYING.


(FYI, if u read online about the Christmas morning bombing, that’s affecting me a lot rn. I got out of the area for now, but I’ll be headed back to an affected area soon. Sorry if I can’t be online for a bit, and I hope you had a Merry Christmas!)


(I'm sorry, the what now? I didn't even know that was a thing! It's good to hear you're okay! And don't worry about answering, I've been kinda busy myself so it's all good!)
"I guess you could call it that." Why the hell was he even entertaining this woman's nonsense rambling? Usually he would've peeled off by now but for some reason, he was keeping her company today. Something had to be wrong with him.


Tua stopped in her tracks, panting for breath, and let out the verbal equivalent of a keyboard smash to the best of her ability.
"I-hahh, I think I'm dying-Ahem. Sorry. I meant to say I probably need to head back and get ready for the day." As in fifteen minutes ago. "This was fun though, thanks! See you later!" Tua hesitated before she ran off. She hadn't even asked him out yet. It felt rude at this point to leave without at least one rejected date. "Also you should definitely go out with me sometime."
Not her most creative line, yes. She was dying from lack of oxygen, sue her. It was the principle of the thing.


He slowed to a stop, sweeping his hair out of his face.
"You know what? It feels almost wrong to not give you something for your persistence. How about this. The day you can look me in my eyes and answer three questions about who I am, I'll go out with you. And I'll have those three questions be this. Where did I grow up, how many siblings do I have and if I have any what are their names, and who was my first love." He smirked expectantly.
"I wish you the best of luck, you'll definitely need it."
He winked at her before taking off again, still having some time before he needed to get ready for the day.
(Aaaand plot development!)


Tua choked mid gasp for air. He hadn't turned her down instantly??? The heck??? Kyran was already too far ahead for her to chase him down and make him explain himself. Tua bounced on her heels, a little energy rushing back through her veins, and started making her way back to the dorm rooms. She would have this solved in NO time.

Upon returning the dorm, Tua made straight for her bed and flopped down on it, screaming incomprehensibly into the pillow.
"Hey! Don't do that, you're all gross right now," Savannah complained. She was applying her mascara in the mirror. Tua rolled around and flung one arm over her forehead, grinning.
"You will NEVER believe what just happened."
"You had a midlife crisis during your run and decided that you needed a sugar daddy and a new sports car?"
"…No?? What???"
"What." Tua stared at her friend for a second before clearing her throat and rushing on.
"ANYAYS, Kyran asked me out! Kind of." At this Savannah actually set down her mascara wand and turned to face Tua. She looked a little concerned.
"…Did you hit your head on the run?? How many fingers am I holding up?" Tua rolled her eyes.
"No, he DID. Kind of. Well, he's making me answer these three questions before he'll go out with me, and technically I was the one who asked him, but. It counts." Savannah hummed and turned back to her mirror with raised eyebrows.
"THAT makes more sense. Good luck, I guess."
"No wait! I had a reason to tell you this- I need help finding out his best friend's schedule. His name is Seth? He sits next to Kyran??"
"I think I know him," Savannah said thoughtfully. "I'll have to ask around for you. In the meantime, go take a shower or something. You're all sweaty and gross."
"I love you too!" Tua called over her shoulder cheerfully as she grabbed her things and headed for the showers.
Poor Kyran. She'd have this figured out before the week was over. Tua hummed to herself in the hallway, smiling.


(No no no, long is good! Good quality plot and character development takes time and quite a few finger cramps, as I've discovered)
Kyran finished up his run and circled back to his dorm, getting ready for the day quietly. He stared at himself as he brushed his teeth after his shower, smirking to himself. He knew what she was going to do. She was going to go to the one person she thought had all the answers.
And just as the name popped into his head, it also popped up on his phone screen. He finished brushing his teeth and picked up the call.
"I can feel a disturbance in the force. What did you do?"
"Seth, you're not going to like this."
"Did you agree to go out with Tua?"
"Kind of."
Kyran winced, pulling the phone away from his ear as he rolled his eyes.
"I told her that if she can answer three questions about me that I'll go out with her."
"And let me guess, she's going to come to me thinking that I one, know the answers, and two, will be willing to tell her if I do."
"Most likely."
"I hate you."
"Everyone does."


"Heyyy girl,"
It was lunchtime (finally), and Tua and her friends were hanging out at their usual picnic table. Tua looked up from her sketchbook as Lucy draped herself over her shoulder.
"Hey, what's up?"
"Savannah told me to tell you that Seth has Government in the evenings. Kyran doesn't though."
"How did she find that out?" Lucy shrugged and dropped herself down next to Nacho.
"Who knows." Tua hummed and pulled out her plotting notebook. Her and Savannah had made it back in Freshman year, after Savannah had found a sparkly sharpie at some random store and decided to scribble phrases like 'EVIL PLANS' or 'HIT LIST' on all of Tua's notebooks.
"Okay, good. We need a STRATEGY here, people. Kyran wouldn't have asked me those questions unless they were like. ReALLyyy hard to answer. So." Tua flipped through the notebook and found her 'Operation: Date my Soulmate ♡♡♡♡' section. It was thusfar filled with pick-uplines and romantic Shakespeare quotes.
"Why do we have to be involved," Nacho complained.
"Because. You're my friends and you love me. anyways, here's the questions he gave me."

  • 1. Where did he grow up.
  • How many siblings does he have
  • Who was his first love

Nacho blinked sleepily at the list from where he was hunched over his coffee.
"That… Is not three questions." Tua frowned at her list.
"Wait, it's NOT. That little-"
"Anyways. Ahem. Are you going to harass the best friend this evening? Because I'm like 90% sure you don't have Government." Lucy interrupted. Tua threw an arm around her friend good naturedly.
"Well, Not with THAT attitude I don't!"


(Real quick, what year of college are they in? I've been trying to just throw around general course names XD)


(Ah! Sorry, I've been busy all afternoon but I'd say they're in their second or third year. Probably third)
Kyran was in the library once again, this time getting chewed out by his best friend as they ate lunch together.
"How could you just throw me under the bus like that?!"
"Seth, I did nothing of the sort. I gave her some questions and walked away."
"But she knows of me meaning she's going to come bug me meaning you just dragged me into your relationship mess!"
"It's not a relationship, it's a test. I don't even think you know all the answers to the questions I asked."
"Damn right I probably don't. If it has anything to do with family, I've got nothing. You keep that shit under lock and key like a bank vault."
"There are some things that people just don't need to know."
"Did you give her a time period too?"
"No, I'm not that cruel. Just so long as she can answer them correctly, I'll accept it. Until then, it'll be like normal."


Tua's plan was set.
She adjusted her wig (She had borrowed a short blonde bob from Lucy) and straightened her sunglasses one more time, nodding approvingly at herself in the mirror.
There. She looked appropriately like some kind of law-major. She had even found a legally blonde-esque dress in Savannah's closet. Walking out of the bathroom, Tua made her way down to the Government Lecture hall, joining a steady stream of tired-looking students.
The best friend (Seth? His name was Seth.) Was already in the classroom, although, as predicted, the professor wasn't in yet.
(Savannah may or may not have visited her office with some questions on an assignment. Professors with open door policies were truly national treasures.)
Tua walked to the empty seat next to Seth and dropped herself in it, opening her laptop and trying to appear as bored and tired as possible. She had even brought a black coffee, she was that prepared. She set it a safe distance away from herself after taking a fake sip.


(Pfft, I love her that's exactly what I would do XD)
Seth eyed the mysterious stranger next to him for a second before turning away, trying to compose himself so he didn't burst out laughing. So this was her plan. Oh this was comedy gold. When he turned back to his computer, he tried not to seem too out of place.
"Tua, if you're going to break into someone's class, try and do a bit more research beforehand. The person that sits in that chair has black hair. And is also a guy." He commented off-handedly, not looking at her as an amused smile crept onto his face despite his best efforts.