forum Private RP with @TinyZombieKat (Stalkers Are Welcome, but You May Be Very Very Confused)
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oh shit i gotta start it you right dog

oKay lemmie catch up on stuff and I’ll be right off on it!

Deleted user

Two men. Actually, three if one were to think of it. Two men rules over them all. One is our King Neophyte, King Whembrooke. His sharp and intelligent Consult, Metaphorical, sits at his side, doing busywork of the poor. His butler, Wings, or usually referred to as Williams, always stands guard, more powerful than he seems in his white tailcoat, dress shirt, tie and shoes and neat hairdo. His brother… his brother we don’t talk about.

It was a hazy, cold evening. Neo and his twin were sitting in Cameron’s (oh, I forgot to mention him, didn’t I?) resturant, bickering silently under a lamp and in a booth. Both men had to duck their posture slightly, since they were so tall. Neo found it rather hard to duck his broad shoulders into his huge form, while M practically melted together, he was so used to a bad posture.

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Braith strolled absently down the central avenue, his gift of fire unconsciously keeping the evening's chill bite away. He was admiring the way the haze was making the lights softer adding an almost whimsical feeling to the otherwise bustling road. He was new to the area and had gotten lost most of the day, but he had ended up here, in this wondrous plaza.
He pulled a hand through his raven hair, frowning as his stomach gave an angry yowl. Grumbling to himself about making sure to purchase a map, he spun into the nearest restaurant. He smiled awkwardly at the room and the hostess before asking to be seated.
Once settled he glanced about the room, silently cursing himself for wanting to be adventurous by moving to a place where he didn't know a single soul. He had been warned fiercely by his older brother that he would not be rescued if things went sour. Yet, Braith had still walked out his parents home with a smile on his face and his head held high.
His gaze froze on two men seated a ways from him. Their tall forms looking almost comical in the booth where they were sitting. But something was familiar about one of them. He just couldn't put his finger on it.

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Metaphorical was putting up a hell of a fight against his brother in their argument. He was never one for fighting, though he could handle a gun pretty well, his strong suit was always words. He was like a walking dictionary of insults and many, many cuss words. The pair were arguing in Englifics, their voices rumbling deeply and angrily as they argued. M gave a particularly angry snap of retort, which made Neo slump back against the booth’s back, glaring hotly at his twin, who glared right back through tired, icy chips of rage.

“Hello sir!” Squeaked a voice at Braith’s feet. It was a small man of about 3’4, and he was extremely skinny with a tuft of jet black hair and pointed ears. An elf. A very happy one.
“May I take your order?”

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Braith jumped, startled of his reverie by the question. The high points of his cheeks stained pink at being caught staring. He still couldn't put his finger on who it was that sat at the booth. He had a feeling he should know and that was really only making it worse.
"Ummmm. Yea, yea. Sure of course." He peeked at the menu and pointed to the first thing he saw. "I'll have…that." he smiled at the little elf. He hoped it was actually edible.

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The elf giggled and looked down at the unopened menu. “Sir, surely you don’t want another menu!” He lapsed into more fevered and quiet fits of giggles. “May I suggest the chef’s special shrimp?” He opened the menu with a little hop, pointing to a picture of a particularly yummy looking dish of shrimp.

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Braith's blush deepened. He pulled his hand through his hair again, something he did when nervous, making stand up around his head like a raven colored halo. "That actually sounds pretty great." He agreed with a shy smile. His mother would have a fit knowing he was lapsing back into his shy youth ways. He worked his jaw for a moment before asking, "Excuse me? I'm sorry, but would you mind telling me who that is?" He nodded discreetly to the booth in question. "I have a feeling I know them, but it escapes me." He finished on a chuckle, hand still knotted in his hair. I look insane

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The elf gave a toothy grin. “Wonderful choice! What sides—“ He cut himself off to listen to Braith. Goodness, the man must’ve been new or something. Neo and M stuck out like a pair of sore thumbs.
“Sir, not to be rude, but are you new here? They are twins Metaphorical and Neophyte Whembrooke.”

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Oh. Oooooh. Braith's pink face went positively red. "I'm new to the area. As in a moved here today." another adorably awkward smile flashed across his face, "But um…yea. So those would be the rulers. Got it. Anyway….Sides?"
The very air around him seemed to heat with embarrassment. He looked down at his knuckles to see the tiny flickers of flame dance along the backs of his hands. Of all the people to stare at like an idiot!
safe to say his first day in the big city wasn't going well. At all.

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The elf beamed a toothy grin. “Welcome to Isla! ‘Tis a pleasure to see new faces around. Now! Yes! Sides.” He started to ramble off the side choices.
As he did that, M’s rumbling voice could be heard. But he spoke in English, this time.
“Perhaps I could do something other than—“
“No!” Neo’s harsh, angry voice cut across his twin’s. “You’re going to accept the fact that it is what you are stuck with! It is not hard. I cannot go, nor can Wings.”
“And why exactly can’t my useless butler go?”

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Braith choose a number of sides, realizing how hungry he was only at the last moment. When he heard the rumble of voices from the other booth get elevated, he dared another peek. It wasn't everyday that you sat not too far from the damn king. He leaned far to the left, trying to get a better view, but still remain unnoticed. It was obvious that the two men were twins, although one looked a little more wild than the other. He knew one of them had to be the king, but Braith idly wondered which was which. Should I introduce myself….? As the men continued to argue, Braith decided against interrupting. Besides what would he say?
He leaned a bit further to the side, putting his hand on the booth seat to brace himself, only to miss the seat entirely and tumble out of the booth. He lay on the floor, shocked expression on his blushing face. For the love of…

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“Zackary happens to be a very able man, M, I simply ask you to please—“
M cut him off with a hand. “I believe someone is watching us.” His sharp blue eyes were no longer on Neo’s face, but on Braith. Neo looked down just when Braith tumbled to the ground in a number of limbs.
Neo gave a little start and leaned out of the booth, knocking his legs into M’s, with an angry hiss from the latter.
“Are you okay, sir?” Neo asked softly, setting a hand on Braith’s shoulder.

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Braith wished to vanish. Right then, all he wanted in that moment was to sink into the ground and never have to face another being again. Especially not the King. The King who was now touching him.
He pulled himself into a sitting position, face pink and wincing, "Oh I'm fine. Truly fine." He waved a hand brushing off the incident. To his horror his hand burst into flame. He quickly closed his palm, snuffing out the bright flicker of light. His magic was always harder to control when he was emotional. It was like the element was hell bent on protecting him from everything.
"I'm sorry if I disturbed your meal, your Majesty." He said as he stood, brushing a hand through his messy black halo of curls. His rather large brown eyes, stayed firmly pointed at the floor.

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Neither of the men took notice of the flaming hand. M seemed more irritated at the fact that Braith was intruding and Neo wasn’t doing anything about it.
Neo smiled and sat up, gazing at him thoughtfully. “You weren’t disturbing anything. Cameron should be over here any moment with our check.”
M hissed something in rumbly Englific, Neo shot him an angry glare.

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Braith smiled, mortified. "Then I should be on my way. Again, I apologize." He bowed gracefully, more to just the King than to both men.
"I'm not from here so it's a wonder to see so many new things. Truly amazing." He couldn't help the awe that showing in his voice. Or the mischievous excited spark in his eyes, but was rambling wasn't he? Yes. Yes he was. Hr bowed again, before shifting to move back over to this own booth.

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Neo smiled and bowed his head slightly. “I hope you see much, much more. Isla is the safest large cities around. You’ll have a wonderful time.” He nodded at Braith before turning back into the booth, sighing. He really didn’t want to deal with his twin. It was so… exhausting.

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Braith was blushing for an entirely different reason as he sat back down, firmly. I hope I get to see much, much more of you, your majesty.
Sitting in his seat, Braith stretched to his full height. No where near the King's staggering stature, but tall enough to pass for older than he was. He could just see the elegant face of the King. He had schooled his face into careful neutrality, but Braith could see the subtle ticks here and there that showed many more emotions that most people probably never noticed.
He slowly sank back down to focus on the table before he got caught again. Why would a King ever be interested in him anyway? He ruled this world. He was well over several millennia old, compared to Braith's youthful 87. He would only think him a child. Braith frowned.

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Neo swept his hair back into the graceful do he had going. He was trying his best to keep his hair as short and neat as possible, and to possibly not end up looking like his elder twin. The pair spoke for a few moments more, before M dismissed himself and rose, shouldering back on his coat. He zipped it back up, hiding his brittle white shirt with a few unbuttoned buttons and dark tie. He bowed almost in a mocking manner to Neo before slouching off at a rather quick pace.

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Braith pretended to be super focused on his meal as M walked past. For some reason, he had the sense that getting on that man's radar would not be a good idea. He kept peeking up at Neo between bites, not entirely sure why he found the King to be so fascinating. He looked troubled and Braith wanted to say something, but he'd already interrupted enough for one day…
He took another bite of food. With the other hand he summoned a small blue flame to play with.

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Neo pawed at the fries for a few moments until a broad shouldered, tawny brunet bohbed out of the kitchen. His hair was fluffy and playful, and he wore an apron with a pair of kitchen gloves. The tall man sat in front of Neo, previously where M sat, beaming. This brunet, tan and brown-eyed man was Cameron.
“Hey Neo. Here’s your check.” He slid the neat little envelope over to Neo’s hands.
Neo smiled and nodded. “Thanks Cameron. How’s Cormac faring?”
Cameron grinned at the mention of his son. Cameron had to raise the child alone, since…. well… Cameron didn’t like to talk about it much.
“He’s great. He just started third grade.”

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Do not be nosy. Braith chastised himself. Growing up in a house with a brood of brothers and sisters, he wasn't to familiar with personal space. He didn't mean to be rude, he was also just a naturally curious person. Open to the world around him. If he were being honest with himself he wanted to just listen to the King speak for hours, but he wasn't honest with himself so he remained oblivious to his budding attentions.