He perks and smiles, nuzzling her shoulder before swooping her into his arms and walking to the couch.
He perks and smiles, nuzzling her shoulder before swooping her into his arms and walking to the couch.
"Ack!" She shrieks, then laughs and sighs happily. "What movie?"
"You chose, I'm in a very good mood today." He says happily.
"I have no idea…Infinity War is too depressing…how about Ant-Man and The Wasp?" Mar suggests.
"Sounds wonderful." He kisses her forehead and smiles before walking to the fridge and grabbing the ice cream.
"How much ice cream do you have?" Mar laughs, turning on the T.V.
"More than enough." he replies, laughing softly.
"That's good." Mar smiles.
He returns with the ice cream and turns on the movie, pulling a blanket over the both of them.
(Can it be winter? I have a really good idea for the proposal.)
(okay, sure.)
"Thanks, puppy." She snuggles against him.
He nods and kisses her forehead, smiling softly.
(does he know that she has insomnia)
Not tired at all, Mar kept her eyes glued to the screen. She loved Marvel.
He smiles softly, running a hand through her hair.
Mar's green eyes were captivated as the heroes did their job on the screen. She smiled up at him, then turned back to the screen.
He chuckles quietly and rests his head on hers.
idk what to do//
(Time skip to the next day?)
When Marlene woke the next day, Antoine was gone. Breakfast was already made and there was a small bouque of roses and a small note. Meet me in the park, 5pm. Don't be late. Love you! ~Antoine
(ya dis is great
except for the part that Mar doesn't sleep…but we'll just say he snuck out)
Mar raised an eyebrow at the roses, then smiled and put them in a vase. This wasn't normal for Antione, but then again, he was always dying to please her. This was probably no different.
She ate her breakfast, puzzling over the note. She didn't think anything in fear that she'd worry or scare him. She wasn't worried or scared but confused. She anticipated 4;30 when she could finally drive to the park.
Meanwhile, Antoine was busy, he was currently at the jewelers, looking for a perfect ring. He had everything else… except for that.
It was 4:30. Mar jumped up, grabbed her keys, and ran to Hayley, gunning her engine with gusto.
Antoine was nervously pacing in the snow, taking a slow and quiet breath. The path that leads to him was alight with candles and snow slowly trickled down from the grey clouds.
Mar jumped out of the car and headed up the park pathway, looking around for Antione and hugging her coat around her. Her boots crunched in the freshly-fallen snow.
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