forum crash landing (one on one//closed)
Started by @_sleeby_rat_

people_alt 2 followers


Unlocking the door, Liam held it open for Cyprus as they entered. Max and Luke were playing video games and dint bother looking at at them as they entered.


Eventually, Max looked up and smiled, “Hey Guys! Sorry, kinda in.. the .. middle of..” He trailed off when the game picked up. Liam laughed, “Right, food,” he said, walking into the kitchen and taking out the necessary ingredients and equipment.


Cyprus followed him into the kitchen, sitting down on one of the counters as he tried to keep out of the way. "Do you need help?" he asked


Liam watched him out the corner of his eye, smiling as he cut the meat and set the pasta into the stove. He then started on the other vegetables.


Liam hummed a little to himself as he stored the sauce, making sure it was cooking correctly. He tasted a little and then held the spoon to Cyrpus, “Wanna taste?”


Cyprus nodded in acknowledgement before setting the knife and cutting board in the sink. He hopped up onto the counter, legs swinging idly


Liam hummed to himself as he cooked. Once it was ready, he took out two bowls, drained the pasta before placing it in the bowls. He then took the sauce and placed a fair amount on the pasta, “Do you want cheese?”


He took out the heater and took the cheese out of the packet. He then grated the cheeese on his and Cyrpus’ meals, before taking out a spoon and a fork, passing the bowl and cutlery to Cyrpus.