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forum Assassin’s guild//Finished Rp//Look for part 2
Started by @StarkSpangledMayflower_Mad_Elder

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Zoe still held the journal in her hand as she climbed into her bed. "Alright kiddo, I'm waking you up really early tomorrow for the oil job." Zoe informed her.

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"Oh you shouldn't have said that." Zoe winced. She was so going to do it.

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"Night, kiddo." Zoe replied before she threw a blanket over her, making sure it covered her arms which were tightly holding on to the small leather journal


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( aw dang, I really want to do that oil prank…………………………I mean no one will notice since they never found out about the snacks.)

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( Why don't we just timeskip to the oil prank and then stop there?)


(I am a little sad but happy lol idk how to feel. Y’all love this to so much that you constantly add to it but you do things that I have no clue how to add to the plot I have in mind like what’s all this about and oil prank?)

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( Whoops sorry, Zoe and Luna are planning the demise of the guild. But like it's a back up plan if they actually need it, you have to wait and see for the oil prank.)


Zhavia woke up on the balcony of the library and stood up. "It's daylight already? Did I just sleep out here all night?" She winced at the pain in her back, she didn't pay to much attention to it because she knew she was going to be okay. "Is everyone still asleep?"

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(No wait, Luna and Zoe need to do the oil prank first.)

Zoe got up around 2:00 in the morning and dumped a cold bucket of water on Luna. "Rise and shine little angel." Zoe greeted her cheerfully. (Is swearing allowed on here?)

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( Zoe: Dumps toilet water on rachel RISE AND SHINE MOTHERFUCKER!)