(Yes thank you. The girls did there job well.)
(Yes thank you. The girls did there job well.)
Alexander came to the staircase that connected floors "i'll get the lower floor you get the top floor."
Zoe heard Alexander's voice. Zoe carefully made her way towards Luna. "Traitor, get to our room." Zoe hissed
"Got it!" Zhavia took a step and landed with a Smack on the ground. Why was she so clumsy lately? "That hurt!" She kicked her feet around while holding her head. "Now I'm flammable!" She stood slipping around a bit before she got used to it. "I hope no one has a match." She finally decided that kind of skating was the easiest way down the hall. "Zoe, Luna!"
Luna nodded before she heard Zhavia's voice. Time to go now. She looked to the window and climbed down to her room. She dropped in and changed so her clothes didn't smell like oil. She climbed in bed and started reading.
Alexander went across the lower floor warning everyone about the oil
Zoe quickly changed her clothes and masked the scent of oil as she sat in her bed, writing in her diary.
Alexander walked up to Zoe and Luna's rooms and stuck a note to their doors "i'm sorry…" he walked away and tried to find something to sop up the oil.
This is so annoying! Zhavia hissed. The way Zoe has been treating her is really childish and now she's gotten Luna in on it as well. She thought they had been friends, at least a bit. But, she was obviously wrong. "Damn it, Zoe! Where are you?" Zhavia slipped and fell to her knees. Stupid Guild, Stupid hallway, Striped oil. Zhavia had not been herself lately and she knew it. At this moment all she wanted to do was slap Zoe for being childish and stupid.
(Go to her room!)
Alexander heard Zhavia fall and went to assist "Zhavia, are you ok?"
Zhavia slid across the hall and banged on Zoe and Luna's door "Zoe open up!" Obviously, she wasn't actually going to slap her that would just start things and she didn't want that. It's something she would only do in her head. But, she would like her friend back "What do you think you are doing?" Zhavia slipped and banged her head on their door "Ow!" She rubbed her head "Seriously I think it's about time you actually talk to me."
(Luna avoids everyone… Confrontation is not her thing.)
Luna got out of bed and opened the door to let Zhavia in. The oil was sort of everywhere.
(Luna avoids everyone… Confrontation is not her thing.)
(Zhavia knows that haha she's more talking about Zoe. Zhavia knows her and Luna won't ever be that close just as long as Luna doesn't completely ignore her she's fine)
Zhavia looked up looking like a mess her hair and clothes covered in oil. "Ah, Luna hi" She smiled. Zhavia sighed she was exhausted by this point and her body ached. At least this was a good workout.
Zoe quickly grabbed a small journal off her desk and hid it before Luna let Zhavia in.
(Hey ShadeStar you know the song if I die young?)
(I’m so confused, hi from page 27)
(Hello, would you like a summery?)
(I’m a summary would be nice, please?)
(What page?)
( Sips water. Alright, Luna and Zoe are sitting in their beds, somehow talking about the demise of their guild and how they would adjust and live with outside life. So Zoe thinks that they should have a backup plan, so Luna and Zoe call it One O Four. Only Zoe and Luna know. The next day around 1:00 in the morning, Zoe and Alexander team up to do a horrible prank to Rachel. After, Zoe offers Alexander the chance to participate in their oil prank. For the moment, he agrees. Zoe dumps a pail of water on Luna to wake her up. Once Alexander sees that Luna is involved in this, he quits and decides to Warn Zhavia. Now Alexander and Zhavia think that Zoe and Luna are going to start a fire and are being very childish. So Alexander goes and warns everyone about the oil, thinking they're in danger while Zhavia is going to have a chat with Zoe. When it was actually a simple oil prank.)
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