Luna smiled slightly as she followed Zoe into the shadows. She hadn't seen the end of the girls torment, but Luna was snickering once everyone but Zoe was out of sight.
Luna smiled slightly as she followed Zoe into the shadows. She hadn't seen the end of the girls torment, but Luna was snickering once everyone but Zoe was out of sight.
"Oh man that was fun, we should oil the floors next." Zoe suggested.
"No-" She paused. Maybe this will help get her anger out a bit more "Actually yes I would love one," Her aim still isn't the best, but that will make all the more fun to use.
Luna laughed and smiled, "Yes. Directly outside the bathroom. That is the best spot."
(So I will be going on vacation soon. The 12th through the 23rd and I was thinking Zhavia could be on a secret mission during that time. I'll try and post while I'm up there so you know what's going on with her. Just a heads up so you guys don't think I just left the RP.)
(for some reason the message was deleted)
Alexander hands Zhavia the wrist mounted cross bow "this is easier to aim."
(So I will be going on vacation soon. The 12th through the 23rd and I was thinking Zhavia could be on a secret mission during that time. I'll try and post while I'm up there so you know what's going on with her. Just a heads up so you guys don't think I just left the RP. And I'll try and keep up with Darkest minds to it just might be hard for me to reply.)
Luna laughed and smiled, "Yes. Directly outside the bathroom. That is the best spot."
"No, we should do the entire building, just imagine the morning." Zoe corrected her and gave a small laugh.
"Thanks. Heads up sorry if I'm in a mood today and end up being mean to you at some point" Zhavia sighed and ran her hand through her hair. "I'm just not in a good place right now." She gave Alexander the best smile she could muster up at the moment.
Luna chuckled as she smiled wickedly, "Yes. Where are we going to get that much oil though?"
Alexander shrugged "i'm not in the best mood either, i was blamed for someone sneaking up on me… and Zoe decided i needed to be treated like i was 7."
Luna chuckled as she smiled wickedly, "Yes. Where are we going to get that much oil though?"
Zoe thought about it for a minute. "Maybe the blacksmiths or we can ask Eira for some too." Zoe suggested.
"At least she talks to you." Zhavia wanted to punch a wall but she already beat someone half to death she didn't want to make it worse "I'm going for a run in the forest in you want to join?"
Alexander nodded "sure, any where but here is better."
"Race you!" She shouted getting a head start. She knew Alexander was a bit faster than her so she gave herself a head start.
Alexander chuckled and quickly caught up but kept pace with her "winner gets 20$"
"That's not fair you'll win." Zhavia laughed "You just want an easy 20$" She always thought being Around Alexander was really fun. He made her feel like she didn't always have to be so serious.
"i'm also still stumbling from the blunt force trauma." he's a little slower but still keeps pace
Yeah, Zoe has been a bit strange lately." Zhavia stopped to take a breather once the made it to the forest "I think it's because of Our fight, but she didn't lose so I don't know why she is so mad."
Alexander stopped as well, no use in having a bet if one person just stops, "Her and Luna always hated me… ever since i joined he's treated me like a god damned child."
( Zoe doesn't hate Alexander, she is just in a bad mood lately, but she likes him, in a friend way.)
"Well, I don't think you act like a child. But, I know I do sometimes," She thought back to when she beat up those girls "I actually just beat up some girls, But in my defense, they started it. I just finished it really good."
(he's always avoiding her and Luna, he THINKS she hates him due to her hanging out with Luna.)
( Oh ok, thanks for clearing that up.)
"Well, I don't think you act like a child. But, I know I do sometimes," She thought back to when she beat up those girls "I actually just beat up some girls, But in my defense, they started it. I just finished it really good."
Alexander looked at her still slightly blood covered shoe "is that really Rachel's blood?…" he offers a highfive "i've ALWAYS hated her."
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